Solar Minimum – Earth Extremities (2024)

October 10, 2021

  • in Climate Change Is A Hoax Alert, Freeze Alert, Global Warmimg Con Alert, NASA, Record Cold Alert, Solar Minimum
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Contrary to the MSM’s agenda-driven narrative, the South Pole has been suffering unprecedented cold this year.

Between the months of April and September, the South Pole averaged a temperature of -61.1C (-78F).

Simply put, this was the region’s coldest 6-month spell ever recorded, and it comfortably usurped the previous coldest ‘coreless winter‘ on record — the -60.6C (-77F) set back in 1976 (solar minimum of weak cycle 20).

This incredible and AGW-destroying reality is confirmed by Antarctica climatology journalist Stefano Di Battista who has closely watched and published research on Antarctic temperatures for many years:

“1/1 Extraordinary coreless winter (April – September) at South Pole Station. The average as been -61.1 °C the coldest ever recoded. This value set -2.2 °C on the reference 1981-2010 and -2.5 °C on 1991-2020. Previous record -60.6 °C in 1976”

Battista also points out that for June, July, August and September the average temperature for each of these month finished-up below -60C (-76F) — a phenomenon that has occurred on just 3 previous occasions: in 1971, 1975 and 1978.

It has long been proposed that this upcoming bout of low solar activity (Grand Solar Minimum) will commence with a return to the historically cold winters of the 1970s — and here we are. Unfortunately, it’s only downhill from here:

“From 1650 to 1710, temperatures across much of the Northern Hemisphere plunged when the Sun entered a quiet phase now called the Maunder Minimum” — NASA.

A similar story is playing out at the North Pole, too.

The natural and slight warming trend observed over the past few decades is over: climate is cyclic, never linear, and trends change. And in line with this returning chill, Arctic Sea Ice is also on a sharp uptick this year.

It is a divisive, terrifying theory–and one they have the gall to blame entirely on us humans (which in itself is absurd).

AGW is ideal for advancing their overarching Great Reset agenda, which includes depopulation. They are breeding a culture of fear within the general public in order to achieve political goals via emotional bias.

Our children being the most susceptible to this kind of game-playing is no accident. But for all you adults still being manipulated by this ‘button-pressing’, the data is readily available for you to thoroughly evaluate. To ignore facts and logic, and to instead blindly believe the picture painted by those with vested interests shows a powerful ignorance, and cowardice.

How is it that a person can on the one hand harbor a distrust for politicians/politics, yet on the other unquestioningly believe what governmental bodies/scientists are telling them? How can it be widely accepted that governments are lobbied by powerful multinational corporations, yet when it comes to questions around the efficacy or even the need for a vaccine –for example– we all shut up?

There are powerful silencing tactics at play, driven by fear.

Added to that, most people have mastered the art of cognitive dissonance.

But it stands, asking pertinent questions is NOT the same as pushing mindless conspiracy theories. There are far too many coincidences for current events to be legit. The world is slowly waking up to their intentions — but as punishment, we’re now under their thumb more than ever. As the Chinese Communist Party is currently demonstrating, maintaining power is all that matters — power takes precedence over the health of the economy and the ‘happiness’ of the people, because once you have an authoritarian grip on the 80%, it’s game over for EVERYONE.

Courtesy of

September 9, 2019

  • in Earth Changing Extremities, Global Cooling Alert, Maunder Minimum, Solar Minimum, Sun
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Solar Minimum – Earth Extremities (2)

A team of Chinese researchers says a period of global cooling could be on the way, but the consequences will be serious. Photo: Xinhua

A new study has found winters in northern China have been warming since 4,000BC – regardless of human activity – but the mainland scientists behind the research warn there is no room for complacency or inaction on climate change, with the prospect of a sudden global cooling also posing a danger.

The study found that winds from Arctic Siberia have been growing weaker, the conifer tree line has been retreating north, and there has been a steady rise in biodiversity in a general warming trend that continues today. It appears to have little to do with the increase in greenhouse gases which began with the industrial revolution, according to the researchers.

Lead scientist Dr Wu Jing, from the Key Laboratory of Cenozoic Geology and Environment at the Institute of Geology and Geophysics, part of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, said the study had found no evidence of human influence on northern China’s warming winters.

“Driving forces include the sun, the atmosphere, and its interaction with the ocean,” Wu said. “We have detected no evidence of human influence. But that doesn’t mean we can just relax and do nothing.”

Solar Minimum – Earth Extremities (3)
Moon Lake, a small volcanic lake hidden in the deep forest of China’s Greater Khingan Mountain Range, where a team of scientists spent more than a decade studying the secrets hidden in its sediments. Photo: Baidu

Wu and her colleagues are concerned that, as societies grow more used to the concept of global warming, people will develop a misplaced confidence in our ability to control climate change. Nature, they warned, may trick us and might catch us totally unprepared – causing chaos, panic, famine and even wars as the global climate system is disrupted.

There are already alarming signs, according to their paper, which has been accepted for publication by the online Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres.

Wu and her colleagues spent more than a dozen years studying sediments under Moon Lake, a small volcanic lake hidden in the deep forests of the Greater Khingan Mountain Range in China’s Inner Mongolia autonomous region. They found that winter warming over the past 6,000 years had not been a smooth ride, with ups and downs occurring about every 500 years.

Their findings confirmed an earlier study by a separate team of Chinese scientists, published by online journal Scientific Reports in 2014, which first detected the 500-year cyclical pattern of China’s summer monsoons and linked it to solar activity.

The 2014 research, which drew on 5,000 years’ worth of data, suggested the current warm phase of the cycle could terminate over the next several decades, ushering in a 250-year cool phase, potentially leading to a partial slowdown in man-made global warming.

Wu said the latest study, with 10,000 years’ worth of new data, not only helped to draw a more complete picture of the 500-year cycle, but also revealed a previously unknown mechanism behind the phenomenon, which suggested the impact of the sun on the Earth’s climate may be greater than previously thought.

According to Wu, the variation in solar activity alone was usually not strong enough to induce the rapid changes in vegetation the research team recorded in the sediment cores of Moon Lake. Instead, the scientists found the warming impact was amplified by a massive, random interaction between surface seawater and the atmosphere in the Pacific Ocean known as the El Nino-Southern Oscillation.

As a result of the research findings, Wu said she was now more worried about cooling than warming.

“A sharp drop of temperature will benefit nobody. The biggest problem is, we know it will come, but we don’t know exactly when.”

Courtesy of

Solar Minimum – Earth Extremities (4)

June 15, 2019

  • in Cold Alert, Earth Changing Extremities, Freeze Alert, Frost Alert, Ice Alert, Rain Alert, Severe Flood Alert, Severe Weather Alert, Snowfall Alert, Solar Minimum
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Solar Minimum – Earth Extremities (5)

As the plains of Northern India reeled under the much-documented heat this week, the higher elevations of Kashmir were receiving super-rare June snow, with the lower regions inundated with heavy rains.

The unexpected June snowfall was received at the Sonamarg resort in central Kashmir, over its adjoining higher reaches and also in Drass, Kargil, Zanskar, towns in the Ladakh division, and in Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand and Sikkim.

The nation’s weather department deemed the snowfall a “rare” meteorological event.

“I have never witnessed snow in summer. For me it was a miracle of watching snow in June when the heat wave is continuing in northern parts of the India,’’ said Rajesh Kumar, a tourist from Rajasthan.

Jalal Jeelani, an environmentalist and renowned film maker on environmental issues said this was no cause for celebration: “For us it is a warning and sign of the global warming. The snowfall is dangerous to our horticulture and agriculture sector. We should ponder why this is happening in our region.’’

That’s right, snowfall is now a sign of global warming, too.

There’s no illogic off limits.

And while higher elevations received rare (?warm?) snow, plains of the Valley saw heavy rainfall overnight which triggered flash floods in several areas and also sharply increased the level of water bodies.

The catchments of south and north Kashmir received more than 2 inches (50 mm) of rain in the past 24 hours, according to the area’s Irrigation and Flood Control department.

“50 mm plus rainfall in a catchment results in a flood-like situation in the tributary. The people residing along the tributaries in south and north Kashmir are advised to remain alert and not go too close to these tributaries,” the department warned.

The sun is continuing it’s relative shutdown, as it enters it’s next Grand Solar Minimum cycle:

Solar Minimum – Earth Extremities (6)

The cold times are returning.


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Solar Minimum – Earth Extremities (7)

February 9, 2019

  • in Cold Alert, Earth Changing Extremities, Global Warmimg Con Alert, Maunder Minimum, Solar Minimum
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We are now enduring the coldest millennium in 10,000 years

Solar Minimum – Earth Extremities (8)

Nonetheless, Climate alarmists promoting their views have converted the slight and truly beneficial warming at the end of the 20th century to a Modern high point “Great Man-made Global Warming Catastrophe”.

According to ice core records, the last millennium 1000AD – 2000AD has been the coldest millennium of our current Holocene interglacial. This point is more fully illustrated with ice core records on a millennial basis back to the Eemian period here: – Ed Hoskins

via Holocene Context for Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming

Solar Minimum – Earth Extremities (2024)
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