San Angelo Standard-Times from San Angelo, Texas (2024)

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San Angelo Tex Standard Times Oct 4 1947 IB 6 Suburban Property 4 Houses for Sals 74 Houses For Sole SPECIALS Front End Correction S650 Brake Adjustment Model Cars $125 Wash 75c Grease 75c Wheel Balancing $100 Wax and Polish 50012 $750 Radiators Oesned Repsired $850 IF YOU DRIVE TOO FAST LET US CHECK YOUR BRAKES IT MIGHT SAVE A LIFE Free Inspection Bailey Auto Company Harris end Irvins San Angelo Phone 4124 FOH by owt-vr Int rwn brirs lllC-(U Ci-ll'iOn Rita Sclioul rlurlrv iu 'aon On pavement baa rtop Dnl rOI'R nice 3-bedroomhomri priced to sell VS RAVE fix Ol ho-ie (a buy equity In with mall down mi-tents ESCUE 202S Magdalen Pta 5358 POSSESSION QUICKLY S-ROOM home 3 bath plenty closet Two large iota (ton- Me garage located on North an Boren Owner leaetne city and want a docent otter One-hall balance easy Terms I HAVE the best buy fat the cite poylnc 10 per cent net on too to-vcitment BRIDCES KISTLER Realtor Central Natl Bank Bldg Phone 3376 TWO 4-room each SEVERAL OI Homes taka up equity and more ta LOVELY S-room brick home see this today residences only S3HS (LABOR Mustang Chevrolet Co Service Available on GMAC Budget FOR or trade three email furnished houses with four lota Plenty buiidine material on ground Route 3 LARGE 3-room brick via waroce Bow 17 apartment giod Incoma property Priced 13500 TWO GOOD Birrs In nve-roont resV-deaces half bioek off Chadbourne from 'i254 ta 4500 PARK HEIGHTS BEAUTIFUL 7-ROOM FRAME WITH WE ALWAYS HAVE THE BEST IN GOOD USED CARS FOR SALE 1946 Chevrolet Truck 900 tires on Wheels Two-Speed Axle Automatic Fifth Wheel Radio Licensed for 22000-pound Gross Like New CONCHO MOTOR TRUCK COMPANY "Your CMC Dealer" 309 Chadbourne Ph 3439 TWO BATHS Ttit* THREE-hcdroom home A-l cow di'lon on larce corner lot has largo pecan trrrm Venetian blind two floor furnace Larce sun porch fancy kltcb-en rabmcla: two-car garage on paced streets Oaner wanta to aeU quickly Wiling to aacrltica prlco Better see It todav CORTESE HUGO CORTESE 252 Magdslen Phone 6543 listed It wl3 pay you to utt us COLVIN DEATON JORDAN with HAMPTON REAL ESTATE CO EAST ANGELO HOMES MODERN large 5-room framo two blocks from Modem Way Grocery 50140 Pecan trees Priced to quickly EAST PREUSSER Meal place tar poultry and cow modern five-room home two acres Ml land Pressure imp Larre garage 4500 Term AST co*kE turret modem five-room frame bath: all nttUMev half aero land Pressure pump Fruit r-eba-d Shade trees Bert buv tor MeMOs SPAULDING STREET 3 badroom frame 50x190 garaxe 44 SM ELLIS STREET modem three-room framo both all uilUUea poultry Tg CORTESE HUGO CORTESE 252 Magdalen Phone 6543 MODERN SUBURBAN RANCH-STYLE HOME WITH 2Va ACRES THIS BEAUTIFUL rock hom*o bus largo 4La rooms hardwood floors: spacious bedrooms reeveway Abundance pore water built-to bathtub Meed ta srH qulrkly CORTESE HUGO CORTESE 252 Magdalen Phone 6543 78 Business Property VARIETY STORE slock for onto at Inventory prire a ran opportunity Katherine Partis Realtor Dial 3794 STORE BUILDINGS IN 100 PER CENT RETAIL AREA SAN ANGELO WE ARE authorized ta oiler two ad-totolnx stura buildings ea Chad-bourne Street at a price which will return per cent Bet on the Invert-tent based oa reals paid bv pre-ent tenant which a le- than averase for the neighborhood Property ta A-t condition This Is an lata attracti-e tovertirent am for aa individual or ea- HORTON YAGGY Gr KENLEY Realtors 21 Chsdbourne Oisl 6734 WE HAVE A alee brick stare aulld-Ing dote In 25x120 with display room: good income prvpcrit Good location lor dry titidi -tore furniture or any other busies mt 517UO0 SEVERAL grocery store with an without livirg quarters: also a good buy ta grocery to oe ototvd SEE US for anyihlrg In Real Out COLVIN DEATON with HAMPTON REAL ESTATE CO 2718 Chadbourne Ph 3943-2 EXCELLENT INVESTMENTS TOURIST COURT with drive-In cafe Doing aeti bum Netting over 1400 monthly Beal bargain Far bWrt DRUO STORE downtown location Long leave A bargain lor 4I2M4 BEER DRIVE-IXX living quaiters two acres doing good busirtefs long lea good beer quota netting over 50g psr month A bargain at 4004 Vera Patterson Realtor 608 51c Burnett Bldg 4579 Phones 7889 1942 Plymouth Special Deluxe 4-Door Sedan Radio and Heater 1941 Plymouth Coupe Heater 1941 Plymouth Special DeLuxe 4-Door Sedan Radio and Heater Harris and Irving Paint Your Own Car Now With DAB 2718 Chadbourne Phone 3649-2 DUPLEXES WITH TWO BATHS CONCHO Avenue 7-room duplex corner let shade trees Prle-its seU quickly PULLIAM STREET brick duptox four rooms each side 3-room Vard apartment with bath AC lor 14 00 EAST llh Street on paved street and bus four room and bath each Me tile drain for M500 POWELL STRICT on bus and paved street 7-fooa duplex for 7404 EAST ANOELO near Mam Street three large rooms each sids 1-gar garage big lot Priced to seU CORTESE HUGO CORTESE 252 Magdslen Phone 6543 EXCITIKO Is this unusual hom*o with picturesque water front setting Spanish ranch-style motif In both construction and furnishinss all no The wagon wheel and os yoke lights vrIU Intrigue you Luxurious as reap i ir woesend boam T7IREE-BEDROOM home on 344-foot front corner lot Landscaping Is absolutely beautiful Ideal features to house including carpets and central heating Listed furnished or unfurnlFh-od Owner leaving A very tntaresuag property SANTA RITA Brick veneer eevem rooms bracxoway two-car garage eervnat's quarters This excellent home radiates the good tasto of ilu owner and Tyler a ft bed roam home of exceptionally good malarial Insulated two floor furnaces and exciting kitchen and both Will bulU garage to suit seeds TED BROWN Addition several -mod 3-bedroom homes near College All Bice SANTA RITA School Is very close to this clover Broom frame Lots of tllo la kitchen Both bourn and location aro Ideal ANOELO HEIGHTS 144 five-room framo Owner leaving and has Oils delightful home to oiler Tard with It Augustine grass Near school The typo of property la constant do- Katherine Parris Realtor Loans and Insurance Phones 3798 or 4101 304 McBurnett Bldg The Miracle Auto Paint You esa now gel a fmrtorv-llke point fob for a email cot Jurt oa with a new powder pufr the re still is startling Guaranteed two years not to rmp crack peal or fade One quart 49 49 will paint the average ear Send check or money order and wa will ship prepaid JONES AND WILLIAMS CO West Texas Wholesale and Retail Distributors 322 Main San Angelo Phone 6133 lan LMht Maroon S-in Brice Mmurrrv Mnuawk Mama Jewel Green Bur-I ttf i Uama Wl-hlnfm B1" Cancan O-sv Sahara Tan Vellnw I tn un unfurnished kwut for aalo 2W North Street room frame comer lot 1900 a-roum tUe bouse: modern close ta (2100 3-ro-un modem college district S2M4 mail duoa pavmrct 5-ruum ruck two lots cloee-ln g5 404 3-ronm I to lots a buv at 3104 7-room tome sleeping porch clote- Mhc 4-rum iiamo 3 Iota extra uca vard 4454 5-tutim framo aotth slda Ul3t 4-mom G1 heure nice terse lot IMi 'smaU down payment 4-ruuni tom wee libs 4-raota frame bulitoia garage wcg vacant 5734 5-room rocs aut Santa Rita School IrflrtrL SUM rcuoi ana breakfast nook extra BMC 4-000 4's-room ill home extra nice MM4 4-room framo modem US 4-room frame modem 2730 4-room traiLO nice 3750 4-room frame modern SJOOOl 7-room rontipolylo hom*o aura Blco CURTIS CARTER Realtor 208 South Oakes SL Dial 7878 GOOD HOME BUYS NORTH ANGELO 5-room rack bath and garage Corner hit pavement sear school S5S44L EAST 24th neat 4-raom frame bath garage and -to re room WU lot 2750 four-raom Thu aa NORTH ANGELO he frame bath one lot exceptional value 47541 NORTH ANGELO neat four-room frame bam garage On pavement us show you Only HIM NEAT 4-rotm prefabricated home Completely modern Only 2100 Don't be LAKE VIEW new 4-roam frame bath Lot 3x344 Pavenmat 5154 34 dean balance 34 monthly EAST llih S-room framo Only 3334 NORTH TRY IXO Street Bvi frame ba'-h garage and room 3540 WE HAVE other good hom*o buys Let us show you FRANK SALVATO CHARLIE SALVATO 1914 Chadbourne Phone MODERN HOMES WITH MODERATE DOWN PAYMENTS ANOELO HEIGHTS vacant groom rock veneer corner lot SiSOS cash balance monthly four per cent kUKIK ANGELO beautiful loop-room frame on paved street near bus slim cash Balanca monthly tour per rent NEAR FAIRGROUNDS nodera extra large four-room frame oa paved street all utilities half acre land Pressure pump 1134 cash balance month) ii pc- c-nt toati CORTESE HUGO CORTESE 252 Mazdalcn Plume 6543 SPECIAL elo-e-tn on West Wih four-room irrpug porch Trree-piere be' Garage Mice ard Pavement 54104 MARX 3-room framo bath aril butane svHcm 3(30 Small dona payment balance Ilka rent HAIL 104 31st Ph 3870-3 Gl NORTH SIDE dandy frame 3-pirce bath hardwood floor and three closets 5 MO Ol Loan 54 vU handto Possession lmm-ds-elv WEST Five-room FHA home 4 004 UCO loan on it row Payable 3M0 sown and man will carry vron hen note NORTH Two room and hath garage corner lot S2IS4 JIM HASTY 1325 Chadbourne Ph 3047-3 75 Lots for Sal LOTS EAST 10TH ST THREE extra weR-localed lots 4x100 feet oa East 10th with a terrara front all uiiit its and a dandy place ta build a home The price Is very attractive BURK Real Estate 3C04 Insurance LOT close In oa West Beauregard Ona block of Sear Roebuck new building For male at bargain See as for particulars and appointment LOGAN-GREER CO or Call A Harding Fire Insurance 30 Twohig Ph 5486 Sundays and Evenings Phone 5736-4 76 Suburban Property 14 ACRES fine orchard Modem home live room All conveniences Ideal truck garden 7504 Write owner Bud Parnell Bangs: Texas HOMES WITH ACREAGE LAKE VIEW beautiful broom rock double garage 1-a acres All era Priced ta sell Only 4300 LAKE garag VIEW -rwom frame aath gc five lots well and nag Outbuildings A real buy 5354 EAST SIDE 5-room frame hath outbuilding- One aero land 4000 OP Fairgrounds five-room frame earate and hen house I's acres Taa wells 94304 WEST OP Fslrxround four-room frame bath and outbuildings One acre Furnished 4500 SEE US for Income property Any kind of basinets and business locations hom*os and tola FRANK SALVATO -CHARLIE SALVATO 1914 Chadbourne Phone LOVELY RANCH -STYLE suburban home large comfortable rooms deep screen porches Butane gas good well water Three acres land Convenient to school There's lots of comfortable It lag here Pries BS000 John Sorrels Realtor 40 Beauregard Ph 5000 fiVK ACHES only IS mLes from city Umits Nice frame home quod well buiano syetaa electrtclie This I a clever eiup and priced at ooie It 400 Ka tacrine Pam Dial 3794 Hoob frame S' a acres 3 chicken houses orchard 4404 4-rouat frame modem 3As acres eut-bulidmcs- 4754 4-room hom*o extra nice 14 acies ta pecans nt-e large trees pleate water 17504 5 acres 4-raom house going at 3754 CURTIS CARTER Realtor 208 South Oakes SL Dial 7878 BARGAIN uew modern four-room hom*o Bath cos good soil Close ta schooL Owner 335-4 Houses for Solo Lot (74 OWNER modern IVroom hou-e hrerarway and aaraae Small down payment Amauxne 11 Ums iI iai Urand Avenue Phone WW for i 1 KITE 4'w-room bouse Clowe In sale Or will take good car trade-in Kortn Chadbourne 1M SI 5500 SANTA RITA 3-BEDROOM HOME THEE CAKrETED room Venetian blinds lt drain breasfast nook screened bark perch tmo-car cm race Lots of butiWns and cloiel Curtams and drapes pi ton A real bargain $9500 3-BEDROOM BRICK WEST SIDE LAROE ROOM 4 oak lloora Venetian blinds breakfast nook fire plate comer lot abode trees two-car ga-rare Payed street A steal at this pnee $5750 WEST SIDE MODERN TWO-bedroom frame oak floors tile dram and both Feared bark yard and garage Priced to sell Wm Davis 203 Washington Ph 5018 Spaulding I 305-3 423 FURNISHED house on 40350 More cheap buys North Pope Mrs Harris FOR sale by owner era reck home Peach Street 4Z47 night four-room mod-Extra lot 3514 4953-S day or SANTA RITA new S-room frame with attached gangs ANOELO HEIGHTS South Madlsou S-room stucco newly redecorated 15500 WESTLAND PARK DaRas Street 3-bedroom rack with garage apartment 14400 FORT CONCHO East Avenue S-room frame double garage Price tt 5001 LAKE VIEW East 39th Street room asbestos aid Inc with two garage apartments Priced 7544 HATCHER I'rnea rock Myrtle Street -Priced 4344 MILES ADDITION East 13th St 4-room hom*o two bedrooms Price 3434 JORDAN CO IXSURAXCE First Kail Bank Bldg Phone 5382 FIVEroem furnished or unfurnished bourn for sale by owner Ph 7034-4 New Homes Being Completed We Save You Money TED BROWN CO See Sutton Asst Mgr Phones 7166 or 4958-5 NICE rock house at 734 Washington Drive 5004 will handle Posses-slon ot or re Also six-room frame house ml 524 Baker 3500 will handle Possession Phono 4S09-3 NEW HOMES ANOELO HEIGHTS very attractive five rooms oak floors tile dram Venetian blinds brrexeway garage corner lot Will carry good loan ML354 NEAR STEPHEN Austin School five-room new oak floors tile dram Venetian blinds garage nre level lot Will appraise for OL 7104 AHOELO HEIGHTS 4-room frame -vtth garaxe attached A bargain at SC MOl 1250 cash and assume bai-of OI Loan payable 4254 per HERMAN HESSE INSURANCE 602 A Xatl Bank Bldg Phones S2S6 or 4641 THREE-BEDROOM Home 45x123 corner lot fcneed-ta back yard rear Saa Jacinto school Owner leaving says sell for 7134 Hall cash DUPLEX three rooms and hath each side two-roam apartment wuh bath three-room house with bath all located on large corner lot paved street walking distance to city Priced to sell Will pay belter than per cent ea test meat TWO-BEDROOM FRAME hardwood floors tore lawn corner lot Priced 4754 2454 will handle this aL S-ROOM MODERN home corner lot real close la Priced SiHS Ha loan of 2204 WE HAVE several 3-bedroom homes I for sale brick rocs and frame Call or come to sea ns for homes MARY LOWE With JAMES A COPE Real Naylor Bldg Estate Ph 5011 SPECIAL RIVER OAKB the home you have been waiting lor Six spacious rooms two U)e baths tile drain built-tns ton numerous to mention wood-burning fireplace built out of beoo-tiful Austin rut stone Floor furnace Venetian blinds ea large lot with fenced-in back yard attached garaxe with breeieway Ready for occupancy This tome to be shown by appointment only LOGAN-GREER CO or Call A Harding Fire Insurance 30 Twohig Phone 5486 Sundays and Evenings Phone 5736-4 S-ROOM KEW FRAME home tat Santa Rita Addition garage attached with concrete floor and driveway Extra good hardwood floors tile dram la Kitchen two south bedrooms This home Is built for comfortable living Pm cio sets Cali today and look tii- one over ROOM FRAME in Angelo Heights uratod on gOxUM lot Gararo and guest house outside building trace 5 back yard Good condition throughout including clean pa ml and paper Ai tonaiic wsMitng machine and sir rnn-dluofarr gees with- home at 4404 Charles Shelton With I Dorrance Of Phone 3566 303 A Xatl Bank Bldg 74 Houses For Solo ywo 4 tn and Let i I yy 11 -ae mtaiern room frame turee-parre ba'-h Vrnetiau talus 11 floor cuierlna roorreto to'in uatfevi ronrreto porches lilt tote i- new IIM down will handle It Mh IOH Mi-e DMifi in ail parts at town North south eai and et An gniei and sire Bncx ruck stucco and frame Just toil me you want and 1 will do Ike rest PARK BENNETT Real Estate 1213 Chadbourne Ph 5821-3 OUT UT ASDINQ 7-room brick located on pored corner lot In aonta Rita School Dtrtrtct Huh elevauoa Three lorce bedrooms den two Itful tile baths Lovely suoporch car garace Servant's quarters Uany other nice features expected by the buyer NICE 4-room framo with lareo screened bark porrh 3-pleea hath natural ga electricity pood well t'arxr poultry houses well fenced shade end fruit trees l'a acres of land on paved buthway NEAT East Side to-ir-room frame steeping porch 45044 NEAR FTETHEN Auattn School oitroctlve two-bedroom framo Ex-ctUBt condition 7850 Joiner Real Estate Realtor Bus Ph 7642 Res Ph 7244-5 SIX-ROOM residence large lot cor garage 34 bearing naperskell prran trees Well windmill and all city till lira VutoL coal location JOHN SORRELS 40 Beauregard Dial 5000 NORTH MADISON 5-ROOM HOME FOR $7500 THIS attractive home Mar Beauregard Avenue Is absolutely fust like new It has a spacious living room with fireplace hardwood floors and good steo bedrooms Bettor sea ft today CORTESE HUGO CORTESE 252 Magdalen Phone 6543 FOR SALE SETTLE AN ESTATE THIS IS a good Investment one modern broom framo One 7-room frame with two baths and two kitchens with modern garage apartment All are completely furnished well located on pavement Monthly rental 1G I DORRANCE Of Phone 3566 303 A Xatl Bank Bldg New Homes Ted Brown Co Sea Chlgger Sutton Asst Mgr Phons 7166 or 4953d OUTSTANDING VALUES WEST BIDE Forest Park largo room stucco hath and garage Only 254 MONROE STREET lovely broom frame large garaxe This home Is designed for real comfort 504 WEST SIDE lovely room fraa garage On Webster SL 400 SPAULDINO STREET brorm frame and garage Lot 75x193 On corner M500 GLENMORE ANNEX largo broom frame both garage work shop and small apartment Two lots 17504 NORTH SIDE In city atx bare carpeted doubto garage wash- room fenced bark yard Owner leay- 1 big a 111 sell furnished or unfurnished CLOSE IN one of the best lornted 3-bedroom bricks in Angelo Heights ipa'buf lit Inc room and din ins room flreptace oak floors doubto garage line fruit and paean trees corner tot built for real romfort Ottered at ml rtf ice price Exclusive DUPLEX very Bice near Santa Rita SrhooL Four rooms and bath earh side renting ULM per side unfurnished 57500 FHA ls baths large lot SANTA RITA 4-room frame 1H baths on largo corner lot Priced 5750 ANGELO HEIGHTS one block Beauregard three-bedroom frame tan baths large tot Priced 5S400 Soreil Muckleroy 1415 Harris Dial 7976 HOME BARGAINS EAST 4h STREET extra vtU itt I five-rpem frame hone he ye -a old acceptable cosfiliM vacant clove to town school a id church acd i the price Is very reawmable Stand good loan Priced 4 ISA NORTH RARRlfCV tal alee large five-room hoar gud condition top cant desirable tot ftno Incatlon This I where you rnil like to Uve The prire Is fust suliSM for a home I like this Real Insurance NO NEW JEEPS But plenty of parts for both Army and Civilian Jeeps Call or Stop By Jim McCormick Motor Co Willys-Overland Sales and Service 418 South Oakes SL Dial 475C ONLY) 'GHuto Company pg AbLa Dial 4121 San Angelo 15 Beautiful Colors tit Browser Green Orav Pica SELECT AUTOMOBILES Preferred care moderately pned New and r7ed Whoieie and ftetsB Buy- -Bell Liberal Finance rerms 4 seuaro deal or aa DUNCAN MOTOR SALES 1704 Beauregard Dial 6S83 NEW! Diamond-T Trucks In Stock For Immediate Delivery KEY NIX Olds-Cadillac Co 218 Oakes Dial 7136 Sales Service Dial 369? Trailers for Sal SEVERAL varieties of aaea trailers -two-imrae traitors toui-oorse trall-ra Colton trailers Ala variety new aluminum horse Hallers Gray Trall-or Company 145 Allen 31 WILL sell equity 4535 to 1943 Stream-Ute trailer house Inquire Harriett Harnett Teaas TRAILER HOUSES FOR SALE IP TOD want the best tor the to art see os today Wa have a full line of now end used traitors oa our tot lor sale bold oa liberal terms at lowest toterert rate Wa also have a complete repair shoo traitors r-paired remodeled or repainted Sea Blument-llt with SALES IS Chadbourne Ph 3357 Autos For Sola FOR sola by owur 197 Super Deluxe Ford club coupe kado bra'-er )H seat covers Lrs tnaa lour months old If mterertrd call Wood-row MrCasktU Big Lake Texaacol-lrct 157 between mid FOR sale by owner clean 1441 Ford Deluxe Tudor Radio heater new paint Good condition Can 443-3 Can be seen at 44 East Avenue FOR sal 135 Dodge pickup Extra dean good rubber new motor Also one gill bed implement trailer Ph ea Portrfon 1723 Rural 1974 Ford Tudor for sale and wreck- lag FoH WRECKER SERVICE Be Biv ta 11 vr YORK'S GARAGE 106 Avenue 7202-3 7B Business Proparty 1R ue biildlrg too tola 4 South Grant btaal tocattoa for drug More If lute re vied notify Tex Riley 114 Odcsa Texas f-W beer joint living quarter laaato a Km fraaf la tha lease too ocas ui saa for 44500 Cafe and TrarK Courts Drive-In business building a buy nt 33500 34-room hotel going nt 20004 Kire business building oaartasents above good income 20 004 Cafe doing good business 3754 Tourtrt Court oa main highway for 15494 Tourist Court and rive-la highway 133504 Bee us for any kind of burtnest CURTIS CARTER Realtor 208 South Oakes SL Dial 7878 CABINET SHOP and planing mill netting around St 104 per month See Katherine Parris Realtor JC4 MrBurnett Building COURTS LUIlXUd wonted aa all real swale hoars tuinrwes Miburoaa acre-farm and ranches BC COLVIN Deaton with HAMPTON REAL ESTATE CO 27U Chadbourne Phone 3949-2 Classified Dept 3181 1 LINCOLN-MERCURY SERVICE Any Make Car Repaired At Mercury Economy Low Prices Factory Trained MecHcnics Washing and Lubrication PERRY MAXWELL MOTORS San AngekFa Only Authorized Llncoln-Mercur? Dealer 119 East Concho Phone 1139 Autos For Sola CAB over engine 1447 Dodec true tons stocicrtf sell or traio 59 lb-3 tr 314 CLF4X 194 ilck four-dror sruon New lire and motor Alo 1441 iuntMc tab: lour-door se-au in A-l cocnilton 1'uou 4U1-1 SPECIALS 1949 Hudson coupe extra dean radio and beater I9J7 Chevrolet two-doer 141 Dodge four-door extra clean I4i Chevrolet four-door 1932 Chevrolet pickup 14 lord Tudor Let us sen your car No eommisnnn RICHTER USED CARS 1521 Beauregard Ph 3732 FOR A-e 1974 Ford Deluxe Tudor new paint fob: motor In excellent coooitlon Guod tires worth the money 1912 bterltrg o': ret i'UI by outirr Dlce poKdir Rii rg'o tor livestock t-i- I'M tto fgiO-j CLEtS J41 lord coupe radio svl kroier kl-tra Rood mo or live nes lire All extra 725 Dairen 14dj Xurtli Cbaaoourne 447 MODERATELY PRICED is FOR CONSEit Aslv l'EvI'Ul fin lum Deuse coupe clean clean OB4II10PL6 COjpf I CsfkA ord tudur trunx Ctasn 1934 ford Tudor 1934 Ciicvrolrt pickup overload prlrt suse body 1937 Willys pickup new Jeep motor -5101' Will THOMAS USED CARS 1013 Chadbourne Phone 4403 1934 Chevrolet tong wheelbase good condition 434 1937 Chevrolet wun 1942 motor and 1941 lraasmiMon and 34-foot trailer 947 1934 Chevrolet sedan 945 1935 Plymouth pickup 44 tor trade for good rar: 19J7 Chee-rotot truck with 142 motor 1944 transmission 1941 rear end 39-foot traitor Earl Barnes 30th and Robert Lee Road 1934 IM0 I sebooibus leather seats and luggage rack 44-passca-ger 1944 D-30 ocboulbus leather seats and lug race 44-pafseiiger Both buses have beaters lire exiinguisbcrs flag and Uni booster brakes tarpaunn for luxeaxe rack Shullx Motor Sales 390 West Market Street Tiffin Ohio 1944 British Austin 4000 miles srnu-irto leather upholstery 35 lottos per gsloa 200 Call 3947-4 1947 Bu'tk Roanmaster sedanette 1947 Huirk Super lour-door 4 Porilac sedan 147 Chevrolet new typo nalMoo P'ck'tp Ford Super Deluxe For dor sedan I94o e-ro Cbevrolef COSDEN SERVICE STATION Car South trfiadbtiJ re A Cocch Phono 447 1944 Pontlse 4 four-door sedan 1942 Pontiac sedaeetw 1942 Ford Fordo sedan 1941 Pontiac 4 two-door 1941 Butck special 4-door sedan 1944 Ford pickup 19j4 Dodge four-door redan 1914 Chevrolet four -doer seuan 1934 Cheeroiel coach 1935 Pontiac conrertlble coupe Uoiiel A Tv4er '39 Ford truce and Ctacrroiet sebooibus SALES 1228 Chadbourne Ph 3357 CLEAN 1914 Ford Tudor nve goed tires Sew paint: a good car at prti-e you ran to pay Do -non Tlranse 140s North Chadbourne 4391 WANTED NICE CLEAN USED CARS ANT make or mcJrl Mjrt be care ran retornmnid to oar tra-nu au ru: i j-ci ttr yay ca-a betetal mu lass car lor am ot trade JIM McCORMICK MOTOR CO 418 Oakes Ph 4756 FOR sale or trade 1941 Ford Specie! half-ton panel- Very pood rourtntoa Can bo men Cook's Machine Shop 415 South Cirndbourtto NEW 147 Mercury Farrier scdai radio Columbia overdrive Ail e-tras Will sell or trade Daman Inames 14U5 North Chaaoourrto Ph 4397 NEW LJeraln Comtu-rtsI roupe Custom uphol-'icry Less than 10U0 mito tae b-5 Mrs 4arxcr West Harris aparlmeut 14 1944 Lincoln Zcunyr club coupe Brand new rccMuiuoucd motor Ch-io Ui-lae and out Pauc seat cover Real bantam 9137 Owner 6974-1 1947 Picxard club sedan Defuse per: low lr ase For sale bv owner Cali 7a24 or 4514 autos aYantea IMMEDIATE cash for anv make or msd-1 car Fro Shell Bsrlb West Concho Phono 373 WANT to bay Clean 1941 to 1947 car prefer Chevrolet Put would buy other make iBilli Tyler Phone 143 954 McBurnett B-iltolrg FOR BETTER Trades car and Higher price tor year SEE LEONARD SMITH CAR LOT 118 Irving Ph 5033 HICHE4T earn price for used cars of any masa at our new loemim 9 East Cbitae Avenue Harris Used Cars Puulo 47v4 OUTSTANDING S-ROOM beautiful floors large closets lovely fen red-la back vard double ga-ragu Santa Rita school district THHEE-bedroem hom*o near Stephen Austin SrhooL l'a bath spacious closets beautiful floors: large lot Priced to aeU quickly Vacant LAROE SDCroom hom*o with 0 larre chicken and brooder houses ix large lota: located walking distance I John Reagan School Near ous and grocery stores This is on Meal setup for someone who Is tote rested in the chicken business Meed at ooly 4354 Vacant McGuffin 1516 West Beauregard Oft Ph 4713 Home Ph 5614-2 REAL BUYS SMALL HOMES East 33rd bxrel vacant large 3-room frame bath all utilities butlt-ta cabinets Water heater 3750 EAST 22nd Street modern three-room frame bath all utilities larse lot 3750 1450 casta balance on monthly terms ojT nubile sloTf andmdi? garage! I UNUSUAL A CH-st jr to Storeroom cent bus 1750 I larce corner lot three bedrooms Start 13-h Rtree Troow Wme bath Uv bs-hs tile In kitchen spac-all utilities 2 30 EAST PR F-UISSklt Stieet tweroom rock bath double garage- 21 good pecan trees A lovely he sue 7350 NEW TILE stucco five rooms three bedrooms attached garage Two corner iota Near bug and 1500 LET US show you tkesa and ataxy more gooa buys FRANK SALVATO CHARLIE SALVATO 1914 Chadbourne Phone 3744 screened-ia This hom*o clou evened porch sevsn laige closets attractive built-in floor M-UNTT COURT all stucco 3 modern with modern five-room living quarters and of tire Close in on mein lughsroy Saa Angelo Priced to sell BUSTER BROS 2130 Beauregard Phone 7921 hnrhnnd i SEVERAL pic' of ground various MHmi I suitable for c*ntos ofiice BEAUTY SALON choice location I tourt1 CO'lrt BRICK BUSINESS buildings priced from 1500 to 155 900 CAFES courts cleaning plant grocery stores drive -In and hotels What do you need Call or ec PARK BENNETT Real Estate 1213 Chadbourne Ph 5821-3 80 Real Estate to Trade FOR olo or trade for San Acrelo property one of the best rooming houses In Mineral Wells 13 rooms furnished Two block from Crary Hotel Consider good houto duplex or apartment Kent 1517 South Jackson San Angelo Texas 81 Real Estate WE-HAVE BUYERS FOR REAL ESTATE IF YOU nave a noma or nusm-ss property you wih to toll prompt please let ns knoe Wo bare been serving less clients for more than twenty Uve years Gordon Perry Agency Realtors 805 MrBurnett Bldg Phone 3208 LISTINGS WANTED ON TOCR home businevses business property forms and ranches hare the buyers McGuffin 1516 West Beaureeard OIL Ph 4713 Home Ph 5614-2 LIST" YOUR HOMES ACREAGE BUSINESS LOTS WHO us we bae carti ouvers every day Your friendly real estate orators a nr re buver and sellers meet FRANK SALVATO CHARLIE SALVATO 1914 North Chadbourne Phone NIGHT CLUB and fond service located oa Ballinger Highway Choice location good building and lots of rking space build-equipment only 7000 GROCERY STORE with living quarters good business In ho lea neigfo rbaod doing head RIGHT CLUB for sato Goto In to town Very reasonably priced Will cmndder ear oa trade LOGAN-GREER CO or Call A Harding Fire Insurance 30 Twohig Ph 5486 Sundays and Evenings Phone 5736-1 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY SPECIALS GROCERY STORE with four-room living quarters corner location: real estate stock and fixtures to be sold at once Better Investigate this wonderful opportunity TOURIST COURT AND Busy Beo Drive-la on Mala Highway Priced to sell quickly NORTH CHADBOURNE Street modem home with business: corner lot 17x144 2000 cash Balance su terms l-nmetiiaie pne1on CORTESE HUGO CORTESE 252 Maedalen Phone 6543 STORE BUILDINGS NORTH or SOUTH CHADBOURNE CLOSE-IN Automobile Financing Ask Your Dealer to Finance Your Car Through Chain Investment Company Established in 1920 Home-Owned Institution" MAKE YOUR CAR LOOK LIKE NEW WASH and POLISH From $6 fo $1750 SCHUCH Motor Co Orkrs and Beauregard Dial 7121 home balii aU uiilittos 52 100 EAST ANGELO large 4-room frame both all 13 730 NEAR WESTLAND ark 3-room frame bald oil utlluiex lot 50sl40 13504 CORTESE HUGO CORTESE 252 Magdalen Phone 6543 MODERN HOMES 4 t-ROOM ROCK HOME-Wevland Park addi-uon rxreltoni condition 3-ear garage Priced 4 500 PRICED TO SELL LLOYD REALTORS 319 Chadbourne Ph 3G02 AXGFLO elose-ta new 3-i bedroom frame full Gl Iioan 15259 totT carsxe! ANGELO HEIGHTS- newbed ANOELO frame hreewwav tile dram possessma Priced at 51250 at WESTLAND PARK 7-room hiirk home aereened-ln porrh floor furnace large living room baths Servant's quarters and garage THRCE-rrPROOM brick hvme In Angela Hruht Corner tot tiKir garage aexy tiecoiaied interior NEW t'a-reom from heuto read-for oerjMncy In Glenmore Ths home a ill tarry a (ii Loan Fntt: at 45500 IV BLOCKS irt of fed Rational Bank rln-e it sut abto for busi-nesa or largo house mode Into tv a apartment Rearon-ably priced- Cali us for particulars NEW 4' s-room a me houe In north east Anseii Attached garage Very rtaaorably pritrd SlX-room Height frame houto I Laie ctotois Angelo floor tu- aace batiss drain garac Venetian blind tile aica largo lot I ogan-greer CO Or Call A Harding Fire Insurance 20 Twohig Th 5486 Sundays and Evenings Phune 5756-4 ABOVE AVERAGE 1946 Chevrolet 4-Door Low Mileage 1946 Chevrolet 2-Door Radio and Heater 1941 Chevrolet 2-Door Powder Puff 1441 Ford Tudor Good Condi'ion 1940 Pontiac 16) 2-Door Extra Clean Many Other Good Buys BOB FULLER MOTOR CO Kaiser-Frazer 121 Twohig.

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Author: Trent Wehner

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Author information

Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

Phone: +18698800304764

Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.