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Cellulare api - [PDF Document] (1)

Mobile phone-induced honeybee worker piping

Daniel FAVRE1,2

1Scientific collaborator in the Laboratory of Cellular Biotechnology (LBTC), Swiss Federal Institute of Technology(EPFL), Lausanne, Switzerland

2Apiary School of the City of Lausanne, Chemin du Bornalet 2, CH-1066, Épalinges, Switzerland

Received 24 June 2009 – Revised 29 March 2010 – Accepted 8 April 2010

Abstract – The worldwide maintenance of the honeybee has major ecological, economic, and politicalimplications. In the present study, electromagnetic waves originating from mobile phones were tested forpotential effects on honeybee behavior. Mobile phone handsets were placed in the close vicinity of honeybees.The sound made by the bees was recorded and analyzed. The audiograms and spectrograms revealed that activemobile phone handsets have a dramatic impact on the behavior of the bees, namely by inducing the workerpiping signal. In natural conditions, worker piping either announces the swarming process of the bee colony oris a signal of a disturbed bee colony.

worker bee / acoustic communication / mobile phone handset / worker piping / induction


Honeybees are essential partners for thesuccess of agriculture. The economical role ofhoneybees in worldwide pollination has beenvalued to be around 153 billion euros in theyear 2005 (Gallai et al. 2009). Bee losses havebeen recorded for more than a century (Hart1893; Aikin 1897; Beuhne 1910; Wilson andMenapace 1979). Scientists suspect manyfactors to be responsible for the killing of thebees, of which the varroa mite, pesticides,viruses, farming practices, monoculture, hy-giene in the hive, and climatic factors are themost widely cited possibilities. Starting in2003–2004, bee colonies worldwide suddenlybegan to show symptoms of the so-calledcolony collapse disorder (CCD). CCD initiallyaffects the worker bees, which desert the hive.The queen bee is usually abandoned in the hive

with the young brood and with an abundanceof honey, so that the colony can survive for avery short time. However, without the workerbee population, the colony becomes unsustain-able and dies out. Never before have honey-bees disappeared globally and at such a highrate.

Current theories about the potential cause(s)of CCD essentially include increased losses dueto the invasive varroa mite (Donzé et al. 1998).Pesticide poisoning (through exposure to pesti-cides applied for crop pest control), potentialimmune-suppressing stress on bees (caused byone or a combination of several factors such asapiary overcrowding, pollination of crops withlow nutritional value, pollen or nectar dearth),drought, monocultural practices, migratorystress (brought about by the moving of the beesin long distances), and increased transmission ofpathogens have also been usually cited as a causeof CCD (U.S.D.A. 2007). Other causes mightinclude genetically modified crops (Malone andPham-Delegue 2001) and exceptionally coldwinters.

Corresponding author: D. Favre,[emailprotected] editor: Yves Le Conte

Apidologie Original article* The Author(s) 2011. This article is published with open access at Springerlink.comDOI: 10.1007/s13592-011-0016-x

Cellulare api - [PDF Document] (2)

Recent efforts have been made to studyanother potential cause responsible for beelosses: man-made electromagnetic fields. Theresults obtained to date have been highlycontroversial. In princeps studies performed byusing digitally enhanced cordless telephoneslocated in the bottom of beehives, it has beenshown that exposed honeybees were perturbedin their returning behavior to the hive afterforaging (Harst et al. 2006; Diagnose-Funk2007; Stever et al. 2007).

Honeybees possess magnetite crystals in theirfat body cells and they present magneticremanence (Gould et al. 1978; Keim et al.2002). These magnetite structures are activeparts of the magnetoreception system in honey-bees (Hsu and Li 1994; Hsu et al. 2007).Honeybees can be trained to respond to verysmall changes in the constant local geomagneticfield intensity (Walker and Bitterman 1989a).They can also communicate through chemicaland acoustical means (Winston 1991; Tautz2008). Therefore, the analysis of the soundfeatures of bee colonies was a method of choicein the present study, since it can be correlatedwith the activity of the bees (Esch 1967;Michelsen et al. 1986; Donahoe et al. 2003;Pierce et al. 2007; Ferrari et al. 2008).

To my knowledge, no systematic studieshave been conducted on potential effects ofelectromagnetic radiation from mobile phoneson honeybee behavior. Here, I present resultsfrom corresponding original experiments I havecarried out with honeybee populations exposedto active mobile phone radiation. The goal ofthese experiments was to identify potentialeffects of mobile phone communications onhoneybee behavior and to establish simplemethodology to enable other beekeepers toreproduce the experiments.


2.1. Sound recording and analysis

An acoustical method based on sound analysis forclassification was employed to identify the changestriggered by mobile phone handsets on the behavior

of the honeybee Apis mellifera carnica. The soundsproduced by the bees in their normal activities wererecorded as negative control (with or withoutinactive mobile phones in the hive); activity of thebees was also recorded with active mobile phones inthe hive (see below). Five healthy hives (eitherDadant-Blatt or Swiss Bürki types) were monitoredfor sound during several recordings performedbetween February and June 2009. During theprevious autumns and winters, the bees had beentreated against the varroa mite Varroa destructorwith formic acid and oxalic acid, as recommendedelsewhere (Charrière et al. 2004). Beehives werelocated either in the beekeeping and apiary school of thecity of Lausanne (altitude, 749 m) or in a second siteused by beekeepers north of the city ofMorges (altitude,510 m; both locations in Switzerland). The recordingdevice consisted of a bidirectional compact microphone(Olympus ME-31) with frequency response from 70 to14,000 Hz connected to a vocal recorder (Olympus LS-10). The use of omnidirectional microphones such asthe ECM 3005 (Monacor) or the electret condenser 33-3013 (Radio Shack) is also possible, as describedelsewhere (Ferrari et al. 2008; Rangel and Seeley2008). The recorded signal was digitized as aWaveform audio file format sound file with 160 kbps.The computer program Adobe Audition 1.5 wasemployed for the manual analysis of the sound filesand for the generation of the audiograms (also calledsonograms) and spectrograms (oscillograms), as de-scribed elsewhere (Ferrari et al. 2008).

In this pilot study, more than 80 different sound

recordings were performed in five different hives

throughout the assay period starting early February

and ending June 2009. In the geographic area where

the experiments took place, the bees usually begin to

forage to collect nectar and pollen in early March,

depending on the weather conditions.Sounds made by honeybees were recorded in the

two conventional models of hives (Swiss Bürki andDadant-Blatt) that are found in Switzerland.

2.2. Mobile phone experimental arrangement

Two mobile phone handsets were randomlychosen from a selection of four different apparatushaving specific energy adsorption rate (SAR) valuesof either 0.271, 0.62, 0.81, or 0.98 W/kg (tissue) and

D. Favre

Cellulare api - [PDF Document] (3)

900 MHz GSM roaming (Global System forMobile communications, originally from GroupeSpécial Mobile). The sum of the two random SARvalues was always below the 2-W/kg maximumupper limits recommended in the guidelines of theInternational Commission on Non-Ionizing Radia-tion Protection (I.C.N.I.R.P 1998). Four differentsubscriber identity module cards unrelated to theexperimenter were randomly used.

For negative controls, the two apparatus were

not present in the hive during the recording of the

natural background sounds made by the bees. For

undisturbed control experiments (“sham” experi-

ments), the two mobile phone handsets were either

shut down or kept in the standby mode. The basic

setup of the experiments is schematically shown in

Figure 1.In order to establish whether inactive mobile phone

handsets perturbed the behavior of the bees, two mobilephone handsets were placed in the hive in close vicinityof the honeybees. In a first series of experiments(negative control; n=8), two inactive (“off” mode)mobile phone handsets were placed in the hive for upto 24 h. In a second series of experiments (shamexperiments, “standby” mode; n=10), the two mobilephone handsets were kept in the hive in the standbymode, for prolonged periods of time (4 to 24 h). Aspositive control experiments, the two mobile phonehandsets were employed in an active communicationmode. The first mobile phone was placed in the hive

and was supplemented with a hands-free kit, the minimicrophone of which was held in front of a radioapparatus maintained outside the hive (≈60 cm away,so that it does not interfere with the recordingperformed by the microphone near the bees) andconstantly playing the France info program (output ofthe small radio loudspeaker, −18±2 dB at 1 cm). Thisenables a permanent signal to be sent from this first toa second telephone, otherwise without this signal thecommunication is automatically interrupted after aperiod of time. To generate a mobile phone commu-nication near the bees, the first mobile phone was


42 3



1 4





1 3





�Figure 1. Apparatus positioning in the different hives.a Schematic drawing. Sound recorder 1 was connected toa microphone 2, the latter was placed in the close vicinityof the bees in the hive. The first (emitting) mobile phone3 was connected with hands-free kit, the latter having itssmall microphone maintained on the loudspeaker of aradio apparatus 4. A second (receiving) mobile phone 5,also having a hands-free kit, was also kept inside thehive. The use of the radio apparatus is intended to allowa permanent communication between the two mobilephone handsets, in order to avoid unwanted disconnec-tion after a while. b Image of a Dadant-Blatt model ofbeehive. The microphone is placed through the uppernourishing hole. c Image of a Swiss Bürki model ofbeehive. The microphone was placed behind a boardhaving a grid instead of a glass plate. During theexperiments, the door of the Bürki hive was closed andthe Dadant-Blatt hive was covered with the roof. Asimilar positioning can be easily performed with othertypes of beehives.

Cellular phones and worker piping

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triggered to call a second mobile phone that was alsoplaced in the hive. The communication was estab-lished after a ringing signal lasting from 5 to 10 s. Thissecond apparatus was also supplemented with a hands-free kit. The sum of the SAR values of the two mobilephones was always below the recommended limit of2 W/kg, as mentioned above. Several independentexperiments (n=12) with the presence of activelycommunicating mobile phone handsets in the hivewere performed. The established active mobile phonecommunication could be controlled at any time in twodifferent ways: by direct hearing of the communicationusing the hands-free kit from the second mobile phone, orby controlling the functional state of the communicationby calling—from a third independent telephone—one ofthe two active mobile phone handsets involved in theexperiment.

For each experiment, local weather parameters(temperature, wind, precipitation, atmospheric pres-sure, and duration of sunshine) were obtained from theOffice Fédéral de Météorologie et de Climatologie(MétéoSuisse).


3.1. Background control experiments

The analysis of the sound files revealedsimilar characteristics and events that werenot dependent on the model of the beehive(Figure 2). Beehives undisturbed by a mobilephone apparatus revealed the same soundcharacteristics as previously reported for otherhoneybee colonies (see “Discussion”). Thefundamental frequency of A. mellifera carnicawas in the range of 450 to 500 Hz. Slightly lessactivity of the bees was recorded during the

night than during the day. More sound inten-sities were recorded during spring and earlysummer than during winter, thus probablyreflecting the number of the active bees presentin the hives.

0 t (min)

0 10 20 30 t (min)




- 1.0

- 0.5



- 1.0

- 0.5








10 20 30



0 t (min)

0 10 20 30 t (min)




- 1.0

- 0.5



- 1.0

- 0.5








10 20 30



Figure 2. Spectrograms and audiograms of hivesounds. a, c Swiss Bürki model. b, d Dadant-Blattmodel. a, b without any mobile phones in the hive. c,d with two mobile phones kept in standby mode inthe hives. Intensity values of audiograms might varybetween beehives, depending on the microphonepositioning and the number of bees in the undisturbedhive. Spectrograms are reported in hertz (Hz); audio-grams are normalized (n.a. −1 to +1). Time (t) isindicated in minutes.

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3.2. Mobile phone handsets in standbymode in the hive

The analysis of the various sound filesrevealed that the bees were not disturbed bythese inactive or standby mobile phone hand-sets, since no dramatic changes in the funda-mental intensity and frequency patterns of thesounds produced in the hive were recorded(Figure 2c, d), as compared to the backgroundexperiments performed without any mobilephone handsets (Figure 2a, b).

3.3. Mobile phone handsets activatedin the hive

A result from a typical sound recordingexperiment is shown in Figure 3a. Mobile phonehandsets in the hive were initially kept for a while(around 25 min) in standby mode and then put inan active communication mode. Sound analysisin the beehive revealed that the bees initiallyremained calm after the onset of the communica-tion mode, but started to produce sounds thatwere higher in both frequency and amplitudeafter about 30 min of communication of themobile phone handsets. After about 15 additionalminutes, the mobile phone handset communica-tion was interrupted. The bees returned to a quietstate after 2 to 3 min, since the frequency andintensity in the hive had returned to the basalvalues recorded in the beginning of the experi-ment. Negative control runs showed that the radioitself did not induce any changes in bee behaviorwith mobile handsets deactivated.

In order to assess how much time the beeswould need to return to a basal sound statusafter mobile phone communication, experimentswere performed by placing in the hive activelycommunicating mobile phone handsets forprolonged periods of time ranging up to 20 h.Sound analysis revealed that the bees’ soundvalues increased in both the intensity andamplitude ranges throughout the experimentalperiod, as compared to background values priorto onset of the mobile phone communication. Ineach of the independent experiments, both thesound intensity and the frequency increased

about 25 to 40 min after the onset of the mobilephone communication. Twelve hours after thecessation of the mobile phone communicationin the hive, the bees were still producing moresound in both intensity and frequency ascompared to the initial background mode,suggesting that the behavior of the beesremained perturbed for up to 12 h after theend of a prolonged mobile phone communica-tion. Analysis of a shorter period of time lasting3 min is presented (Figure 3b).

1 32a

0 30 60 90 t (min)

0 t (min)




- 1.0

- 0.5



- 1.0

- 0.5









2 3

Figure 3. Induction of honeybee worker piping bymobile phone handsets. a standby mobile phonehandsets in the hive were activated 25 min. after theonset of the experiment (1). The beginning ofincreased noise and frequency in the hive wasobserved ca. 35 min later (2) and is indicated by alonger arrow. The cessation of the mobile phonecommunication is indicated (3). b Recording of beenoise in a hive submitted to prolonged (20 h) activemobile phone handsets. Spectrograms are reported inhertz (Hz); audiograms are normalized (n.a. −1 to +1).Time (t) is indicated in minutes.

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When the sound produced by honeybees inhives containing active mobile phone handsetswas analyzed in more detail, it was determinedthat the bees were producing the so-called“worker piping” (Figure 4a). Spectrogramsobtained in the present study revealed variousmodes of worker piping. First, bimodal pipes

having a fundamental frequency of around 150–250 Hz and a duration of about 200±51ms (n=60pipes) and 430±103 ms (n=30 pipes) wererecorded throughout the experiment involvingmobile phone handsets communication in thehive. The harmonic nature of each pipe, ascompared to results presented elsewhere (Seeleyand Tautz 2001), was also evident. Anothershorter type of worker piping, having a funda-mental frequency of around 400–500 Hz and aduration of about 9±2 ms (n=50 pipes), wasalso recorded as a prolonged succession ofpulses lasting together up to 2 s (Figure 4b).This short piping signal was also presentingharmonic features ranging up to several thou-sand hertz. Two other types of signals werealso recorded; however, less often than the twosignals described above, a strong harmonic pipingsignal with a basal frequency of 500±50 Hz andlasting 75±15 ms (Figure 4c; n=10) and a signalwith a basal frequency of around 2,250±250 Hzand lasting 225±50 ms (n=10; Figure 4d).Analysis of some recordings presented a mixtureof the signals mentioned above (Figure 4e). Allthese different signals were recorded solely inbeehives that were subjected to the influence ofactively communicating mobile phone handsets,irrespective of both the location and the seasonwhen the experiments were performed. More-over, the observations of worker piping were alsoindependent of the weather conditions prevailingduring the experiments.


The results of the present pilot study clearlyshow that the presence of actively communicat-ing mobile phone handsets in the close vicinityof honeybees had a dramatic effect, namely theinduction of worker piping which was regularlyobserved about 25 to 40 min after the onset ofthe mobile phone communication. This obser-vation means that: (1) honeybees are sensitiveto pulsed electromagnetic fields generated bythe mobile telephones and (2) under thesecirc*mstances, observable changes in the be-havior of the bees are not artificial, but can beproven to occur reproducibly. Although mobile

t (sec)






- 1.0

- 0.5







0 1





- 1.0

- 0.5




t (sec)0 2 4 6



t (sec)0 2 4 6





0 2 t (sec)



Figure 4. Mobile phone-induced honeybee workerpiping. Various modes of worker piping (a–e) wererecorded in the presence of actively communicatingmobile phone handsets in the hive. Spectrograms arereported in hertz (Hz); audiograms are normalized(n.a. −1 to +1). Time (t) is indicated in seconds.

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phones are not present in the close vicinity ofhoneybees in real life, this study provideselements for the establishment of further experi-ments involving such apparatus placed atincreasing distances from the bees. Potentialconsequences of these observations are dis-cussed below in more detail.

4.1. Rationale of the experimental design

The experimental design employed was set upin order to enable beekeepers and researchers inthe field to easily reproduce the experiments withthe use of conventional materials and user-friendly computer programs. Honeybees are usu-ally not living in the close vicinity of electromag-netic fields induced by mobile phone handsets inthe hive. However, the conditions employed in thepresent experiments have biological significance,since the sum of the SAR values from the twomobile phone handsets were always below the 2-W/kg maximal value recommended for this fre-quency (I.C.N.I.R.P 1998). It seems likely that asimilar effect on bees can occur with relativelylow-dose exposure over a prolonged period oftime. In this context, it should be emphasized thatradio frequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF)have increased by an order of magnitude over thelast 20 years in Switzerland; a mean weeklyexposure of 0.13 mW/m2 (83.8% of all emittingRF-EMF) has been reported (Frei et al. 2009).Since both randomly visited outdoor locations andthe proximity to mobile phone base stationsshowed a mean RF-EMF exposure of 0.21 mW/m2, experiments employing two mobile phonehandsets in the hive were finally chosen forpractical reasons. The experiments described inthis article might therefore be applicable every-where, since nearly all countries in the worldtoday are readily covered with GSM networks(GSM roaming, coverage maps).

4.2. Mobile phone handsets and inducedhoneybee worker piping

It is known that honeybees possess magnetitecrystals in their fat body cells and that they presentmagnetic remanence (Gould et al. 1978; Keim et

al. 2002). These magnetite structures are activeparts of the magnetoreception system in honey-bees (Hsu and Li 1994; Hsu et al. 2007).Importantly, it has been shown that honeybeescan be trained to respond to very small changesin the constant local geomagnetic field intensity(Walker and Bitterman 1989a). In that study,magnetic anomalies as low as 26 nT (nanoTesla)were responsible for changes in the foragingbehavior. Moreover, attached magnets impairmagnetic field discrimination by honeybees(Walker and Bitterman 1989b). Therefore, itremains to be established which minimal levelin variations of the local pulsed electromagneticfields induced by mobile phone handsets andbase stations might trigger changes in the bees’behavior, such as the induction of honeybeeworker piping shown here. It is known forseveral decades that worker piping is associatedwith disturbance of the hive by, for example,intruders or jarring (Wenner 1964). The latterauthor recorded sounds that were called “croak-ing” and “bipping.” This may present oneexplanation for the present observations assumingthat mobile phone handsets triggered disturbancesin the hive in a similar way (see Figure 4).

The experiments presented in this pilot studyshould be reproduced in hives totally protected ornot with additional copper or aluminum Faradaycages. Additional clues for the ferromagnetictransduction hypothesis (Kirschvink and Gould1981) and a plausible mechanism for thesensitivity of honeybees to localized electromag-netic anomalies might therefore be obtained.Such behavioral changes cannot only be ana-lyzed at the behavioral level with sound analysis,but also at the molecular level by studying thegene expression profiles using microarrays, as itwas done for the infestation of honeybees withthe varroa mite (Navajas et al. 2008).

Although worker piping can be associatedwith foraging in undisturbed queenright colo-nies of honeybees (Pratt et al. 1996), it isusually a signal that is produced shortly beforetakeoff of a swarm (Seeley and Tautz 2001;Rangel and Seeley 2008). Worker piping in abee colony is not frequent, and when it occursin a colony, that is not in a swarming process, no

Cellular phones and worker piping

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more than two bees are simultaneously active(Pratt et al. 1996). The induction of honeybeeworker piping by the electromagnetic fields ofmobile phones might have dramatic consequen-ces in terms of colony losses due to unexpectedswarming. The present study suggests that activemobile phone handsets in beehives noticeablyinduce the rate of worker piping. However, noevidence for piping of the laying queen (seeSchneider and Lewis 2004) was observed.

In the present study, no swarming process wasinitiated after 20 h of exposure to mobile phonehandsets, even though the piping signal wasobserved. It should therefore be hypothesized thatalthough the piping signal is serving as a primer forswarm exodus othermodalities and/or signals (e.g.,the shaking and buzz-run signals or chemicalcomponents) may be required in the complexswarming process (Rangel and Seeley 2008). The“buzz-run” or “Schwirrlauf” rate is perhaps therequired crucial signal that appears 15 min beforethe massive exodus of honeybees during theswarm departure process (Seeley and Tautz2001; Rangel and Seeley 2008). Moreover, itmight be possible that a more prolonged exposure(>20 h) of the honeybees to the actively commu-nicating mobile phone handsets is required for thecomplete induction of the swarming process.Recently, a study suggested that cell phones andcellphone towers near beehives interfere withhoneybee navigation: in one experiment, it wasfound that when a mobile phone was kept near abeehive it resulted in collapse of the colony in 5 to10 days, with the worker bees failing to returnhome, leaving the hives with just queens, eggs andhive-bound immature bees (Sahib Pattazhy 2009).To minimize harm to the bees, it was decided tolimit their continuous exposure to mobile phonecommunications to a maximum of 20 h in thepresent study.

Further confirmation of the current results andtheir implications regarding a direct correlationbetween erratic honeybee behavior and mobilephone-generated electromagnetic fields wouldsubstantiate one more explanation for the “disap-pearance” of bee colonies around the world. Thisphenomenon accounts for 43% of all bee losses,apart from overwintering (39%), mite disease,

(15%) and pesticides (3%) as recently describedin a national survey performed in the UnitedStates (Bee Alert Technology 2007). Experimentsshould be undertaken to establish the correlationbetween the time necessary for the onset ofworker piping and the intensity of the electro-magnetic fields present in the vicinity of thebeehive. For future experiments, in complementto the present original study and in order to reachmore “natural” conditions, mobile phone appa-ratuses should be placed at various increasingdistances away from the hives. Video recordingsshowing the modifications in the bees’ behaviorin the hive should also be performed.


This work was performed under the full responsi-bility of the main author (D.F.). I thank Prof. JürgenTautz for his scientific expertise, Prof. HaraldBerresheim and Dr. David Hacker for the criticalreading of the manuscript, Michel Roth for providingthe opportunity to perform experiments in the apiaryschool of Lausanne, Dr. Jacques-Henri Penseyres andPierre-André Bonzon for their interest in futureexperimental projects, the late Philippe Hug (towhom this scientific article is dedicated) and PeterLoepfe for helpful comments, and the beekeepers inthe apiary clubs of Lausanne and Morges for theircollaboration and scientific interest.

Son émis par les ouvrières en réaction à laproximité d'un téléphone portable

Ouvrière / communication accoustique / téléphoneportable / stimulus

Mobiltelefon induzierte Piepstöne von Arbeiterin-nen der Honigbiene. In den letzten Jahren häufen sichBerichte über einen weltweiten Schwund anHonigbienen in Folge einer Völkerverlustkrankheit(colony loss disease, CCD), bei der Völker massivund plötzlich eingehen, ohne dass es vorhergehendeAnzeichen einer Krankheit oder Parasitenbefall gibt.CCD hat schwerwiegende Auswirkungen für denAnbau vieler Früchte und Gemüse, die auf Bestäubungdurch Insekten angewiesen sind Milbenbefall,Pestizide, eine reduzierte Immunität, bakterielle undvirale Infektionen, genetisch modifizierte Feldfrüchteund Anbaupraktiken stehen im Verdacht, eine Rolle

D. Favre

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beim Schwund der Bienenvölker zu spielen. Berichtenin wissenschaftlichen und allgemeinen Medien zufolgebesteht auch dieMöglichkeit, dassMobiltelefone hierzubeitragen können, da Bienen Schwierigkeiten beider Heimfindung hatten, wenn Basisstanionen fürschnurlose Telefone unter den Völkern installiertwaren. Mikrowellen könnten demzufolge einen Teilder Verantwortung für das CCD-Syndrom tragen.In dieser Arbeit untersuchte ich die potentiellenEffekte von konventionellen Mobiltelefonen produ-zierten elektromagnetischen Feldern auf Honigbienen.Hierzu wurden zwei Geräte im aktiven Modus und miteiner Summe an spezifischen Energieabsorptionsratenunterhalb der offiziellen internationalen Maximalwerte(2 Watt pro Kilo Gewebe) in der Nähe von Bienenaufgestellt und die von Bienen produzierten Piepstöneaufgezeichnet und analysiert. Dies zeigte, dass sichBienen durch die aktiv kommunizierenden Mobiltele-fone im Volk gestört fühlten und zum Senden vonPiepstönen angeregt wurden. Unter natürlichen Bedin-gungen sind solche Piepstöne ein Signal für dieSchwarmvorbereitung oder eine Reaktion auf Störun-gen im Volk. Das Senden von Piepstönen setzte nichtsofort nach Einschalten der Mobiltelefone ein, sondernerst nach 25 bis 40 Minuten. Diese Beobachtungenweisen darauf hin, dass die Bienen für pulsierendeelektromagnetische Felder empfänglich sind undsensibel auf Verhaltensänderungen reagieren. EinSchwund an Bienenvölkern wird v.a. in Erdteilenbeobachtet (Nordamerika, Europa, Australien, Südbra-silien, Taiwan und Japan), in denen Mobiltelefone weitverbreitet sind. Es stellt sich daher die Frage, ob derZusammenhang von CCD und einer intensiven Nut-zung von Mobiltelefonen noch als reine Spekulationangesehen werden kann.

Arbeiterinnen / akustische Kommunikation /Mobiltelefon / Arbeiterinnenpiepstöne

Open Access This article is distributed under the termsof the Creative Commons Attribution NoncommercialLicense which permits any noncommercial use, distribu-tion, and reproduction in anymedium, provided the originalauthor(s) and source are credited.


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Cellular phones and worker piping

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D. Favre

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