STELLENBOSCH UNIVERSITY FINANCIAL … Documents/Finance...Financial structures and bookkeeping 2.1 Creation of new cost center 2.2 Closure of cost center 2.3 Bookkeeping of entities - [PDF Document] (2024)

STELLENBOSCH UNIVERSITY FINANCIAL … Documents/Finance...Financial structures and bookkeeping 2.1 Creation of new cost center 2.2 Closure of cost center 2.3 Bookkeeping of entities - [PDF Document] (1)




1. Budget

1.1 Budget for capital items and capital works

2. Financial structures and bookkeeping

2.1 Creation of new cost center

2.2 Closure of cost center

2.3 Bookkeeping of entities falling outside SU

2.4 Interdepartmental transactions

2.5 Ledger journals

2.6 Inventories

2.7 Issuing of official invoices

2.8 Credit on a debtors account

2.9 Bank accounts

2.10 Credit cards

2.11 Petty cash funds

2.12 Obtaining goods and services

2.13 Requests for cheque or electronic payments

2.14 Requirements to be met by creditor invoices for payment

2.15 Reissuing of cheques that have been stopped

2.16 Credit card facility for payments to SU

2.17 Cashiers and payment of funds

2.18 Cash receipts

2.19 Cheque receipts and direct payments into the SU bank account

2.20 Donations and receipts for donations

2.21 Investments and interest of funds

2.22 Handling of post-retirement medical benefits and exemption from study fees within cost center

2.23 Surcharge on gross third-stream income

2.24 Institution and management of internal financial levies

2.25 Handling of obsolete or redundant assets

2.26 Audit fees

2.27 Insurance claims

2.28 Advances

3. Statutory requirements

3.1 VAT

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3.2 Policy for foreign payments in terms of the regulations of the South African Reserve Bank and

Stellenbosch University

3.3 Amendment act on bills of exchange regarding the crossing of cheques

4. Internal rules and regulations

4.1 Internet services

4.2 Gifts

4.3 Internal loans

4.4 Note and membership fees

4.5 Entertainment

4.6 Telephone lines

4.7 Private telephone calls and internet usage

4.8 Policy and procedure with regard to cell phone and data cards

4.9 Travelling and subsistence

4.10 Personal expenses

4.11 Purchase of Academic/Job related text books

4.12 The presentation of conferences and congresses excluding short courses

4.13 Printer cartridges

5. Remuneration issues

5.1 Independent contractors and unemployment insurance legislation

6. Research

6.1 Research cost center

6.2 Rector’s award for excellence in research

6.3 SOS publication funds

6.4 Research finances – submission of claims and financial statements

6.5 Costing and pricing of research and research related contracts

7. Financial reporting

7.1 Financial reporting

8. Financial guidelines for the Finance Division

8.1 Financial guidelines with regard to purchasing and selling liquor in residence clubs

8.2 Financial management of e-campus projects

8.3 Membership of professional associations for members of the rector’s management team

8.4 Liaison with banking institutions

8.5 Renting of sports facilities to outside groups

9. Purchasing and Tender policy and procedure

10. Organisational Codes

Policy on centres, bureaus and institutes (CBIs)

Administrative procedures with regard to the ORGANISATIONAL UNIT (OU) structure

11. Policy on the naming of buildings, venues and other facilities/premises

12. Legal entities

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INTRODUCTION The rules and regulations as contained in the Financial Policy of the University are applicable to all financial activities and transactions within the University environment, regardless of the source of funding. It is the duty of each person to ensure that he/she acts in terms of these rules and regulations. Any person who does not act within the rules and regulations could face disciplinary action. The primary aim of the financial policy is to ensure that all financial transactions comply with the University’s requirements regarding internal control, financial liability and the management of financial risks, as well as comply with all legal and financial requirements as determined by the laws of South Africa, the Receiver of Revenue and any other institutions that pay funds to the University. Accordingly, each policy document is presented against the framework of a policy number, the policy and other possible rules applicable to the policy itself. Mention of the primary division to be contacted is provided at the end of each policy. For the purposes of this document, the divisions have been divided, where necessary, with a view to refining core responsibilities. A division such as Student Fees and Debtors will thus simply be listed as Student Fees, and not as Student Fees and Debtors, if the policy deals with student fees issues.

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1.1 BUDGET FOR CAPITAL ITEMS AND CAPITAL WORKS Policy number: 002A/06/04 Scope: The policy provides guidelines regarding budgeting for larger capital items and capital works in the financial system of SU. Policy:

Capital items are defined as items that are added to the asset register of the University on account of their value, and thereby are covered by insurance in the case of damage. Budgeting for capital items is done with the aid of program FBG100P (Budget for Furniture, Equipment and Computers). The budget number that is allocated by the system after the program has been executed must be used in completing the requisitions when the budgeted items are ordered /purchased. As soon as the items have been approved by the dean or departmental chairperson/executive head/discipline head, the budget amount, in the case of departmental funds, is transferred to the relevant cost center by computer, by means of program FBG100P. Funds are transferred to account number 6975 of the relevant cost center. NB: Program FBG100P automatically links the budgeted items to the relevant account number 6975. All asset items, including asset items purchased with research funds and all other funds administered by

SU must be entered by means of program FBG100P for inventory purposes.

Capital works can be described briefly as any modification to be applied to fixed structures of SU, e.g. addition of air conditioners, fitting of bookcases, etc. Entering the budget for capital works takes place by means of program FBG115P. After the request has been approved by the dean, it is automatically dealt with by the Physical Infrastructure Division. There is no need to complete a requisition in this regard. Contact Division: Financial Services

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2.1 CREATION OF NEW COST CENTER Policy Number: 032B/130906 Scope: The policy provides the guidelines with regard to the creation of a new cost point. Policy:

When a department applies for a cost point, a cost point application form, which can be found on the SU website, must be completed by the department.

When the application is returned, the normal cost point application form must be completed and sent to Financial Services for approval, after which it will be created by Financial and Management Systems Division.

An automatically generated e-mail will be sent to the following people as soon as the cost point has been created:

Person Responsible and Accounting Official

Enquiry programs: Users: FFB244P Cost point per SU no. Users: FFB166P Cost point access per user Officials: FFB224P to look up cost center per SU no.

New cost center are linked to the person who is responsible for the cost point and not to the departmental chairperson/executive head/discipline head. If the person does not have an SU number, it is linked to the chairperson.

Alpha/Numerical cost center are no longer created.

Cost center older than five years may be reused.

Student Society cost centers: The opening and closure of Student Society cost centers will only take place with approval of the Student Council member for Student Societies.

Contact Division: Financial Services

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2.2 CLOSURE OF COST CENTER Policy Number: 048B/130906 Scope: The policy contains SU’s procedure for the closure of cost center. Policy: Since the closure of cost center within various environments causes problems, the following procedure is proposed:

Requests for the closure of cost center should be directed to Financial and Management Systems who will confirm the following:

That the balance of the cost center equals nil. If there is a balance, the department will be contacted to indicate a cost center to which this balance can be journal to. A journal request will be send to the accountant responsible for transfers;

That there are no commitments on the cost center. If so, the department will be informed to look into them and confirm with Financial and Management Systems when they are finalised;

that there are no assets linked to the cost center, if so, Financial Planning and Asset Management are asked to move the assets to the appointed cost center;

that if the cost center receive interest, Financial Planning and Asset Management will change the interest to the indicated cost center;

That no remuneration is being paid from the cost center. If so, Human Resources must be informed of the new cost center by the department.

Please note that it is the department’s responsibility to:

identify cost centers that must be closed and to inform Financial Services or Financial and Management Systems thereof;

see that all commitments are taken care of;

Indicate to which cost center the surplus or shortage, interest and assets must be moved to. STAFF MEMBERS WHO LEAVE SU’S EMPLOY The cost center of persons who leave the employ of the University must:

Be identified by the Financial and Management Systems Division as soon as the monthly retirement list is received and be sent to the relevant accountant at Financial Services to:

be cleared or closed; or

The Dean and/or Vice-Rector (Research) should recommend what should be done with the staff member’s research funds.

Guidelines: K cost center: Return to Subcommittee A, B or C (B268A, B268B or B268C) Research funds: React to recommendation of Dean and/or Vice-Rector (Research) Rector’s Award Return to B064 Statutory councils: Refundable to statutory council Establishment funds: Return to Dean

CLOSURE AND OPENING OF COST POINT ACCOUNT COMBINATIONS: 0999 No salary cost point account combination may be closed during the final week of the month, when the Remuneration Division posts the salaries. The correct cost point must be provided by the department concerned to Human Resources with regard to the posting for the next month. Contact Division: Financial and Management Systems

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2.3 BOOKKEEPING OF ENTITIES FALLING OUTSIDE SU Policy number: 004A/06/04 Scope: The policy provides the financial guidelines that are applicable when SU does the bookkeeping of an entity that falls outside SU. Policy:

Any entity for which the University is to take care of the bookkeeping has to sign a mandatory agreement in this regard. The mandatory agreement will regulate the privacy between the parties. Contact division: Finance

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2.4 INTERDEPARTMENTAL TRANSACTIONS Policy Number: 038A/06/04 Scope: The policy contains the rules and regulations of SU with regard to the payment for services or products provided between internal departments via an interdepartmental requisition. Policy: PURPOSE OF AN INTERDEPARTMENTAL REQUISITION

The function of an interdepartmental requisition as such is to enable funds to be moved between two different operational units.

This movement of funds is only justifiable when payment is made for goods or services provided by an internal department/division that requests the requisition.

Basically, Dept X provides a service to Dept Y for which payment is done by means of an interdepartmental requisition.

IN PRACTICE It has come to light that this function is mismanaged within certain environments, in that it is applied to effect the movement of funds between different cost centers within the same operational unit, which gives rise to:

tax evasion;

corrections being made between accounts that should only be done by means of journals; and/or

Transfers between cost center that may only take place by means of transfer journals. PREVENTION

The interdepartmental requisition program (EAS505P) has been adjusted so that only the operational units that actually perform service-provision functions are listed for selection (F1 on the Direct to field), e.g. SU Printers, Student Fees, and IT.

Other operational units that are not traditionally classified as operational units, but that do in fact perform internal functions, are also listed, e.g. Innovation, in order to accommodate the Projectus courses.

Only these operational units are also permitted to carry out the rechannelling of funds (EAS125P).

All other transactions must be finalised by means of a journal transaction by the Faculty Accountant at Financial Services.

If your operating unit does in fact need to be identified as an operating unit and does not currently appear on the list, you may submit written motivation to your faculty accountant to support an application for consideration.

NEW SERVICE-PROVIDING OPERATIONAL UNITS If you would like to apply to have the current operational unit converted to a service-providing operational unit, you should contact your official at Financial Services. Contact Division: Financial Services

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2.5 LEDGER JOURNALS Policy Number: 014A/06/04 Scope: The policy determines when a journal transaction is permissible and the requirements that have to be met when a requisition is filled in. Policy: The purpose of ledger journals is of divergent nature. The journals are kept, amongst other things, for the following reasons:

Transfer of funds between cost center

Year-end procedures, e.g. provision for devaluation

Reallocation of expenditure

Correction of incorrect journal entries

Distribution of expenses (where more than one cost point forms part of a particular expense) No journal transaction will be executed before the request for such a transaction has not been properly authorised by the relevant person responsible. Requests for journal transactions must in all instances be clearly motivated. In cases where a request for the reallocation of expenses, whether between different cost center, projects and/or accounts, is made, the details of the origin of the initial transactions must be attached to the journal request. Care must be taken during completion of expense requisitions that correct accounts are indicated to avoid unnecessary corrections at a later date. In cases where more than one cost point forms part of a particular expense, an attempt must be made to fill in the correct cost center and accounts right from the beginning of entering this information. Requests for fund transfers will only be referred to the Division: Accountants for finalisation after they have been checked for correctness by the relevant Financial Services official. Transfer of funds from and to research funds is subject to the conditions set out by the relevant research sponsor. Contact Division: Financial Services

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Policy Number: 012A/06/04 Scope: The policy provides the financial rules and regulations applicable to updating the inventory register of SU. Policy: Each year during May the officials responsible for all room at the University are requested by circular containing full instructions for the operation to check the contents of rooms and to certify the inventories by computer, with the help of program EBR001P. This action is essential in order to account for all asset items and to ensure that all assets are insured at a realistic value. For all assets that are also used at home and may be in transit for some reason or other, it is essential that a Transit request be completed, with program EBR050P and approved with program EBR051P. If this is not done, such items will not be covered by insurance in the event of theft. When a staff member leaves the service of the University or is transferred to another department/ division, the head of the department/division/executive head/discipline head must ensure that the inventory corresponds to the assets in the room(s). The University’s internal as well as external auditors will perform random checks during the year at departments/divisions to determine whether the University’s instructions are being followed correctly. Contact Division: Financial Planning and Asset Management

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2.7 ISSUING OF OFFICIAL INVOICES Policy Number: 040A/25/03/09 Scope: The policy provides the rules and regulations of SU with regard to the issuing of invoices and the income accounts that should be used. Policy: GENERAL

All external work done by departments must be invoiced via the debtor’s system.

Departments create/issue their own invoices by means of program FDB030P. The financial system will reject an invoice that is created for a debtor whose account is overdue by more than 90 days. In such cases, the debtor’s division should be contacted about the necessary adjustment and/or correction.

The relevant department whose debtor(s) have debt that is overdue by more than 90 days are responsible for following up the debtor(s) concerned, since other departments are also influenced.

All payments received must either be referred to the debtor’s division or be deposited at the cashiers in the relevant debtor’s account using the debtor’s code and invoice as reference. Payments for invoices can never be paid into a cost point and income account.

Requests for credit notes must be forwarded to the debtor’s division. These requests with the necessary motivation and supporting documents must be approved by the head of division/department.

A project assignment that is completed in phases over a term may not be invoiced in advance. Invoices have to be created as each phase is finalised.

Any donation to Stellenbosch University that qualifies for a Section 18(A) donation receipt may not be requested per invoice. The procedure set out in point 10 of Donations and Receipts for Donations should be followed.

The following debtor’s programs are available:

FDB030P - Issuing of invoices

FDB050P - Invoice enquiries

FDB060P - Debit note enquiries

FDB070P - Credit note enquiries

FDB120P - Statement enquiries

FDB095P - Enquiry – Debtor status

FDB125P - Global enquiry

ISSUEING INVOICES All external work, research, consulting and goods that are provided by departments must be invoiced via the debtor’s system. All invoices that are issued must be approved by the person whose cost center is used or by the head of department/executive head/discipline head thereof. The person who issues the invoice must ensure that the correct income account is used. If there is any doubt about the correct income account, Financial Services should be contacted. No invoice may be created on Stellenbosch University letterheads or generated by computer programs. The debtor’s system should be used at all times to create invoices.

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The following income account is used when invoices are created for domestic income:

5388: Income sponsorships: Sponsorships are paid towards this income account. VAT is levied.

5413: Commissioned research: Funds obtained for contract research are paid towards this income

account. VAT is levied.

5415: Zero-rated sales: Funds obtained from the sale of exempt products (mainly agricultural

products) are paid towards this income account. No VAT is levied.

5597: Sundry income (Taxable): Funds obtained for services rendered, goods supplied, research and

any other taxable supplies are paid towards this income account, exclusive of payments from

the NRF, WRC, other statutory councils and income that belongs specifically to one of the

named income accounts. VAT is levied.

5267: Department of Water Affairs and Forestry: Funds received from the Department of Water Affairs

and Forestry is paid towards this income account. VAT is levied.

5270: DST income: Funds received from DST are paid towards this income account.

5307: Water Research Commission: Funds received from the Water Research Commission are paid

towards this income account. VAT is levied.

5387: Income Bursaries: Funds received for paying out bursaries. No VAT is levied.

5777: Income received from the attendance of educational seminars, congresses and courses. No

VAT is levied.

The following income account is to be used when invoices are created for foreign income:

5777: Income received from the attendance of educational seminars, congresses and courses.

5598: Foreign payments: Funds received from abroad are paid in against the income account.

5387: Income Bursaries: Funds received for paying out bursaries.

5592: Foreign Income Exempt: Foreign income received for non taxable supplies,

Excluding 5777, 5387 or 5373 (donations)

Please note: No VAT is levied on foreign income. No invoice may be captured against income account 5596 without prior permission from Financial Services. Contact Division: Debtors

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2.8 CREDIT ON A DEBTOR’S ACCOUNT Policy Number: 045A/06/04 Scope: The policy contains the rules of SU regarding the payment of a credit on a debtor’s account. Policy: No credit on a debtor’s account will be paid out unless the company concerned requests that such credit be paid. The payments must be approved by the Deputy Director: Student Fees and Debtors. Contact Division: Debtors

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2.9 BANK ACCOUNTS Policy Number: 009A/06/04 Scope: The policy provides the financial rules and regulations applicable to bank accounts outside SU. Policy: Stellenbosch University follows a policy of partially decentralised financial management. With implementation of the RCM model, decentralisation will be increased. The passing on of authority with regard to the application of policy and procedures, as approved by the Council, however, involves particular responsibilities. The financial policy of the University is on the University’s website under online services for staff members. According to the approved policy, all financial activities of departments, divisions, institutes, bureaus and centres and other activities related to the University may only be handled via the University’s financial system. Separate bank accounts may therefore not be created by the above-named entities for their activities; as such transactions will not be subject to the University’s policy and procedures or to the internal and external audit of the University. Should such cases occur, they will be examined by the University’s forensic auditors and employees will be subject to possible disciplinary action by the University. Contact division: Financial Planning and Asset Management

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2.10 CREDIT CARDS Policy Number: 046A/06/04 Scope: The policy contains the rules of SU regarding the existence of credit cards within the SU environment. Policy: No corporate credit cards may exist in any SU environment. If purchases are made with a personal credit card, a cheque may not be requested against the cost point merely by providing the credit card statement as evidence; the necessary invoices should be attached. Contact Division: Financial Services

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2.11 PETTY CASH FUNDS Policy Number: 016A/06/04 Scope: The policy deals with general, reconciliation and handing-over procedures as applicable to all petty cash funds. Policy: GENERAL PROCEDURES

Applications for petty cash funds must be directed to the Deputy Director: Financial Services. Petty cash requests are limited to a maximum of R1 000.00. A formal petty cash application form must be filled in. This requires that the relevant departmental chairperson/head of division/executive head/discipline head undertake to apply funds in agreement with the policy and procedures.

Overall control and signing power rest with the departmental chairperson /head of division/executive head/discipline head. Both he/she and the person responsible have to sign the petty cash top-up form.

Because of tax implications, no payments with regard to remuneration may be made to any person. In such instances, Human Resources must be contacted.

RECONCILIATION PROCEDURES Cash in hand must periodically be confirmed by the departmental chairperson / head of division/executive head/discipline head to ensure that petty cash funds are correct (Advance – proof of purchase = cash in hand). The petty cash top-up form must be signed by the departmental chairperson / head of division/executive head/discipline head as proof that the physical cash on hand has been checked and that it corresponds to the amount according to the reconciliation. It is important to fill in the reconciliation space on the petty cash top-up form for the purpose of control.

The petty cash top-up form on which the expenses are listed is available from the Financial Services

Division, and the original proofs of purchase must be attached to it.

A cheque requisition form must be sent to the relevant faculty official, together with the petty cash top-

up form and the original proof of purchase. If the petty cash top-up form is not completed properly and

adequately authorised, the petty cash top-up will not be processed, but will be returned to the relevant


Original, official invoices or receipts that meet policy requirements must serve as proof of petty cash


The petty cash must be kept up to date and be balanced, as it could be audited at any time by the

internal/external auditors and/or the Finance Division.

The maximum pay-out per transaction from petty cash is R250.00.

Petty cash funds must be administered separately from any personal accounts. The purpose of petty

cash is to have cash readily available at all times for concluding smaller diverse transactions.

Personal advances are not granted from petty cash.

Personal funds may under no circ*mstances be used for petty cash purchases. If the value of

transactions prevents purchases from petty cash, a purchase requisition should be requested for the

planned expense.

No income, of whatever nature, may serve as top-up for petty cash.

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The person responsible may not top up the petty cash from his/her own pocket. The amount requested

may never be more than the amount of the original petty cash advance.

No personal expenses may be paid from petty cash funds.


A one-off undertaking is signed by the holder of the petty cash in which it is declared that petty cash

prescriptions have been studied and accepted.

Petty cash top-up will take place by means of uncrossed cheques.

The relevant petty cash cheque will only be given to the beneficiary initially indicated on the cheque

requisition, after thorough identification by the Financial Services Division.

Cash must be kept in a cash box that is locked away in a safe or a reinforced filing cabinet. As the

University is not insured against money going missing, cash must be limited to a minimum amount.

The key to the cash box may only be in the possession of the person in control of petty cash spending.

A duplicate key in a sealed envelope must be kept safe by Ms HM Pieterse, Financial Planning and

Asset Management Division. The person responsible at the Tygerberg campus is Ms S Schoeman and

at Bellville Park it is Mr P Gerber.

Contact Division: Financial Services

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2.12 OBTAINING GOODS AND SERVICES Policy Number: 034A/06/04 Scope: The policy contains general information on obtaining goods and services, the functions of the Purchasing and Provision Services Division and keying in requisitions on SU’s financial system. Policy: DIRECTLY FROM SUPPLIERS

Control over the availability of funds is the responsibility of each researcher, chairperson or head of

department/executive head/discipline head and is also tested by the computer when an order is


Only people with prior authorisation in the departments/divisions may approve requisitions.

Any purchases from a creditor (company) by the University must be done on computer with an official

University order. Ensure in advance that the items are not in stock.

No payment may be made without an official order number. Invoices that are received without an official

order number will not be paid.

VAT may only be claimed back on original invoices.

All purchase requisitions that are entered by means of the program EAS500P are processed by the

Purchasing and Provision Services Division and the order number is then posted, faxed or sent by e-

mail to the company concerned.

All service, rental, maintenance and other contracts must be signed by the Executive Director:

Operations and Finance or his delegate.

For further details about the utilisation of contracts, e.g. for chemicals and stationery, contact:

Purchasing and Provision Services Division, tel. no. 808-4500.

Purchases of microcomputers, software and related equipment take place in consultation with the

Director: Information Technology.

Purchases of audiovisual apparatus must take place in consultation with the Purchasing and Provision

Services Division.

Purchases of asset items may only take place if there is a budget number for the specific item.


Requests for supplies from the relevant store take place on computer using a supplies requisition with program EAS501P (Processing of supplies requisitions).


For the purchase of more expensive equipment from overseas or from SA agents, quotations and

tender prices must be obtained via the Purchasing and Provision Services Division.

Regarding asset/capital items, the procedures mentioned under point 1 must be followed.

All foreign purchases are entered by mans of program EAS199P – Foreign requisitions.

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Negotiations and liaison with companies regarding purchases, tender and contracts for the above

All overseas purchases – quotations, contracts and orders

Handle customs and excise taxes, import permits, forward cover with regard to changing exchange

rates, etc. for foreign purchases

Advise staff on SU purchases and gifts for long-service awards

Coordinate outside printing according to prescribed guidelines

Coordinate the conclusion and signing of all purchase, maintenance and service contracts

Check that the general budgetary guidelines set out under point 1 are applied

Print and dispatch official order forms to companies

Pursue outstanding orders and liaise with Creditors Division to ensure that the correct prices are paid

Negotiate with companies should differences occur in prices and product specifications

Provide warehousing services with regard to stock items


Departments/divisions must request the relevant requisition for each order/purchase via computer.

It is important that the requisition be filled in completely and correctly in order to ensure its rapid

processing and the placing of the order. One of the following requisitions should be used:

Maintenance – Purchase requisition (program EAS500P) External orders: If orders have been delivered/received, an acknowledgement of receipt must be done on computer by means of program EAS900P (Goods received).

Maintenance – Stock requisition (program EAS501P) Order of supplies (e.g. stationery) from the relevant store. Maintenance – Interdepartmental requisition (program EAS505P) Departmental requisition for provision of services by internal divisions, e.g. IT, Maintenance, SU

Printers, etc.

Maintenance Vehicle bookings (program EVP213P) To book vehicles from the Vehicle Fleet.

Contact Division: Purchasing and Provision Services

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2.13 REQUESTS FOR CHEQUE OR ELECTRONIC PAYMENTS Policy Number: 030A/06/04 Scope: The policy contains the rules and regulations of SU with regard to requisitions for cheque or electronic payments, excluding applications for advance cheques. Policy: APPLICATION FORM The form according to which a request for payment is directed has been adapted to reflect greater clarity regarding the responsibilities of the role-players and to make it more user-friendly. The new form that should be used has been available on the SU web page since 1 June 2004 under Downloadable documents. NATURE OF RESPONSIBILITIES Four (groups of) role-players are involved in the application of a request for payment. Beneficiary The beneficiary is the person who incurred the expense (in the case of SU staff or students) and is now demanding a refund, or the person or institution that delivered a service and/or a product to SU (an SU staff member, SU student or contractor) and is invoicing the University for it. The details of the person are filled in Section A of the application form. The beneficiary (or SU proxy in the case of an external provider) signs in the applicable place. By signing, the beneficiary (or proxy in the case of an external provide) declares that the expenses were incurred in the service of SU and that supporting documents are attached. Applicant The applicant is the person who fills in the form. The details of the person are filled in Section B of the application form. By signing on the applicable line, he/she declares that the correct information has been provided and that supporting documents are attached. In the case of SU staff or students, the applicant is not the same as the beneficiary. In the case of an outside person or institution, the applicant is a permanent member of staff or student of SU. The applicant is also responsible for completing Section D, except for the coloured column. Person who is authorised to approve the request The detail of the person who is authorised to approve the request is filled in Section C of the form. By approving the request, the person in the faculty, department or division who approves the request confirms that the expense concerned was incurred in the execution of the functions of the University. In the case of the academic sector this entails research, teaching or community interaction. In the case of support services, it has to do with the functions of the relevant division. The person who signs declare that the expense represents university business, as set out in the financial instructions and policy, and that the request is thus approved. In the case of SU staff or students, the person who approves is someone other than the beneficiary. Person who authorises the payment The person who authorises the payment is the relevant faculty accountant in the Division: Finance. This person completes Section E (and one column in Section D). By signing, he/she declares that all the financial-administrative control measures and policy have been complied with and the payment is authorised. APPROVAL PROCESS For the sake of completeness, the SU key instructions with regard to the approval of requests for payment (as in the Financial Policy) are given below:

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All requests for payment by means of cheques or the electronic transfer of funds must be signed by the applicant and then be approved and signed by the dean/head of department/head/executive head/discipline head of division and/or an authorised person.

Regarding the delegation of power of approval, the following:

o Details of the designated management/control staff and of the persons to whom signing power has been delegated are collected by the Financial Services Division every year.

o The form below is completed and returned to the Deputy Director: Financial Services.


Initials, Surname and SU Staff Number

Sample signature








o The Finance Division: Financial Services must be informed in writing as soon as possible of the

delegation of signing power during absence (for example as a result of retirement, during leave, congress attendance, etc.).

As there appears to be confusion, particularly in the academic ranks, the approval of a request in terms of the Financial Policy entails the following:

o that the expenses were incurred for the purpose of teaching, research and/or community interaction; o that all expenses are supported by complete and original documents as evidence; o a complete explanation of travelling and subsistence expenses are provided and are supported by

original documents such as airplane tickets, hotel accounts or other documents; and o That the beneficiary is an employer and/or a student of SU and, if not, that the beneficiary complies

with the definition of an independent contractor according to the South African Income Service (as set out in the Financial Policy).

In accordance with the wording on the official application form (as cleared up by Legal Services), the person who approves a request for payment may be held personally liable in cases in which the instructions and policy were not complied with and could even face disciplinary action.

PAYMENT PROCESS The payment process entails the following key steps:

All cheque requests, once they have been completed and approved by the designated person, together with all the supporting documents, are sent to the relevant faculty accountant at the Financial Services Division of Finance, who checks them and authorises the payment.

Requests that are not completed in full are returned to the applicant.

Requests for which payment has been authorised are processed electronically in the financial system, after which payment takes place by means of a cheque or an electronic transfer.

In the case of electronic transfers, the beneficiary is notified by e-mail or in writing that the transaction has been processed and is informed of the date on which the funds will be paid into his/her nominated bank account.

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All cheques and electronic transfers must be signed by two persons with authority to sign cheques. GENERAL Departments/divisions must not create an order and request a cheque – this results in double payments.

As a result of the tax implications, a request for a cheque with regard to remuneration must be sent to

Human Resources.

All cheques must be crossed as “non-negotiable” as well as “not transferable” in order to grant SU

maximum protection in cases where cheques become lost or are stolen. In terms of the new bank law,

not crossing may not be removed from a cheque under any circ*mstances.

Creditors of SU are currently paid electronically and cheques will only be prepared for creditors in

exceptional cases. Cheques are dispatched direct to the creditor concerned and will thus not be sent to

departments/division for handing to the relevant creditor.

Lost cheques are only cancelled after a month has elapsed.

ADVANCE CHEQUES Advance cheques are only issued in highly exceptional cases, since it is very problematic to obtain the necessary evidence afterwards. However, should an advance cheque be applied for, the following conditions apply:

A cheque requisition form on which the SU number has been placed must be completed in full and sent

to the relevant faculty official (see Addendum A) at the Financial Services Division.

The advance finalisation form that is issued with the advance cheque must be returned with the

necessary documents as evidence to Financial Services within 30 days.

If an amount of money remains unspent, it must be deposited with the Cashiers against the same cost

point account number against which the cheque was requested.

If the costs incurred were greater than the advance, an additional cheque should be requested.

Advance cheques are only issued to a creditor of the University in highly exceptional cases, since an

order number has to be requested.

Contact Division: Financial Services

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2.14 REQUIREMENTS TO BE MET BY CREDITOR INVOICES FOR PAYMENT Policy Number: 041A/06/04 Scope: The policy provides the requirements to be met by an invoice for SU, before payment can take place. Policy: INVOICES FROM AN INSTITUTION TO SU The following information should appear on the invoice:

that it is an invoice or tax invoice

the name and address of the provider, as well as the VAT registration number in the case of a tax invoice

directed to Stellenbosch University

address and VAT registration number of Stellenbosch University

the invoice number and date

a description of the goods and the quantity

the value of the goods and the tax added

INVOICES FROM A PERSON TO SU The following information should appear on the invoice:

that it is an invoice or tax invoice

the name and address of the person, as well as the VAT registration number in the case of a tax invoice

directed to Stellenbosch University

address and VAT registration number of Stellenbosch University

the invoice number and date

a description of the goods and the quantity

the value of the goods and the tax added

the person must sign the invoice

Take note: No payments are made against quotations, pro forma invoices or statements. Contact Division: Financial Services

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2.15 REISSUING OF CHEQUES THAT HAVE BEEN STOPPED Policy Number: 044A/06/04 Scope: The policy contains the rules of SU regarding the reissuing of cheques that have been stopped. Policy: A cheque may not be reissued within seven days after it has been stopped by the bank. Before a cheque may be reissued after seven days have elapsed, a check should first be done to determine whether the cheque has not been cashed in the meantime. A form to be used for stopping a cheque is available from the Financial Planning and Asset Management Division and must be signed by the person responsible at that department. Before the cheque is reissued, officials must check with the responsible person at the Financial Planning and Asset Management Division that the cheque has not been cashed in the meantime and she must sign the form as confirmation thereof. Contact Division: Financial Planning and Asset Management

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2.16 CREDIT CARD FACILITY FOR PAYMENTS TO SU Policy Number: 018A/06/04 Scope: The policy contains the information that is required for processing credit card transactions. Policy: SU has a credit card facility for the receipt of payments made to SU. The purpose of this facility is primarily to facilitate the receipt of conference fees. The commission linked to credit card payments to Standard Bank (currently 2,5%) will be for the account of the department/institute/division concerned. The details that are required for such a transaction are:

Credit card account number

Card type

Expiry date

The last three digits on the back of the card (near the signature) Should someone want to use this facility or has any enquiries, further details can be obtained from the Financial Planning and Asset Management Division. Contact Division: Financial Planning and Asset Management

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2.17 CASHIERS Policy Number: 015A/06/04 Scope: The policy determines the handling of deposits at the cashiers and stipulates the functions of the cashiers. Policy: CHECKING AND HANDLING DAILY CASHIER DEPOSITS PR1 = The person responsible for counting the money and checking the cashiers’ totals PR2 = The person responsible (Student Fees) who keeps the second key to the safe PR1 checks the correctness of cash, cheques and bank deposit slips, i.e. FKT checks must correspond to actual cash, cheques, credit card total as printed (banking slip) and bank deposit slips. The summaries of the cashier’s total are signed by the cashier and PR1 (all copies in deposit book). The relevant person then takes responsibility for the deposits. PR1 checks the correctness of the cashiers’ advance and signs the suggested form for the advance, surpluses and shortfalls. Surpluses and Shortfalls:

These are recorded on the suggested form for the advance, surpluses and shortfalls. This form must be filled in daily and be signed by the cashier and PR1. The completed form will be checked regularly by the Deputy Director: Financial Planning and Asset Management. At month end, the form is sent to the Division: Financial Planning and Asset Management for filing.

Surpluses – Make out a receipt on B001 8608, with the necessary references.

Cash, cheques and postal orders, together with the bank deposit slip and printed list of cheques, are sealed on the day of receipt in bags supplied by the bank and in the presence of the cashier, and are then placed in the SU safe (keys in the possession of PR1 and PR2). Bank deposit slips, credit card slips and the (cash) advance are placed separately in the SU safe. PR1 and PR2 unlock the safe on the subsequent day and hand the sealed deposit bag to an official of Standard Bank. FUNCTIONS OF THE CASHIERS Correctness of cheques

Check the correctness of the date on the cheque

Check that the cheque is signed

Check the correctness of details concerning the beneficiary – note the crossing on cheques

Check that words and figures match Credit card payments

Do a daily banking

Copies of credit card slips to Financial Planning and Asset Management and original is filed at the cashier

Write the number of the receipt on the slip as a reference Contact Division: Student Fees

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2.18 CASH RECEIPTS Policy Number: 017A/06/04 Scope: The policy contains the financial rules and regulations applicable to all cash received. Policy: The departmental chairperson/head of division/executive head/discipline head is responsible for handling cash. The cash and receipt book must be locked away in a safe/strongbox and the key must be carried on the person of the responsible official. An official receipt, always in numerical sequence, must be issued for all cash received. Receipt books are available from the Student Fees Division. All cash and cheques must be paid in at the cashiers each week, or daily if the amounts are large, by means of a completed deposit slip (available form the cashier) and the receipt book. An official University receipt will then be issued. If an original receipt has been cancelled, it should be marked by having "Cancelled" written across it, and it must be kept in the receipt book, as in the case of all copies. Only one person may have access to the money, safe/strongbox key and receipt book. Should the key to the safe/strongbox be handed to another person, it must be recorded in a register. A duplicate key must be deposited in a sealed envelope at the Financial Planning and Asset Management Division for safe-keeping. Fully used receipt books must be returned to the Student Fees Division for safe-keeping before a new receipt book may be issued. Cash counts by the external auditors and/or Division: Finance may take place at any time. Duplicates of strongbox keys may not be made and strongboxes may not be made available to unauthorised persons. Cash may not be left lying around or be put away in drawers, as the University has no insurance against money going missing. Payments may not be made directly from cash received. Contact Division: Student Fees

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2.19 CHEQUE RECEIPTS AND DIRECT PAYMENTS INTO THE SU BANK ACCOUNT Policy Number: 031A/06/04 Scope: The policy contains the rules and regulations of SU and the Acts regarding bills of exchange and negotiable documents. Said rules and regulations relate to cheques received and direct payments into the SU bank account. Policy:

As a result of amendments to the Acts relating to bills of exchange and negotiable documents, cheques that are made out to the University are only acceptable if they have been made out to Stellenbosch University. No cheque will be accepted if it has been made out in favour of an institute, residence, gymnasium, bureau, etc. Any changes made on the cheque, even if fully countersigned by the account holder, will invalidate the cheque. This arrangement is valid as from 1 August 2001. When deposits are made into an SU bank account, it is the responsibility of the department/division concerned to obtain the necessary proof. The Financial Planning and Asset Management Division should then be contacted to obtain confirmation of the deposit. The full details for allocation, namely date of deposit, amount, depositor and cost point account number, should also be provided. Even if there is no physical evidence, the department/division still needs to provide the abovementioned details to the Financial Planning and Asset Management Division before an allocation can be made to the relevant cost point. This is also applicable to receipts from overseas. Contact Division: Financial Planning and Asset Management

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2.20 DONATIONS AND RECEIPTS FOR DONATIONS Policy Number: 027A/06/04 Scope: The policy contains the University’s rules and procedures with regard to donations and receipts for donations. Policy: A donation is money/goods/services, etc. that are donated to the University without the donor expecting any counter performance. In order to qualify for a tax exemption certificate, a donation must comply with abovementioned description in terms of the provisions of Section 18A of the Income Tax Act (Act 58 of 1962). A sponsorship, on the other hand, can be described as money/goods/services that are provided by a sponsor for which a counter performance is required. The counter performance is usually in the form of exposure (advertisem*nt) and is often included in a contract. A sponsorship therefore does not qualify for a donor receipt. Donations consist of two main categories, namely:

Earmarked: Is given for a specific purpose

Not earmarked: A donation is given to the recipient without any prescriptions

Earmarked donations have various forms, e.g.:

Donations for research (excluding contract research)

Bursaries (where beneficiary students are not nominated by the donor)

Salary supplementation

Donations in natura

Donations for community service projects and programmes

Take note: All earmarked donations (e.g. for a specific department or research project) will immediately be paid into the designated departmental cost point via the Stellenbosch Trust and will immediately be available to the relevant department.

NB: All donations must be paid in at the Stellenbosch Foundation Division, 12 Murray Street, and the following are required:

The donor cheque

A copy of the relevant correspondence from the donor

The cost point and account number against which the cheque must be deposited

The name, telephone number and office address of the contact person (recipient)

A letter of thanks for dispatch to the donor with the receipt (unless otherwise indicated, a letter of thanks

and the receipt will automatically be dispatched by the Stellenbosch Foundation Division)

Why are deposits handled by the Stellenbosch Foundation Division?

A record of donations is kept for each donor so that, approximately every five years, the University can acknowledge its donors by way of the Vice-Chancellor’s Awards. These awards are done in categories that are determined by the total donations given to the University by the donor. It therefore includes donations to any department or subdivision of the University.

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In order to facilitate auditing and ensure good control, Section 18A receipts may be issued only by this division. Unfortunately, it sometimes happens that academic departments deposit a donation at the cashiers and an ordinary receipt, instead of a donor receipt, is then issued. After a few months, the donor’s auditor contacts the University to request a Section 18A receipt. This creates double the amount of administrative work and creates a poor image of the University in the eye of the donor.

The Stellenbosch Foundation Division is responsible for the coordination of all fundraising that is undertaken by the University or any SU representative. Without a complete donation history of donors, it is not possible to undertake meaningful and well-considered planning for fundraising. Aspects such as reporting to donors on the application of their donations, the timing of submissions for project proposals, avoiding that a donor does not receive unreasonably many requests for donations, etc. are all managed by this division.

Contact Division: Stellenbosch Foundation

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2.21 INVESTMENTS AND INTEREST ON FUNDS Policy number: 003A/06/04 Scope: The policy provides financial guidelines with regard to investments and interest paid and received at cost center. Policy: INVESTMENTS Funds can be invested on the long or the short term: Short-term funds Short-term funds earn interest at a variable rate that is realised monthly at a variety of deposit-taking institutions. Long-term funds Long-term funds are managed by the University’s external portfolio manager. They are invested in shares, government stock and other investment instruments. The income from long-term investments, which is apportioned annually in December, naturally is lower than short-term interest, as a portion of the returns is capital growth. The capital gain or loss is realised and apportioned when funds are withdrawn from the long-term investment pool. INTEREST ON FUNDS The non-budget cost center (usually research cost center) receives interest on credit balances and interest is levied on overdrawn balances. The relevant account numbers are as follows: 5705 - Sundry interest receipts 2146 - Sundry interest payments Contact Division: Financial Planning and Asset Management

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2.22 HANDLING OF POST-RETIREMENT MEDICAL BENEFITS AND EXEMPTION FROM STUDY FEES WITHIN COST CENTER Policy Number: 049B/110906 Scope: The policy deals with the handling of post-retirement medical benefits and exemption from study fees within a cost point should the cost point move. Policy: Should a faculty decide to incorporate a cost point in the faculty, the cost of post-retirement benefits and exemption from study fees of the relevant cost point are not downloaded to the rest of the budget, but are borne by the relevant faculty itself. Any ad-hoc incident that implicates an unreasonable split of funding; may be managed as line function with discretion of the Executive Director: Operations and Finance and the Vice rector (Operations). Contact Division: Financial Services

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2.23 SURCHARGE ON GROSS THIRD-STREAM INCOME Policy Number: 051A/06/04 Scope: The policy contains the procedure and background relating to the surcharge on gross third-stream income. Policy: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY After representations and various consultations, amendments to the surcharge of 12% on research funds, which was instituted as from 19 January, were ratified by the Executive Committee (Senate) on 13 April 2004. The implementation of the surcharge on research funds is referred to as step 1. The course of the process is set out later in this document for the sake of completeness. It was stated clearly from the start that the surcharge would be applicable to all third-stream income. Attention was initially focused on research funds. The surcharge now needs to be implemented in full, with due allowance for the fact that there might be uncertainty in certain environments about its scope. This is referred to as step 2. The purpose of this memorandum is therefore: 1. To ensure that all environments (academic and non-academic, and not only research environments)

are fully informed of the surcharge on gross third-stream income.

2. To provide certainty about which income is subject to the surcharge and which is not.

3. To provide clarity on the implementation of the surcharge.

STEP 1: RESEARCH INCOME – HISTORICAL COURSE OF EVENTS SINCE THE BEGINNING OF 2004 On 14 January 2004 a document, Implementation of the system for the management of research funds, was sent by the Vice-Rector (Research) to all the deans, and to all the non-academic responsibility centre heads on 15 January. The memorandum that explained the document requested, amongst other things, that the document be brought to the attention of the people in the respective environments who could be affected by the implementation of the system on 19 January 2004. Paragraph 6 of the memorandum also indicated, however, that “This document only deals with the surcharge on funds for research and the associated high-level expertise”. Addendum C of the document, Implementation of the system of management for research funds, deals, amongst other things, with the rationale for the surcharge on outside funds and indicates in paragraph 3 that the following factors need to be accounted for financially: the University’s name, the extra costs brought about by outside funds, such as legal services, financial services, resource services, purchases, etc., and the expertise of the relevant person, group or environment. Paragraph 5 of Addendum C also indicates that the surcharge will be 12% “on new gross third-stream income … as from 19 January 2004”, i.e. on new income received on or after 19 January.

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A number of deans submitted an amended proposal from the research environment to the Rector on 1 March 2004, and this was followed by a meeting chaired by the Rector on 31 March 2004. An adapted proposal was presented to the Executive Committee on 13 April 2004 and was accepted. The proposal was based on the following points of departure: 1. There has to be a surcharge. 2. The scope, distribution and application should create an incentive for environments to generate such

funds and to apply them to the benefit of the strategic objectives of SU as contained in Vision 2012 and made practicable in the SU Business Plan 2004 – 2006.

3. The foundations on which the distribution of funds to centres of responsibility was based were recursively applicable to the sub-environments within the centres.

4. the funds could have the following potential application: strategic projects operating expenses covering risks related to projects

The approved arrangement now entails the following: 1. The surcharge is kept at 12%. This figure has already been submitted to and approved by the SU

Council as part of the 2004 budget. 2. Half of the surcharge is made directly available to the relevant sector (academic or non-academic) as a

fixed and preferential claim. The other half is allocated together with all other budget income between all claims as part of the normal budget process, in accordance with the applicable apportionment foundation.

3. The portion that is directly available for the relevant environments is subdivided into three components: 3.1. Responsibility centre within which the third-stream income is generated: 3/12 (3 percentage points, or 25% of the surcharge) is apportioned direct to the environment

(academic and non-academic) in which the third-stream income is earned. This portion is allocated direct to the funds-generating environments before the rest of the surcharge is divided.

3.2. Central research fund : 2/12 (2 percentage points, or about 16% of the surcharge) is apportioned direct to a central

research fund, which can be applied for one or more of the following: financing of focus-area research and financing of centres of excellence.

3.3. Innovation Fund: 1/12 (1 percentage point, or about 8% of the surcharge) is apportioned direct to an innovation

fund in support of the development of intellectual capacity on a commercial basis. 4. The other half of the surcharge – 6/12 (6 percentage points, or 50% of the surcharge) – is apportioned

without label as all other main budget income. 5. The above application of the surcharge will only be phased in from 2005, since the surcharge income

for this year has already been fully apportioned in the main budget. It has also been proposed and accepted, however, that, if and insofar as the budgeted amount of R9.0 million for 2004 is exceeded and/or if the total budget picture appears favourable in this regard later in the year, the phasing in of the proposals under point 3 above can commence this year.

6. Finally, it was decided that the implementation of this proposal should be synchronised with the proposals that were developed under the guidance of Prof. A Schoonwinkel with regard to project 6 – Increased share of faculties in main budget by 2012.

Some of the implications of the abovementioned proposals are:

The targeted apportionment strengthens the research effort of SU.

There is a reasonably strong incentive for all environments to earn third-stream income.

The apportionment foundation that will be phased in as from 2005 means that half of the surcharge income will in future be divided in a manner different to that used in the 2004 budget.

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Implementation The surcharge on research income will be levied as from 19 January 2004 and will be recorded from an accounting point of view in the relevant cost center as from the end of May 2004. Thereafter the recording will take place each time that income is paid in. If it appears that the income should rather resort under the category of non-research income and therefore should be levied from the dates set out below, this needs to be brought to the attention of the Finance Division, which will make the necessary corrections. STEP 2: APPLICATION OF SURCHARGE ON ALL THIRD-STREAM INCOME Paragraph 5 of Addendum C of the aforementioned document, Implementation of the system of management for research funds, indicates that the gross third-stream income includes the following:

research contracts

diverse research

consulting services

all other sales of products and services (excluding short courses, which will be dealt with in a separate process)

The surcharge is therefore applicable to all environments within the University, both academic and non-academic. As in the case of research funds, the following are specifically excluded from the surcharge:

funds earmarked for bursaries (i.e. when the funds coming in to SU have already been earmarked for bursary purposes)

donor funds Step 2 entails that the surcharge will now also be made applicable to the third-stream income of a non-research nature. Proposals: 1. That the surcharge of 12% is now also applied to third-stream income of a non-research nature. 2. That the application of the proceeds is handled in the same manner as approved by the Executive

committee (Senate) for research funds, as set out earlier. 3. That, where the Unistel group of companies is currently still excluded from the surcharge, either the

12% surcharge or a custom-made agreement with specific arrangements for cost recovery is implemented.

4. That the process for handling short courses is finalised as soon as possible by the Manager: Innovation. 5. That the levy and recording of the surcharge on all other income from outside funds (excluding research

income) shall take place as from 1 August 2004 to give GMC members an opportunity to communicate this arrangement fully within their environments.

Contact Division: Financial Services

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2.24 INSTITUTION AND MANAGEMENT OF INTERNAL FINANCIAL LEVIES Policy number: 052A/06/04 Scope: The approved procedure to be followed for the institution and management of any internal financial levy for services and/or products provided by any environment within the University to another environment within the University. Policy: If any internal environment of the University wishes to institute and manage a financial levy, the procedure below should be followed and the following approvals need to be obtained:

A complete explanation of the rationale and basis for the proposed internal levy must be submitted to the head of the responsibility centre concerned and recommended in writing by the relevant responsibility centre head.

The complete proposal and recommendation in 1 must be submitted to the Chief Director: Finance for written recommendation to the Finance Committee (FC).

The FC meets in terms of the approved Regulation at least once every two months. The dates when the agenda closes can be obtained form the Senior Director: Finance and Asset Management (Secretary of the FC).

The internal levy comes into operation on a date approved by the FC.

Any amendments of internal levies, including adjustments to tariffs, must also be approved in terms of this policy.

Annual adjustments to existing internal levies must take place in consultation with the relevant client environments and must be included in service-provision agreements.

Contact Division: Finance

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2.25 HANDLING OF OBSOLETE OR REDUNDANT ASSETS Policy number: 033A Audit Committee 30/03/09 Scope: This Policy document contains the rules and regulations of the SU with regards to the scrapping or selling of assets, including items under R2000 which are not classified as assets, and the handling of unsold items out of the Second-hand Goods Store. Policy: All scrapping or selling of used assets must be dealt with in conjunction with the department: Financial Planning and Asset Management, irrespective of out of which funds the original acquisition was made and irrespective of whether it was donated for a specific project. Asset register items will only be removed from the assets register once the entire process with regards to the scrapping or selling of these assets, as stated below, are adhered to. 1. SELLING OF ASSETS The following procedure applies:


The following provisions are applicable with the sale or scrapping of computers:

• Items less than 4 years old

If the item is less than 4 years old, only the Internal Departments/Divisions may receive the option of purchasing the equipment. An advertisem*nt must be placed in the Campus News/Daily Bulletin by the relevant department (seller). If requested, minimum selling prices are supplied by the Division: Financial Planning and Asset Management. Items that can not be sold are treated as unsaleable items.

• Items older than 4 years, but younger than 6 years

If the item is older than 4 years, but younger than 6 years, the relevant department or division may still use the item internally. Otherwise an internal department or division may the item, but only for use in instrumentation or control applications. An advertisem*nt must be placed in the Campus News/Daily Bulletin by the relevant department (seller). If requested, minimum selling prices are supplied by the Department: Financial Planning and Asset Management. If the item is scrapped, it must be sold to an outside institution or private individual without any guarantee. This equipment must be sold for at least the minimum selling price, as supplied by the Division: Financial Planning and Asset Management.

• Items older than 6 years If the items are older than 6 years, it must be written off and returned to the Department Information Technology, but without any transfer of funds.

• Unsaleable Items Unsaleable items must be written off and returned to the Division Information Technology, but without any transfer of funds.

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Item must be advertised in Campus News/Bulletin at a selling price as determined by the relevant Departmental Chairman/Divisional Head and approved by the Division Financial Planning and Asset Management. If there is no internal interest in the relevant asset item, the item may be advertised and sold externally, on condition that the advertisem*nt appears in the Campus News/Bulletin. Unsaleable or worn out items must be written off and returned to the Division Information Technology, but without any transfer of funds.


A researcher has the first option of purchasing computer equipment, acquired with research funds generated by him/her upon leaving the service of the University on condition that the concerned Department Head as well as the Dean has recommended this. The minimum suggested selling price, as provided by the department: Financial Planning and Asset Management is payable, on condition that the selling price is also approved by the Department Head as well as the Dean.


The item must be advertised in the Bulletin/Campus News at the recommended selling price by the Departmental Chairperson/Department Head concerned and approved by the department: Financial Planning and Asset Management. These items may be advertised and sold externally should there be no internal interest for the asset concerned after being advertised for at least 3 times in the Bulletin/Campus News. It can be arranged in the case of where equipment was granted to a specific staff member by a Statutory Council and the staff member concerned takes a position at another institution of higher learning that the assets concerned be transferred to the institution concerned without compensation.


Departments/Division within the University would always get preference before any private sale can be considered. Items must be advertised in the Bulletin/Campus News unless the Departmental Chairperson/Division Head is aware of a potential internal buyer (within the SU). No furniture or equipment (other than computer equipment) may be sold to external institutions without the written consent of the department: Financial Planning and Asset Management. All unsold items will, on request to the department: Financial Planning and Asset Management are removed by the Purchasing department but without the transfer of any funds. The Purchasing department will sell these items on a tender basis from the Second-hand Goods Store.


o A request for the interdepartmental selling of assets together with a complete list of items must be sent by the seller (Departmental Chairperson/Division Head) to the department: Financial Planning and Asset Management.

o Department: Financial Planning and Asset Management will provide the recommended selling price and will grant the necessary authorization for interdepartmental sales.

o The redundant assets must be advertised by the seller, subject to the above-mentioned conditions. o The recommended selling price, as obtained by the department: Financial Planning and Asset

Management must be authorized by the Dean/Division Head. o Any personal involvement with regards to the sale of goods should be declared by the seller or

decision maker of the transaction to his/her line manager before the sales transaction to any family member or close relation takes place. The sales transaction should then be handed over to an

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unrelated staff member unless the authorization of the Dean concerned is granted to allow the initial seller/decision maker to continue the transaction.

o The proceeds of the sale of assets (irrespective of its nature) that were originally purchased from institutional funds, departmental research funds or any other “own” funds and sold within the University gets transferred systematically between the cost centers involved and the account number: 5228. In the case where the assets involved are non-asset-register-items the funds must be transferred by means of an interdepartmental requisition using account number: 5227.

o The seller must submit a written request to the department: Financial Planning and Asset Management for the private sale of the unsold items in the case where, after the minimal 3 advertisem*nts there is still no internal interest in the advertised items and the department/division complied with the above-mentioned requirements.

o All SU licensed software must be removed from all computers being sold for private use. Written confirmation from IT must be submitted to the department Financial Planning and Asset Management before the selling process can be finalised.

o The proceeds with regards to the sale of goods to external institutions/ people in their private capacity, of assets (irrespective of its nature) that were originally purchased from institutional funds, departmental research funds or any “own” funds must be deposited in the relevant cost center of the seller and the account number: 7070 (sales of asset register items) or 7075 (sales of non-asset register items).

o The selling price of unsold items (after advertising) can be reduced with the authorization of the concerned Dean/Departmental Chairperson.

o The proceeds from obsolete laboratory equipment to external institutions/ people in their private capacity, that was originally purchased from the University’s budget funds, must be deposited in the relevant departments XXXXB cost center and the account number: 7070 (sales of assets register items) or 7075 (sales of non-asset register items). The transfer of funds gets done systematically between the relevant cost centers and account number: 5228 in the case of internal sales of assets register items and in the case where non-asset register items were sold the proceeds gets deposited in account number: 5227 by means of an interdepartmental requisition.

o All asset-items purchased out of the Stellenbosch Trust funds that has fallen into disuse, must be reported to the Senior Director: Research. A written motivation with regards to the replacement of items must be handed in to the Senior Director: Research in the case where the current user of the above-mentioned item wants the proceeds to purchase new research equipment. The proceeds of the sales, in conjunction with the Senior Director: Research, should be relapsed into the Stellenbosch Trust funds for reallocation if no new research equipment is intended to be purchased with these proceeds.

Program EBR001P must be completed by the department/division after the sale of asset register items in order to put the department: Financial Planning and Asset Management in the position to scrap the asset from the register or to be able to transfer the asset to the new OU. After the completion of selling of non-register items, all concerned documentation regarding the buyer and final selling price, must be send to department: Financial Planning and Asset Management for auditing purposes. 2. UNSOLD ASSET-ITEMS

• Collection and Storage of stock

In the case where there is no interest in the advertised asset-items and the principles prohibits the selling of the asset-item to external institutions or staff members in their private capacity or in the case where the department/ division wants to dispose of second-hand asset-items from the department/ division concerned, the department/division can contact the department: Financial Planning and Asset Management for the removal of excess asset-items. The department: Financial Planning and Asset Management will forward the request to either Information Technology in the case of computer equipment or the Purchasing department in the case of furniture and office equipment but without the transfer of any funds.

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The purchasing department will not receive any items for the sole purposes of storage or items that are no longer usable. All furniture and office equipment that gets taken into the Second-hand Goods Store becomes available for redistribution, gets sold off by tender or gets sold as scrap. Any proceeds made from these items sold out of the store get deposited into the central budget and account number: 7075. The Purchasing department must on request to the department: Financial Planning and Asset Management, in the situation where the removed furniture and office equipment can be redistributed and in the event of it being on the asset register transfer the asset-items to the Second-hand Goods Storeroom. The purchasing department can direct a request to the department: Financial Planning and Asset Management for the transfer of asset-items to the new departments/ divisions should the asset-items get reallocated to another department/ division. In the case where reallocation was not possible within the two month window period, a request should be sent from the Purchasing department to the department: Financial Planning and Asset Management for the removal of the asset-item from the asset register. The asset-item will be removed from the asset register once the request for scrapping has been received.


Stock in the second-hand goods store will be sold on a regular basis, using a tender process. Stock that does not get sold during the tender process will be sold as scrap. A minimum of 3 quotations for these items are required.


The Purchasing department is responsible for the collection of the stock, the issue of stock and the sale of stock.

3. “E-WASTE” Obsolete computers, printers, batteries and other electronic equipment handed over to the Department Information Technology for responsible removal, will be stored in the central e-waste depot until permanently removed by the e-waste contractor. The Department Information Technology will follow the necessary controls and procedures to ensure that all items received, will be stored in the depot and thereafter removed by the contractor. Information Technology will wipe the hard drives of computers before placing in the “e-waste” depot. Contact department: Financial Planning and Asset Management

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2.26 AUDIT FEES Policy Number: 022A/06/04 Scope: The policy provides for the defrayal of audit fees within SU. Policy: INTERNAL AUDIT FEES

Internal audit fees are defrayed centrally, in accordance with the internal audit plan approved by the Audit Committee of Council, as part of the institutional overall expenses.


General audit of SU External audit fees are defrayed centrally, in accordance with the internal audit plan approved by the

Audit Committee of Council, as part of the institutional overall expenses.

Outside funds: Statutory grants (for example NRF, Thrip and WRC) External audit fees are defrayed centrally, in accordance with the internal audit plan approved by the

Audit Committee of Council, as part of the institutional overall expenses.

Outside funds: Non-statutory grants External audit fees are defrayed by the relevant outside fund. NB: No auditor is permitted to do an audit at Stellenbosch University without obtaining prior

permission from the Senior Director: Finance and Asset Management. Contact Division: Financial Services

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2.27 SU GUIDELINES AND PROCEDURES FOR INSURANCE CLAIMS Purview: The policy contains all information with regard to Stellenbosch University’s insurance coverage Policy number: 035A/06/04 Policy: 1. INTRODUCTION Stellenbosch University (SU) has a comprehensive insurance portfolio at its disposal. The purpose of this is to ensure, as far as reasonably possible, that all insurable risks within SU enjoy adequate coverage. A detailed summary of SU’s insurance policies and the accompanying conditions is available on request at the Financial Planning and Asset Management Section. The portfolio is managed within Finance, by the Financial Planning and Asset Management Section, in collaboration with SU’s insurance brokers who are appointed by means of a formal tender procedure every five years. In order to ensure effective coverage of all insurable risks, all insurance must be regulated and coordinated by the Financial Planning and Asset Management Section and no division/section/department may arrange any insurance coverage without approval by the responsible official at the Financial Planning and Asset Management Section. SU’s insurance brokers currently are Alexander Forbes Risk Services, as appointed for a five-year period with effect from 2006, with due allowance for the conditions imposed by the Rector’s Management Team during the approval decision with regard to the appointment of brokers. 2. ASSET INSURANCE 2.1 INSURED ASSETS 2.1.1 SU ASSETS All SU assets are covered against fire and related hazards by SU’s Asset All Risk Insurance Policy. Assets are only covered if they are recorded on the official asset register of SU, as managed on the central computer system by means of program EBR001P. In order to declare SU’s insured assets correctly to the insurers annually, it is essential that the asset register of each department and section be certified annually. Only items that appear in the asset register are insured; any non-asset items that must be insured (e.g. research material and books) may be placed in the asset register under the section Insurable non-asset items (global estimate). The amount for which assets are insured is the replacement value as indicated in the asset register. If any additional insurance is required, it must be arranged by the Financial Planning and Asset Management Section. Any premiums payable for this additional insurance are the responsibility of the department, division or section that requested the additional coverage. 2.1.2 BORROWED ASSETS From time to time SU also insures equipment or other assets that are borrowed from a third party for official purposes. The equipment will only be insured if a formal written agreement exists between SU and the third party. A copy of the agreement must be sent to the responsible official at the Financial Planning and Asset Management Section, and the following information must appear in the document:

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Detailed description of the assets that are borrowed. Replacement value (i.e. the amount for which the assets must be insured) of the assets. Period of insurance. PLEASE NOTE: Borrowed assets are only insured in so far as they are in the

care of SU and specifically an official employee of SU. 2.1.3 ASSETS IN TRANSIT All SU assets in transit will be covered under the same conditions as when they are used on campus, provided that they are indicated in the asset register as in transit. The asset is indicated as such by making use of program EBR050P – the procedure is as follow:

The applicant completes program EBR050P in which an application is made to use an asset for a certain period in a different place than the room/building indicated in the asset register.

The application is approved or rejected by the head of the environment concerned, or by the person properly authorised by the head, by executing program EBR051P. Please note that if the approval function has been delegated, the delegate’s SU number must be given as ‘approval’ SU number. The program automatically sends an e-mail to the person who must approve the transaction.

If the final date of the transaction is advanced, program EBR053P is completed.

Enquiries with regard to assets in transit are made by executing program EBR055P. 2.2 INSURANCE AGAINST THEFT With effect from 1 January 2003 environments themselves are responsible for the replacement of stolen items where forced entry is not involved since this type of coverage is more expensive than dealing with it on a self-insurance basis. However, for the record it is still necessary to report such losses to the Financial Planning and Asset Management Section. This policy applies to office and/or laboratory assets, as well as all assets in transit, and it is therefore important that users see to it that assets within a specific environment are properly secured. Forced entry is defined as follows: Loss of or damage to the contents (the property of the insured or for which he/she is responsible) of any insured building on the insured premises because of theft (or any attempt to that end) attended by forceful and violent entry into or exit from such building or because of theft (or any attempt to that end) that follows violence or threat of violence. SU’s insurance offers coverage with regard to theft with forced entry even thought the assets is not on SU’s insured premises, but the user is then expected to make certain that the assets is safe and is indicated on the system as assets in transit (see 2.1.3). If a theft claim does not comply with the requirements for forced entry but it appears that the theft cannot be ascribed to negligence or if there are special circ*mstances that must be taken into account, the claim will be referred to the Senior Director: Finance and Asset Management for consideration of payment. For the complete procedure regarding theft claims, please refer to the downloadable documents on the website of the Financial Planning and Asset Management Section.

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2.3 SECURING OF LAPTOP COMPUTERS Laptop computers are an easy target for theft and the risk increases when the assets are transported and used off-campus. Please take note of the following guidelines that were drawn up in collaboration with SU’s Information Technology Division: (i) The home-use program (EBR050P) must be completed and must be approved by the designated

person (EBR051P) before you take the lap-top home or use it off-campus. (ii) Take care that the laptop information, namely the asset number, description and replacement value,

is indicated correctly in the asset register. (iii) Take care that the laptop is secured by means of a simple cable lock if you leave it in your office (the

lock fits into a special cable lock slot present on all newer lap-top computers). (iv) Take care that the laptop is carried in a quality carry-bag that protects it against the worst knocks and

jars. (v) On an aeroplane, always keep the laptop in your hand luggage in your own care. (vi) Never leave the laptop unattended in a car and preferably lock it up in the boot. 1. VEHICLE FLEET AND RENTED VEHICLE INSURANCE


Departmental/division/section vehicles that are controlled by the US Vehicle Fleet. Loan/sponsor vehicles for which special arrangements have been made with the Financial Planning

and Asset Management Section. All vehicles that are booked by the US Vehicle Fleet. All rented vehicles from SU’s official service providers that are booked by SU’s purchase system.


The driver of the vehicle must be in possession of a valid driver’s licence, at least one year old, and be able to produce it on request.

Vehicles are only insured is so far as they are used for official purposes. No vehicle is insured by SU if it is employed for private purposes.

3.3 EXTENT OF COVERAGE Vehicles are covered against damage to the vehicle as a result of collisions, damage to windshields, theft of the vehicle, break-ins at the vehicle, as well as any liability that specifically applies. It also includes any claims that arise when cars that are insured by SU cause damage to any property belonging to a third party.

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3.4 DRIVER AND PASSENGER LIABILITY SU’s car insurance only applies when the University’s insured vehicles are employed as listed in Point 4.1 3.4.1 DRIVER LIABILITY Payment by the insurance can be refused if it is found that one or more of the following circ*mstances (which are not exhaustive) have occasioned the liability: The driver: (i) Does not have a valid driver’s licence. (ii) Drove the vehicle in a reckless or negligent manner. (iii) Broke any of the laws of the country. (iv) Was under the influence of alcohol or some other intoxicant. (v) Did not drive the vehicle in executing his/her employer’s orders and in the employer’s service.

Drivers who break the laws of the country are themselves responsible for any fines that may be imposed on them. 3.4.2 PASSENGER LIABILITY If the driver is involved in an accident and some of the passengers or other third parties are injured and negligence on the side of the driver cannot be proven, a claim cannot be brought against him/her. However, if negligence can be proven on the side of the driver, a claim may be brought as follows: ROAD ACCIDENT FUND (RAF) The following amendments were done on 1 August 2008 on the RAF:

The fault-based system was kept – the injured party must proof liability of other party.

RAF remuneration levels were reduced. Medical expenses are paid according to public health

authorities except for emergency medical expenses that could be higher.

Loss of income, is limited to R160 000 per year. Loss of supporting claims by dependents is also

limited to R160 000 per year for the loss of the sole provider. The limits will escalate on a quarterly

base for inflation purposes and will be published in the Government Gazette.

General aches and pains will be limited to that that occur due to serious injuries and will be assessed

by an applicable medical practitioner according to the circ*mstances.

Injured members of the same household as the driver will no longer be excluded for remuneration.

Remuneration for secondary shock by eye witnesses and relatives will no longer be provided by the

fund, but can strive there after by means of the common law.

The statutory limits if recovery out of the common law against drivers, the employees or vehicle

owners was kept (except when the fund is no longer able to pay any remuneration amounts).

The remuneration limit of R25 000 for certain categories of passengers no longer exists.

Party costs and legal cost are no longer bargained at remuneration settlements as arranged by the

fund. It will have to be determined by a court.

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Under certain conditions the RAF may recover its costs from the driver or owner of the vehicle, for example in case of:

a. An unlicensed driver. b. Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. c. A false statement with regard to the accident to the RAF. d. Failure to inform the RAF of the accident within 14 days if injuries are involved.

For the complete procedures regarding the report of vehicle fleet claims and rental motor claims, please refer to the downloadable document on the website of the Department of Financial Planning and Asset Management. 4. STUDENT AND THIRD-PARTY CLAIMS Any incident or event in which a third party or student and/or his/her property suffered injury or damage and that may lead to an insurance claim must be reported immediately to the Risk and Protection Services Section. The responsible official at the Financial Planning and Asset Management Section must be notified thereafter of the incident. All correspondence with regard to the incident must also be referred to the responsible official. The responsible official at the Financial Planning and Asset Management Section shall refer all claims to the insurers. Only after the claim was rejected by the insurers or when it falls within the excess amount, the claim can be considered for payout by the SU according to the judgement of the authorised persons/bodies as mentioned hereunder. All claims up to R100 000 can be authorised by the Senior Director: Finance and Asset Management or by the Chief Director: Finance. Claims between R100 001 and R500 000 can be authorised by the Executive Director: Operations and Finance. Claims exceeding R500 000 must be submitted to the Rectors’ Management Committee. For the complete procedures regarding the report student and third party claims, please refer to the downloadable document on the website of the Department of Financial Planning and Asset Management. Contact division: Financial Planning and Asset Management

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2.28 ADVANCES Scope: This policy sets out the financial rules and regulations that are applicable to advances. Advances, whether in the form of a cheque, electronic payment, foreign exchange or any other form, are issued only in highly exceptional cases, since advance payments pose proven risks. In order to manage these risks, the following conditions apply when an application is submitted for an advance:

A cheque requisition form, to which the SU number must be affixed, shall be completed in full on the financial system (program FBT199P) and sent to the relevant Faculty Officer (see Addendum A) at the Division: Financial Services.

The advance settlement form, which is issued with the advance, must be returned to Financial Services within 30 days, along with the necessary documentary evidence. SU retains the right to recover the advance from the recipient’s salary should the advance clearance form not be received within 30 days, unless there is a valid reason why the necessary documentary evidence cannot be made available within 30 days.

Should an unspent amount remain, it shall be paid in at the Cashiers against the same cost center account number from which the advance was requested, against account 8636. If the advance was in the form of foreign exchange, the unspent amount shall be paid over into the account and in the currency as agreed with the Division: Financial Planning and Asset Management, which arranged this advance.

Should the costs incurred exceed the advance, an additional payment shall be requested and the necessary documentary evidence submitted.

Only costs that meet the requirements of the financial policy may be incurred from the advance; any expenses incurred that are in breach of SU policy shall be paid by the person to whom the advance was issued.

Advance payments are made to creditors of the University only in highly exceptional cases, and shall be considered for approval only after a comprehensive motivation has been submitted to the Director: Financial Services.

No personal expenditure or remuneration may be paid from an advance.

Advances for remuneration have to be requested from the Division: Human Resources.

All documentary evidence shall be produced; if not, the costs shall be borne by the recipient of the advance.

Contact division: Financial Services, in the case of standard advances

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3.1 VAT Policy number: 005A/25/03/09 Scope: The policy provides the financial guidelines as specified by the Act that is applicable when SU wants to institute a claim for VAT, the method according to which a cost center’s VAT claim percentage is determined and the issuing of invoices. Policy: Basic concepts regarding VAT, such as output tax, input tax, taxable purveyances and exempt purveyances are continuously used among University staff in their daily execution of tasks. For the sake of completeness these concepts are briefly explained. Output tax Output tax is the tax levied when a business provides taxable purveyances (VAT on sales). Input tax Input tax is the tax levied with regard to goods and services purchased for providing taxable purveyances (VAT on purchases). Exempt deliveries The provision of some goods and services is exempt from VAT. Input tax with regard to such purchases is not reclaimable. Educational services and donations, for instance, are exempt from VAT. Taxable purveyances at standard rate The provision of goods and services is taxable at the standard VAT rate and input tax can be set off against output tax. In practice, the provision of goods and services generally is taxable. RECLAIM PERCENTAGE OF A COST CENTER All cost centers have a VAT reclaim percentage that varies between 0% and 100%. This percentage is calculated as a percentage of taxable deliveries over total deliveries (taxable plus non-taxable sales). This percentage has no connection to the output VAT that has to be paid to the Receiver of Revenue. All payments to the Receiver normally comprise the full 14% VAT on a specific taxable income. The VAT reclaim percentage can be determined with programs FFB007P and FFB184P. Example:

Supposing cost center X annually receives taxable income of R250.00 and non-taxable income of R250.00. Cost center X consequently has an income of R500.00 for the year. The VAT reclaim percentage can therefore be presented as follows: Taxable Income x 100 = 250 x 100 = 50% Total Income 1 500 1 Supposing cost center X incurs some expenses worth R228.00 during the year: This R228.00 therefore comprises a tariff + 14% VAT, with VAT calculated as follows: 14 x 228 = R28.00 114 1 Because the cost center has a 50% VAT reclaim percentage, 50 x 28 100 1 i.e. R14.00 of the input VAT can therefore be reclaimed.

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On the taxable income of R250.00, however, 250 x 14 = R30.70 has to be paid to the Receiver, i.e. the full VAT amount of 14%.

RECLAIMING VAT At least three types of tax invoices are applicable for reclaiming VAT. Each type has its own requirements that have to be met by the tax invoice before VAT can be reclaimed. Invoices for amounts larger than R3 000.00 (inclusive of VAT) The following information has to appear on the invoice:

that it is a tax invoice

the supplier’s name, address and VAT registration number

the name, address and VAT registration number of the purchaser

the invoice number and date

a description of the goods, as well as the quantity

the value of the goods and the tax requested Invoices for amounts smaller than R3 000.00 (inclusive of VAT) When the total amount of the invoice including VAT does not exceed R3 000.00, the abovementioned remains applicable. It is not necessary, however, to show the supplier’s address, the receiver’s name and VAT registration number or the quantity of the goods. Situations in which the total amount inclusive of VAT is smaller than R50.00 for which it is not necessary to generate an invoice When the total amount inclusive of VAT does not add up to R50.00, it is not necessary to generate an invoice. Any buyer who wants to claim VAT has to provide evidence of purchase of the fact that VAT was levied. It is important to indicate the name of the supplier and the fact that VAT was levied on the invoice. VAT LEVIED WHEN INVOICES ARE ISSUED All external work, research, consulting and goods that are provided by departments must be invoiced via the debtor’s system. All invoices that are issued must be approved by the person whose cost center is used or by the head of department/executive head/discipline head thereof. The person who issues the invoice must ensure that the correct income account is used. If there is any doubt regarding the income account, Financial Services should be contacted. No invoice may be created on Stellenbosch University letterheads or generated by computer programs. The debtor’s system should always be used to create invoices. The following income account is used when invoices are created for domestic income:

5388: Income sponsorships: Sponsorships are paid towards this income account. VAT is levied.

5413: Commissioned research: Funds obtained for contract research are paid towards this income account. VAT is levied.

5415: Zero-rated sales: Funds obtained from the sale of exempt products (mainly agricultural products) are paid towards this income account. No VAT is levied.

5597: Sundry income (Taxable): Funds obtained for services rendered, goods supplied, research and any other taxable supplies are paid towards this income account, exclusive of payments from the NRF, WRC, other statutory councils and income that belongs specifically to one of the named income accounts. VAT is levied.

5267: Department of Water Affairs and Forestry: Funds received from the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry is paid towards this income account. VAT is levied.

5270: DST income: Funds received from DST are paid towards this income account.

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5307: Water Research Commission: Funds received from the Water Research Commission are paid towards this income account. VAT is levied.

5387: Income Bursaries: Funds received for paying out bursaries. No VAT is levied.

5777: Income received from the attendance of educational seminars, congresses and courses. No VAT is levied.

The following income account is to be used when invoices are created for foreign income:

5777: Income received from the attendance of educational seminars, congresses and courses.

5598: Foreign payments: Funds received from abroad are paid in against the income account.

5387: Income Bursaries: Funds received for paying out bursaries.

5592: Foreign Income Exempt: Foreign income received for non taxable supplies, excluding 5777, 5387 or 5373 (donations) Please note: No VAT is levied on foreign income. Foreign or domestic donations are paid in via the Marketing and Communication Division on income account 5373. Invoices may not be generated for the payment of a donation. No invoices may be issued towards income account 5596 without prior authorisation from Financial Services. When prices are quoted for goods and services, the quotations related to taxable deliveries must make allowance for VAT. No income may be recorded against an expense account. Contact division: Financial Services

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3.2 POLICY FOR FOREIGN PAYMENTS IN TERMS OF THE REGULATIONS OF THE SOUTH AFRICAN RESERVE BANK AND STELLENBOSCH UNIVERSITY Policy number 006A RBS 07/06/2011 Scope: The policy provides the financial guidelines as determined by the Reserve Bank of South Africa that is applicable when SU wishes to make foreign payments, whether to foreign enterprises or foreign persons. The policy determines the documentation required for a foreign payment. Policy:

Applications for two types of payment can be submitted:

A foreign cheque (draft) or

a bank transfer / telegraphic transfer (swift transfer) A foreign cheque (draft) is valid for six months only. SU has no credit card facility for foreign payments. COSTS At present, the minimum cost of a draft is R100.00 (inclusive of VAT) and ad valorem 0,35% + VAT, with a maximum cost of R400.00 (inclusive of VAT). The minimum cost for a bank transfer is currently R100.00 (inclusive of VAT) and ad valorem 0.35% + VAT, with a maximum cost of R400.00 (inclusive of VAT). An additional amount of R100.00 (swift fee) will also be charged. Where possible, SU prefers to request a bank transfer, as the transaction is both quicker and more secure. The money that is transferred to the foreign account becomes available within two working days after the completion of the transaction at the local bank. (It only takes longer when FNB is not able to do a direct transfer of the money to the relevant foreign bank and has to make use of an intermediary foreign bank for transferring the money on their behalf.) When a foreign cheque (draft) has to be posted, it sometimes takes very long to reach its destination (the bill is sent by normal airmail, except when a department itself posts it in some other manner or sends it by courier), and the possibility of the bill being lost in the mail has to be borne in mind. FNB only chooses to issue a foreign cheque (draft) when the amount is very small (smaller than USD/EUR/GBP 100.00) and the beneficiary does not prefer a bank transfer, as some foreign banks charge additional banking fees for bank transfers of low value. Some foreign banks charge extra banking fees for bank transfers. The company has to indicate this on its invoice, or the amount will be deducted from the total amount indicated on the invoice. If the company does not know what the cost is, this can be indicated on their invoice, or they should mention that the particular department is also responsible for foreign banking costs. In such cases, FNB is asked to recoup the additional banking costs from the University’s account when the foreign bank passes on the costs (sometimes a number of weeks after completion of the transaction). “Details of charges” on Form A of the bank is then marked as “our” – otherwise it will automatically be marked as “share”, which means that the local banking costs are paid by SU and the beneficiary pays the foreign banking costs. Sometimes more than one foreign bank is involved when a bank transfer is made to a specific foreign bank. FNB is only able to enter into transactions with particular banks and making use of an intermediary bank means that such a bank could also charge costs. As there may be instances in which more than one foreign bank may charge costs, the department may be responsible for the overseas banking costs of both banks. The South African Reserve Bank is responsible for controlling all foreign transactions and the banks (and, therefore, SU) are subject to particular rules and regulations in terms of which all foreign transactions have to

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occur. If any transaction falls outside the scope of these rules and regulations, a written application has to be directed to the South Africa Reserve Bank (SARB) before such transaction may be paid. The cost related to such an application at present comes to R750.00, and FNB handles such applications on behalf of SU. There usually is a waiting period of six weeks before an answer can be expected from the SARB. DOCUMENTATION THAT IS SUBMITTED SHOULD ALWAYS MEET THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS:

Invoices must be in English – the bank does not accept invoices in foreign languages.

If the department is unable to obtain an English invoice, a complete translation of the invoice must be handed in with the original to serve as evidence.

All invoices must always be made out to Stellenbosch University, and an invoice number and the date must be provided, or it will not be possible to pay the relevant invoice. The address of the University must also be provided.

Should a year pass since the issuing of an invoice, permission for payment has to be obtained from the Reserve Bank. The application fee of R750.00 is payable by the particular department. Payment of invoices dated more than one year in the past are allowed but not encouraged.

Payment cannot be made against a quotation or a statement.

The following information has to be included in the documentation:

Name of beneficiary (initials and surname, if it is a person) Overseas address of beneficiary (physical residential address, if it is a person) Amount to be paid and currency. Evidence of the source of the fees that are charged must always

be included – fees may not be filled in on order forms or registration forms without attaching some evidence indicating the fees

Reason for payment / for what payment is requested If a visitor is to be paid (whether remuneration or refunding of expenses):

o reason for visit (research; guest speaker; lecturer) o duration of visit (dates)

In the case of registration for a conference, the name of the conference and details concerning

when it takes place (dates) must be provided. In the case of a bank transfer, full banking details have to be provided:

o full name of bank and “swift” code o address o IBAN (International Bank Account Number) / account number o bank code:

United Kingdom Sort code Six figures

U.S.A. & Canada Routing/ABA/Fed wire number Nine figures

Europe BLZ number / BIC number Eight figures

The IBAN consists of the account number and the bank code and also has to be indicated when it occurs on the invoice / documentary evidence.

The South African Reserve Bank always requires original documentary evidence, but SU at present has permission to make use of faxed transmission. Only legible faxes are acceptable.

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Invoices that are sent by e-mail as attachments and are printed by the department may also be used as documentary evidence.

If registration for conferences is done via the Internet, each person who attends the conference has to print out a completed registration form and also ensure that all required information concerning the conference (name of the conference / when (dates) it takes place / overseas address / fees payable) appear on it or print out extra copies and hand these in with the registration form.

When advance payment for imports are made on a pro forma invoice, the original commercial invoice that is received with the goods is always sent to Financial Services for audit purposes by both our external auditors and the SARB.

The Reserve Bank undertakes regular inspections at banks and SU has to be able to show any required documentation during such inspections.

PAYMENTS IN RAND Should a foreign company invoice SU in Rand, payment is made in the equivalent of the Rand in the relevant currency, converted according to the rate on the day of the transaction. South African companies that invoice in foreign currency are paid in Rand – the Rand equivalent of the currency on the day of the transaction. The foreign payment system should therefore not be used. If a foreign company invoices SU in Rand and provides banking details of a South African account, the company has to indicate whether it is a ZAR account or a foreign currency account. This will determine which payment system should be used for the specific transaction. PAYMENTS TO STUDENTS OR EMPLOYEES OF SU When a Resident of South Africa lives and works abroad, the person may not be paid in foreign currency. A payment in Rand to a South African banking account may be made. If the university/organisation in which the person is employed invoices SU, payment may be made in currency. A person may only be paid in foreign currency after having emigrated to the relevant country and on providing evidence that the emigration was registered by the Financial Surveillance Unit (previously Exchange Control) to FNB.

When a Resident of South Africa (student or employee of SU) goes abroad temporarily (e.g. for research or study purposes for a number of months), payments to such a person may not be made in foreign currency. An application may be directed to the SARB. SU has to declare the reason for this person’s going abroad and how SU hopes to benefit from it. The application fee is R750.00 and is payable by the department lodging the request.


Membership fees and Subscription (2075 / 1443)

o Subscription form / renewal of membership / subscription notice

Books / Journals / Publications (1445 / 1435)

o Invoice / Order form

Notes (1043)

o Invoice

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Page costs / Publication costs / Reprints (3144)

o Invoice

Abstract/manuscript submission fee for publication/presentation at a conference (3144)

o Invoice / Official documentation of a conference in which full details of presentation of abstract are present.

Advertisem*nts (2403) o Invoice

Examination fees (1093) o Invoice

Analytical services (1771) o Invoice

Copyright (2085) Application to be made to the SARB (R750.00 fee)

o Invoice

Software licence (1895) o Invoice and copy of contract between SU and organisation in which full details are provided. o Licences for downloaded software are allowed and should be indicated on the invoice. Physical

import of software requires SARB approval (R750.00 fee).

Software maintenance fees (1895) o Invoice and copy of contract between SU and organisation in which full details are provided

Software downloaded from computer (1895)

o Invoice o Indication that the software was or can be downloaded.

Repair of apparatus/equipment (1455)

o Invoice

Maintenance of apparatus (1455)

o Invoice

Registration for conference (2063)

o Registration form for each person who will be attending the conference – fully completed, as well as full details of conference

o Copy of IDENTITY DOCUMENT of each person who will be attending the conference

Accommodation during conference (1155)

o Accommodation is frequently arranged by the organisers of a conference and forms part of the registration form or a separate form for accommodation is provided. In such cases, provide a form

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with full details of each person whose accommodation has to be paid for, as well as details of the conference for which accommodation has to be paid (name and date of conference to be indicated).

o If a person is responsible for arranging accommodation during the conference for himself or

herself: invoice from hotel / guest house / quarters in which the person stays. o Copy of IDENTITY DOCUMENT of each person whose accommodation is paid for

o It is important to ensure that the accommodation rates are within the limits of the ECA-rates (refer

to policy 4.3, travel and accommodation, of the financial policy).

Accommodation during overseas visit (1155) o Invoice from hotel / guest house / quarters in which the person stays o Copy of IDENTITY DOCUMENT of each person whose accommodation is paid for

o It is important to ensure that the accommodation rates are within the limits of the ECA-rates (refer

to policy 4.3, travel and accommodation, of the financial policy).

Direct payment to travel agent for airline ticket for foreign visitor (1155)

o Invoice from travel agent to SU

Refunding of expenditure to foreign visitor: airline ticket (1155)

o Invoice from person/instance to SU with a copy of the airline ticket that confirms the amount. (If the ticket is no longer available, an invoice from the travel agent to indicate that the ticket has been paid for has to be handed in as proof of payment. When tickets are booked electronically, a printout that confirms the booking and some proof of payment must be provided.)

o Refunding of any other sundry expenses such as accommodation, meals, telephone, car hire, etc.

to the visitor has to be made in Rand before such a visitor leaves the country, or SU must pay the expense on behalf of the visitor to the local company/creditor. If a foreign payment is requested for such expenses, Reserve Bank approval must be obtained. Approval can take up to six weeks and a R750 fee is payable by the department.

o If the visitor is paid for services rendered during the visit to South Africa, these costs can be added to the professional services amount. The full invoice amount will however then be taxable.

Class fees / course fees (2063)

o Invoice from university / body where the person will be attending the course o Copy of IDENTITY DOCUMENT of person who will be going abroad o Payment for fulltime study abroad requires SARB approval (R750.00 fee)

International Office Stellenbosch and Tygerberg (refunding of accommodation deposit / class fees / elective fees to international students) (2845) o Official letter from department (on SU/departmental letterhead) to provide information regarding

the reason for refunding, the amount, initials and surname of the beneficiary, overseas address and full banking details.

o Evidence from SU’s bank to indicate that money has been paid in on the SU account. (Only a

receipt or evidence from the foreign bank to show payment is not accepted as adequate proof.)

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Any refunding of monies received from foreign persons/bodies (e.g. registration for conference in South Africa) (1667)

o Official letter from Department (on SU/departmental letterhead) in which reason for refunding and

all necessary information is provided. When conference fees are reimbursed, a copy of the registration form showing the name and overseas address of the person concerned, must be attached.

o Evidence from SU’s bank to indicate that money has been paid in on the SU account. (Only a

receipt or evidence from the foreign bank to show payment is not accepted as adequate proof.)

External examiner / promoter / co-promoter / supervisor / co-supervisor (requested by the Programmes Division) (2197)

o Letter of appointment from Programmes Division and ‘remuneration of external examiner’ form

completed fully, with the amount indicated in USD (there must be a clear indication with regard to the candidate for whom the examiner is remunerated)

o External examiners are remunerated on a basis of R2.00 = USD1.00. All fees in Rand are

converted to USD. If the person prefers to be remunerated in another currency, this is indicated to the bank and the bank does the conversion from USD to the relevant currency.

o As the work is done abroad, no tax is levied on the remuneration received by external examiners.

Remuneration of foreign visitor (researcher / guest speaker / lecturer )

o Complete invoice from the person to SU (2197) A copy of the letter of invitation as compiled by the International Office must be attached. A copy of the person’s passport must be attached. The passport must be signed and

stamped by the International Office before the request for payment is sent to the Financial Services department.

A copy of the visa must be attached and must be endorsed for teaching or research at SU (or with the recommendation of the International Office on a copy of the visitor’s visa). The visa must be signed and stamped by the International Office before the request for payment is sent the Financial Services department.

Twenty-five per cent tax is payable by all foreigners who receive any form of remuneration from SU.

o Complete invoice from the body where the person is employed, made out to SU (2195)

A copy of invitation / passport / visa is not required.

No tax is deducted.

Remuneration for service rendered abroad by person (2197) / body (2195)

o Complete invoice clearly indicating that the work was done abroad from person / body to SU.

No tax is deducted. Payments in advance for services to be rendered are only allowed if the supplier motivates

that such prepayments are the norm in the services sector in which it operates. Confirmation that the service was received should be sent to Financial Services as soon as possible in order to complete the transaction. Financial Services has to confirm receipt of the service to the bankers.

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Remuneration of visiting artist (Department of Music) (2197) o Copy of contract as compiled by the Department of Music and signed by both parties (SU and

artist). o All necessary information (name and overseas address of artist, reason and period of visit,

amount payable, etc.) must appear on the contract.

A copy of the person’s passport must be attached. A copy of the visa must be attached and must be endorsed for performances at the

Stellenbosch University (or a copy of the visitor’s visa must be attached). Tax is payable as confirmed with the Receiver of Revenue by the Department of Music.

Foreign visitors do not receive a daily allowance. Any sundry expenses such as accommodation,

meals, telephone, and car hire, etc. must be paid by the SU on behalf of the visitor to the local company/creditor or a refund to the visitor must be made in Rand before the visitor leaves the country.

Daily allowances for SU employees who go abroad (indicated in USD in the Financial Policy) are

converted to Rand and paid to them by Financial Services – daily allowances are not paid out in foreign currency.

An official letter from the department is not accepted as adequate proof for any payment to be made

to a foreign person, whether for refunding of an air ticket or remuneration. Foreign payments with regard to registration, accommodation, airline tickets, class fees / course

fees, etc. can only be made with regard to SU staff or SU students. If payment must be made for a third person the following procedure must be followed:

If the person is a South African, a letter which motivates why the SU is responsible for

his/her expenses, on a SU letterhead, must be provided. A copy of the person’s identification document must be provided as required by the bank.

It the person is a foreigner, Reserve Bank approval must be obtained before the payment

can be finalised. A letter of motivation, on a US letterhead, together with a clear copy of the person’s passport is needed. The application fee is R750 and it normally takes a few weeks to be approved. The SU’s bank does the application on behalf of Stellenbosch University.

If payment must be made for airline tickets for persons who do not come to South Africa (for flights

outside South Africa), an application must also first be directed to the SARB.

Postal fees / shipping fees levied when goods are provided free of charge to SU (1125)

o Complete invoice to SU


o Advance payment

Payment for imports should only be made after the receipt of the goods in good order and the commercial invoice and import documentation can be provided.

If the supplier requires a payment in advance, this should be clearly stipulated on the invoice by the foreign supplier.

Payment may not be made against a quotation. Payment may be made against a pro forma (preliminary) invoice for advance payment.

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Prepayment for orders of capital goods over R150 000 may only be made for one third of the amount. The balance can be paid after receipt of the goods in good order as well as the receipt of the commercial invoice and import documentation. Letters of credit should be arranged for these orders. The Purchasing and Provision Services division should be contacted to arrange letters of credit.

When the goods are received, all original bills of entry must be sent to the Foreign

Payments Official at Financial Services, together with the original invoice from the clearance agent (e.g. Dock’s Shipping, DHL, and FEDEX). This includes the Bill of Entry, Air Waybill (air freight) or Bill of Lading (sea freight), Customs Release Notification (SARS) and the Commercial Invoice. These four documents have to be handed in as proof that the goods were received. If the goods comprise a parcel that is collected from the Post Office, the post office printout that shows the VAT and clearance costs (manifest print) must be handed in with the receipt as proof that the goods have been received. All these documents must be filed for audit purposes for both our external auditors and the SARB as evidence that the goods that are paid for have actually entered the country.

If the amount is greater than R250 000.00 and the supplier requires the full amount of the

invoice before manufacturing/delivering the goods, an application to this effect must be directed to the Reserve Bank. At present, such an application costs R750 and the Department concerned has to bear the costs. FNB makes application to the SARB on behalf of SU and can only continue with the payment of the relevant invoice when approval for the application is received.

o Goods already received

Payment is made when the goods are received in good condition. The commercial invoice and proof of the receipt of the goods is necessary before payment can take place.

If goods are received by mail, the post office receipt (manifest print) and the receipt that

shows that VAT and clearance costs have been paid must be handed in or the invoice should be stamped by Customs.

If a clearance agent like Dock’s Shipping is made use of, all clearance documents have to

be submitted as proof that the goods have been received. The invoice from the clearance agent must be sent to the Foreign Payments Official at Financial Services, together with the Bill of Entry, Airways bill (air freight) or Bill of Lading (sea freight), Customs Release Notification (SARS) and the Commercial Invoice.

A packing slip is not accepted as adequate proof.

Examples of imports:

Software / computer material (1895 / 1885) Research material (3107) Consumable material (1405) Chemicals (1323) Equipment (6975) Books (1445) Notes (1043) Sheet music (1434) Video material (1693)

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FOREIGN VISITING ACADEMICS TO SU: ARRANGEMENTS WITH REGARD TO VISAS AND REMUNERATION This set of guidelines and arrangements are related to non-South African academics from abroad who visit Stellenbosch for a limited period and with whom there is no permanent working relationship. All visiting academics who participate in the academic programme of Stellenbosch University must have a valid temporary residence permit:

All visiting academics that are here for a period of three months and longer must contact their nearest South African mission and make timely application for a temporary residence permit.

All visiting academics who are here for a period of less than three months who have a passport from a country with visa exemption (EU, USA, UK) may report to the immigration official when they arrive in South Africa to request a visitor’s visa endorsed for research or teaching at Stellenbosch University. The following documentation is required: o Letters indicating the period and reason for residence from the home university and from

Stellenbosch o A passport that will remain valid for thirty days after expiry of the period of residence, with at least

two blank pages o Proof of financial means to cover living expenses locally o Return air ticket or proof of adequate funds or cash deposits (value of return flight)

All visiting academics who are here for a period of less than three months who have a passport from a country that requires a visitor’s visa must contact their nearest South African mission and make timely application for a temporary residence permit.

Information regarding SA missions:

Invitations to visiting academics/consultants must include the following:

A standard letter of invitation containing the necessary biographical information and undertakings regarding the nature of the visit and stating that there is no permanent working relationship with the visitor

Information regarding visa requirements

Very clear information on the financial arrangements for the visit, with the statement that honoraria can only be paid out if the appropriate visitor’s visa with endorsem*nt is presented Further information, electronic form letter: Lidia du Plessis, International Office, [emailprotected], tel. 808-2607. Confirmation of the resident status of the visitor to the bank

Payments to foreign visiting academics:

Foreign visiting academics may only receive remuneration or honoraria if such persons have visitor’s visas that are endorsed for teaching or research at Stellenbosch or with a recommendation from the International Office on a copy of the visitor’s visa.

Any form of remuneration is subject to 25% tax. o A tax certificate can be issued by the Remuneration Division on recommendation from the

International Office. o The visitor can apply personally to SARS in Bellville for an immediate tax assessment. Further information: Lidia du Plessis, International Office, [emailprotected] , tel. 808-2607.

Actual expenses related to the visit may be reimbursed to the visitor exempt of tax or direct to the service provider (preferably).

Requests for payment:

Payment of honoraria in Rand: Mr Faizel Rhode, Human Resources Division, tel. 808 2968. o Cheque requisition PLUS a copy of the invitation PLUS copies from the passport of the particular

person (biographical information and the relevant visa)

Payment of direct expenses: Financial Services (as applicable to any request for payment) o Cheque requisition with the necessary source documents

Payment in a foreign currency (remuneration / air ticket /): Financial Services Division, tel. 808-2967. o Key in Requisition (EAS199P and EAS204P) PLUS invoice directed to S U signed by the visitor,

with a copy of the letter of invitation, passport and visa, as well as documentary proof of expenses.

Please ensure that the International Office remains informed of visits by sending copies of invitations to Lidia du Plessis, International Office, [emailprotected], tel. 808 2607.




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Payment for imports (trade payments) o The following programs are used for keying in and approving a foreign requisition: EAS199P and

EAS204P. The requisition form and invoice are sent to the Purchasing and Provision Services Division.

o Receipt of goods is done on EAS213P when goods are received from abroad.

o An enquiry program, EAS215P, can be used to check the status of the requisition and to obtain

information concerning requisitions that have been dealt with. If costly equipment is imported, application can be made for a Letter of Credit, Forward Exchange

Contract or advance payment. These applications are handled by the Financial Services or Purchasing and Provision Services Division – the latter fills in the forms when imports are involved.

o The foreign company may require a letter of credit from SU. A letter of credit is a guarantee

issued by the bank to the beneficiary (or his/her banker) to the effect that payment will be made if the transaction is completed in terms of the conditions set out in the letter of credit. There are different types of letters of credit – the bank will determine the most suitable type for a specific transaction.

o A Forward Exchange Contract / FEC – forward cover can be drawn up. This comprises a

contract between two parties (SU and the Bank) to exchange a particular currency for another on a specific date in the future, at a rate agreed upon when the contract is drawn up.

Other payments not involving imports (non-trade payments)

o The following programs are used for keying in and obtaining approval for a foreign requisition: EAS199P and EAS204P. The requisition form and invoice/documentary proof are sent to Financial Services.

o An enquiry program, EAS215P, can be used to check the status of the requisition and obtain

information regarding finalised requisitions.

SU has an agreement with FNB whereby requisitions are finalised within one week. Should there therefore be a closing/cut-off date, for instance for registration, requisitions have to be at Financial Services at least one week before such a date.

Bills of exchange that are issued by the Bank are returned to Financial Services and are sent to

the beneficiary by registered airmail. If a department wishes to send it by courier/registered airmail, the department has to indicate that the foreign cheque (draft) has to be sent to them for posting. If payment is made with regard to imports, the foreign cheque (draft) is sent to the Purchasing and Provision Services Division from where it is sent to the beneficiary.

When a bank transfer is to be made, payment will be indicated in the foreign account two working

days after the transaction date. (It is only delayed if more than one foreign bank is involved in the transaction.) If the foreign company/body requests documentary evidence of the bank transfer, the department is responsible for dispatching this abroad by fax. The documentary evidence of transfer is sent by internal mail to the department, from where it can be dispatched abroad by fax or by mail. If payment is related to imports, the documentary evidence is sent to the Purchasing and Provision Services Division, which sends the evidence, order form and invoice by fax to the foreign company.

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BUYING BACK (CANCELLATION) AND STOPPING OF BILLS OF EXCHANGE If a foreign cheque (draft) has to be bought back (cancelled), the original bill, together with a letter from the department indicating the reason for the cancellation, must be sent to Financial Services. The bill must be stamped with the date stamp of Financial Services on the reverse side, and also be signed with A and B signatures. Financial Services thereupon sends the bill to the bank, accompanied by a letter to request that the bill be bought back. It is bought back at the rate of exchange on the day of the transaction (not the rate at which it was issued). Proof of the transaction is sent to Financial Services. When the amount has been checked against the statements, a journal is run to credit the cost point account from which the bill was requested. Should a foreign cheque (draft) be lost in the mail or should be stopped for some reason, the procedure below is followed: o The department concerned has to take responsibility for any costs involved in stopping the bill. The cost

is determined by the foreign bank through which the bill was requested. The cost is recouped from the cost point account from which the transaction was originally requested.

o FNB policy is to delay stopping a bill for a month after the date of issue. Those who request bills of

exchange must bear this in mind before summarily directing a request to Financial Services for a foreign cheque (draft) to be stopped and reissued.

o The department must notify Financial Services in writing (memo, letter) that the bill must be stopped

and must provide a reason thereto. Financial Services then fills in an indemnity form for issuing a duplicate for the bank to supply details of the bill and the reason for stopping it. This form is signed with an A and B signature and by two witnesses and sent to the bank.

A new transaction, whether for a new bill or a bank transfer, may only be requested when confirmation is received from the bank that the bill has been stopped. This may take a long time, as FNB has to wait for confirmation from the foreign bank (through which the bill was requested) that the cheque has not been cashed. Contact division: Financial Services

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3.3 BILLS OF EXCHANGE AMENDMENT ACT REGARDING THE CROSSING OF CHEQUES Policy Number: 019A/06/04 Scope: The policy contains information obtained from the Bills of Exchange Amendment Act, which came into effect on 1 March 2001, and the consequences of the amendments regarding the University. Policy: Parliament amended the legislation relating to the handling of cheques. The new Act, the Bills of Exchange Amendment, came into effect on 1 March 2001. Financial institutions, such as banks, which must comply with the requirements of the Act, were granted a period of grace for its implementation. The University’s cheques should be crossed as "not transferable / not negotiable” to provide maximum protection in the case of theft, or if cheques are lost. In terms of the new Act, it is not illegal to scrap or cancel the “not transferable” crossing on a cheque. A “not transferable” cheque may only be deposited into a bank account in the name of the person to whom the cheque has been issued. A “not transferable” cheque may no longer, as has been the practice until now, be used to pay someone who does not have a bank account. The University’s pre-printed cheques therefore may not be used as cash cheques or to pay someone who does not have a cheque account. Taking into account the period of grace for banks, the University may no longer, as from 1 May 2001, cancel the crossing on cheques. Payments to students with regard to bursaries, for example, as well as credits on student loans, will therefore have to be paid into the relevant beneficiary’s bank account. Students will have to ensure that they have a valid bank account. In the case of cheque, savings and transmission accounts, the payments may be paid directly into the relevant bank account if the Financial Services Division has been given the relevant banking details. The new legislation has, however, also compelled the University to amend its handling of petty cash supplementations and the payment of wages. The current requisition form has been amended to make provision for cash to be paid out. Authorisation for cash requests will be made available to the beneficiary indicated on the cheque requisition after approval from the office of the Deputy Director: Financial Services. As indicated, this cash request document can then be presented to one of the following cashiers for payment of the approved cash amount:

The SU cashiers at the main campus

The SU cashiers at the Tygerberg campus

The SU cashiers at the Bellville Park campus

The Standard Bank cashier on the main campus

Standard Bank (Tygermanor branch)

Standard Bank (Stellenbosch branch)

The relevant SU cashier or Standard Bank cashier will only pay the relevant cash amount to the beneficiary, as initially indicated on the cheque requisition, on presentation of proper identification. The only acceptable identification will be a valid RSA identity document or passport. Contact Division: Financial Services

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4.1 THE INTERNET Policy number: 007A/06/04 Scope: The policy provides the guidelines for access to the Internet. Policy: An official and complete policy document regarding guidelines for access to the Internet is available from Information Technology or from the www website under IT SERVICES AND FACILITIES. INTERNET ACCESS FOR STAFF MEMBERS The University currently make use of UUNet Internet Africa (e.g. Web and FTP services) as service provider for Internet usage and this is only available to users who register for this Internet service. See the IT website for full details. INTERNET ACCESS FOR STUDENTS

Students are able to use their student cards to register for Internet usage at the CUAs. The registration cost of R100.00 a year is debited automatically against the student’s account.

The levy for using the Internet is then debited automatically to the student’s account at the end of each month.

The Internet can be accessed from computers in residence rooms that are linked to the university network, designated computers in the CUAs and the computers in the JS Gericke library that are connected to the Internet.

Contact Division: Information Technology

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4.2 GIFTS Policy Number: Finance Committee 22/04/09 Scope: The policy provides the financial rules and regulations applicable to the giving and receiving of gifts. Policy PURCHASING OF GIFTS

Gifts for personnel are limited to a value of R500 per occasion and are taxable. Gifts must be authorized by the Senior Director: Finance and Asset Management. Where the value of the gift exceeds the limit of R500 permission for the purchase thereof must be obtained from the Senior Director: Finance and Asset Management prior to the purchase.

No gifts or flowers may be purchased for personal occasions e.g. birthdays, weddings or wedding anniversaries. Flowers for personal occasions (only for births, death and illness of direct family of a staff member) may be purchased up to a maximum value of R500. Flower purchases must be authorized by the Senior Director: Finance and Asset Management. Where the value of the flowers exceeds the limit of R500 permission for the purchase thereof must be obtained from the Senior Director: Finance and Asset Management prior to the purchase.

Gifts for external parties are limited to a value of R1 000 per occasion. Gifts must be authorized by the Senior Director: Finance and Asset Management and requests for payment thereof must be accompanied by a motivation for the purchase. Where the value of the gift exceeds the limit of R500 permission for the purchase thereof must be obtained from the Senior Director: Finance and Asset Management prior to the purchase. Please not that under no circ*mstance may these gifts act as a substitute for a method of remuneration.

RULES REGARDING PERSONAL PREJUDICE AND THE ACCEPTANCE OF GIFTS The values that are expressed in the Strategic Framework of the University require that the integrity of Stellenbosch University and of the staff members who represent the University remains above suspicion or blame in any transaction. Staff members of the University make contact over a wide spectrum with suppliers, representatives of companies and contractors who, in terms of acceptable practice, wish to make gifts available as tokens of appreciation for services rendered. These rules provide for such events for the protection of both parties.

No staff member of the University or family member of a staff member or Council member may, in regard to his/her business with the University, receive any commission/money or other monetary benefit from any person, company or other organisation, besides remuneration for services rendered, in cash or in natura, for which the relevant staff member has approval for outside work in terms of the rules.

Any gift or benefit, in whichever form, including prizes received as a result of a draw, that exceed R500 must be declared in a register that is kept for this purpose at the office of the Senior Director: Finance and is open to inspection by staff members of the University. The onus to declare lies with the staff member involved.

Part of the task assigned to staff members of the University is to establish a network with friends in business, but entertainment worth more than R500 or benefits such as travelling and subsistence benefits or visits to entertainment venues at sport stadiums, has to be entered in the register.

Staff members are expected to exercise their good judgement and not accept invitations that may influence the soundness of their judgment.

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No staff member may under any conditions whatsoever rely on the status of the University to make use of suppliers, representatives of companies, contractors or anyone whosoever to his/her personal advantage.

Contact Division: Financial Services

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4.3 INTERNAL LOANS Policy Number: 011A/22/05/07 Scope: The policy provides the financial rules and regulations applicable to the application for and approval of internal loans. Policy:

Internal loans to environments for the temporary financing of operating and capital expenditure are considered on merit when the relevant environment does not have adequate funds at its disposal to afford temporary financing in the relevant financial year. For a loan application to be considered, the particular environment must indicate how the obligations of the loan will be met from future income.

An internal loan will only be made available after a complete debt agreement has been set up and signed by the relevant Responsibility Centre Head. A draft agreement is available from the Deputy Director: Financial Planning and Asset Management. The agreement will contain the details, amongst others, of the term for the discharge and the source of financing of the debt (cost point).

All internal loans up to R500 000.00 may be approved by the Executive Director: Finance or, should he/she not be available, by the Chief Director: Finance. Approval for internal loans worth between R501 000.00 and R5 000 000.00 must be obtained from the Rector’s Management Meeting (Finance) or Finance Committee. Applications for loans larger than R5 000 000.00 must be submitted to the Executive Committee (Council).

Total internal loans that are approved may at no stage exceed 10% of the total investment pool of the University (excluding the Stellenbosch Trust).

Interest on an internal loan will always be levied at the prime rate – 2%.

The financial administration and control of internal loans are handled by the Financial Planning and Asset Management Division, which calculates interest and discharge entries and keeps a monthly journal.

Contact Division: Financial Planning and Asset Management

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4.4 NOTE AND MEMBERSHIP FEES Policy Number: 020A/06/04 Scope: The policy organises the levy of note and membership fees on student accounts. Policy: Departments must budget annually for note fees on the prescribed lists provided by the Student Fees Division. These budgets must be submitted to the Student Fees Division before 30 November of the preceding year.

These funds are transferred to the Departments’ respective N cost center (e.g. cost point xxxxN) via the Student Fees Division (after they have been levied to the student accounts) for use. This journal is usually run at the end of the March, on completion of the student registration. NB: It is extremely important that these N cost center not be over- or under-budget, as they are not

supposed to display a credit or debit balance at year end. Consequently, the tariff per copy should be considered carefully when the budget for notes is drawn up.

Since this is a real-time levy, it is important to note that no late budget requests will be accepted. Other fees that are directly levied to the student account, e.g. membership fees, laboratory fees and travelling expenses, are journalised once a month to the relevant cost center (CP + ACC 5599).

This journal runs only on the first working day of the new month. It therefore implies that, although levies are already displayed on a student account by the 5

th of a month, for example, the payment to the respective cost

center will only taking place on the first working day of the next month. Contact Division: Student Fees

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4.5 ENTERTAINMENT Policy Number: Finance Committee 19/11/08 Scope: The policy organises the defrayal of entertainment from budget and non-budget funds, providing proof and the requirements for approval to claim back entertainment costs. Policy: Any payments of entertainment costs are subject to the conditions listed below. Where the functions are being paid out of earmarked third stream funds, end-users must ensure that the payments are subject to the donor’s provisions of funding.

Entertainment of staff by Management

Every year, an amount is made available to the members of the Rector’s Management, the Senior Directors and Deans for them to entertain their heads of departments/executive head/discipline head and their partners. A maximum limit (R350 per person from 1 November 2012) will be linked to the type of reception and the amount will be adjusted annually by the Executive Director: Operations and Finance.

The reception or function may take place at or outside the University, at the person’s own discretion.

The costs of the receptions and functions will be paid back to the staff member concerned, on submission of the necessary evidence in support of the costs. The costs are defrayed from the budget of the relevant member of staff. The expenses incurred must be approved by the relevant responsibility centre head before they are paid out. Expenses of the responsibility centre heads must be approved by the Rector. He may delegate this function to the Senior Director Finance and Asset Management. The Rector’s expenses are approved by the Executive Director: Operations and Finance. (Each of the abovementioned persons is responsible for ensuring that the expenses that are claimed are in the interests of the University and are thus claimable and realistic.)

Official visitors Official visitors to SU may be entertained. The work done by the visitor must relate to the University. Official visitors include external examiners.

Personal Anniversaries

No functions for anniversaries of a personal nature are allowed. These include birthdays, births, deaths and marriages.

● End of year Functions

Costs of year end functions are permissible, but are limited to R350 per person and exclude spouses. ● Prize giving

Costs of entertainment for prize giving for students are permissible, but are limited to R350 per person and exclude spouses.

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● Retirements

Costs of entertainment for the retirement of personnel are permissible, but are limited to R350 per person and exclude spouses, except the spouse of the retiree.

Entertainment of staff Receptions for staff during business hours or extended work hours or on special occasions are permissible, but are limited to R350 per person and exclude spouses.

LIMIT ON ENTERTAINMENT A maximum limit of R350 per person (from 1 November 2012) will be linked to entertainment and the amount will be yearly determined by the Executive Director: Operations and Finance. The limit includes all meals and all relevant costs for example drinks, venue hire, décor and tips. Tips will be limited to 15% of the account. Abovementioned limit does not apply to the entertainment of official visitors, but the cost of the entertainment of official visitors will be expected to be within a reasonable limit. PROVISION OF PROOF With regard to entertainment costs, all claims must be accompanied by:

An invoice from the restaurant or an account (and receipts) of costs if the reception was held at home. Merely attaching a credit card slip is not sufficient proof;

the reason for the reception;

who attended the reception; and

a copy of the conditions of the specific fund (e.g. NRF or contract) where the functions are being paid from earmarked third stream funds.

APPROVAL All claims with regard to entertainment costs shall be approved as follows:

All claims must be approved by the relevant departmental chairperson/executive head/discipline head or head of division (non-academic).

Claims by chairpersons must be approved by the relevant dean and those by the heads of division (non-academic) must be approved by the relevant responsibility centre head. Claims by deans and responsibility centre heads must be approved by the Executive Director: Operations and Finance.

Contact Division Financial Services

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4.6 TELEPHONE LINES Policy Number: 029A/06/04 Scope: The policy contains the rules of SU with regard to the installation and moving of telephone lines. Policy: Applications for the installation of additional telephones or for moving existing telephones must be submitted to the Financial Planning and Asset Management Division a month in advance. These applications must include the extension number (if relevant), user, building(s), room number(s), department, cost point and the date on which the installation/move must be carried out. Telephone numbers are linked to a venue and not to a staff member. Telephone numbers will only be moved in exceptional cases and only with prior approval from the Director: Finance. The costs of the move shall be borne by the department/division concerned. Installation costs for new, additional telephone lines shall be borne by the department/division concerned. Installation and moving costs as a result of the erection of a new building, the extension of an existing building, or the refurbishment of an existing building will be borne by the project concerned. Contact Division: Financial Planning and Asset Management

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4.7 PRIVATE TELEPHONE CALLS AND INTERNET USAGE Policy Number: 023A/06/04 Scope: The policy provides for the defrayal of private telephone calls and Internet usage. Policy: GENERAL The University accepts the reality that it is sometimes essential to make a few private telephone calls in the normal course of a business/working day and even to use the Internet for private purposes. SU does not fail to appreciate this reality and practice, but unfortunately can not subsidise the associated costs and has to recoup the costs from the staff member. The following procedures are applicable to the recouping of these costs. PRIVATE TELEPHONE CALLS Budget funds The department’s cost point (account number 1135) is debited with the official and private telephone call costs each month basis by the Financial Planning and Asset Management Division. Private calls must be requested via the switchboard on extension 9. The costs for private calls must be recouped from the relevant staff members by the departmental head / head of division/executive head/discipline head and paid in on the balance cost point at the Cashiers (e.g. Cost point xxxB Account number 5597). Non-budget funds The researcher’s cost point (account number 1135) is debited with the official and private telephone call costs each month by the Financial Planning and Asset Management Division. Private calls must be requested via the switchboard on extension 9. The costs of private calls must be recouped from the researcher and paid into the relevant cost point at the Cashiers (e.g. Cost point xxxx Account number 5597). PRIVATE INTERNET USAGE Budget funds The department’s cost point (account number 2076) is debited with the official and private Internet usage each month by the Financial Planning and Asset Management Division. Private Internet usage must be recouped from the relevant staff members by the departmental head / head of division/executive head/discipline head and paid in on the balance cost point at the Cashiers (e.g. Cost point xxxB Account number 5597). Non-budget funds The researcher’s cost point (account number 2076) is debited with the official and private Internet usage each month by the Financial Planning and Asset Management Division. Private Internet usage must be recouped from the researcher and paid into the relevant cost point at the cashiers (e.g. Cost point xxxx Account number 5597). Contact Division: Financial Planning and Asset Management

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4.8 POLICY AND PROCEDURE WITH REGARD TO CELLPHONE AND DATA CARDS Policy Number: 07/07/09 Scope: The policy contains the SU rules and procedures with regard to cellular telephones and data cards. Policy: GENERAL Then need for cellular telephones and data cards to be available for official use by staff of the University is increasing. The University wants to fulfil this need in a responsible manner. The operating costs of cellular telephones are considerably higher than those of normal telephones and this means that great care should be taken when fulfilling this need. The current policy is that the staff member is paid a monthly allowance. The payment of an allowance shall only be considered in cases where this type of instrument is absolutely essential for the proper execution of the staff member’s official tasks (see criteria on the basis of which applications will be considered below).


Applications should be completed on the prescribed application form.

All applications should be submitted for approval to the dean/head of environment via the head of department/executive head/discipline head /division head.

The dean/head of environment considers the application in the light of the policy, criteria and availability of funds.

The approved application, together with proof that the staff member has a line rental contract (Companion line contract for support service and official line contract for other official service), should be sent to your Human Resources Practitioner, which will make further arrangements for the payment of the allowance.

CRITERIA ACCORDING TO WHICH APPLICATIONS WILL BE CONSIDERED The following criteria are applicable when the award of a cellular telephone/data card allowance is considered:

Immediate availability for making crucial decisions on a 24-hour-a-day basis

Essential liaison/communication by staff who are on official duty in isolated places where ordinary telephones are not available

Official support and security service by staff who move around a lot and who need to be contacted immediately in the case of emergencies

The availability of funds FINANCIAL ARRANGEMENTS

A member of staff who is awarded a cellular telephone/data card allowance is personally responsible for obtaining an instrument, entering into a line rental contract in his/her own name and for the monthly payment of the account.

Because the user is the owner of the instrument, he/she is responsible for insuring the instrument and for its replacement in the case of loss.

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On all approved applications that are sent to Human Resources, the source (cost point) from which the allowance is to be financed must be indicated. (No additional funds are allocated for this purpose and the allowance has to be financed from the normal operating budget or from own funds.)

The University pays a monthly allowance to the member of staff. The allowance is reviewed annually. This monthly allowance is taxable. The allowance from 1 July 2009 is:

Cell phones: Standby and security services R335 pm Other official services R520 pm Data cards: 3G

500 R595 pm


R1 020 pm 3G

two R1 870 pm

If the monthly line rental, insurance and official calls amount to more than the prevailing allowance, the staff member is entitled to claim back the amount exceeding the allowance from Financial Services in the usual manner, on submission of proof as explained below. Persons who submit additional cell phone claims from non-budget cost center are still entitled to do so, regardless of whether the staff member receives a cellular phone/data card allowance or not.

All additional cell phone/data card claims must be sent to Financial Services Financial Services will check the following: o If an original, detailed statement is attached and whether an indication is provided of which calls

were for business purposes. o Whether the requisition was in fact signed by the head of the person who has requested the

additional cell phone claim.

An additional claim from a budget cost point shall only be approved if the claimant already receives a cell phone allowance. Claims from non-budget cost center will be paid out if funds are available at the cost point.

All payments will be done by Human Resources. Claims that are submitted before the cut-off date to

Human Resources will be paid, tax free, at the same time as the monthly salary at the end of the month concerned. This amount will appear on the staff member’s IRP5 under non-taxable earnings.


A few official cellular phones/data card are administered as part of a pool. The University finances the instrument and the line rental. If the need in terms of 4 above is of a one-off and/or short-term nature, a cellular telephone/data card will be made available temporarily to the user.

An application with reasons for the use of pool telephones must be submitted to Mrs L Engelbrecht, Financial Planning and Asset Management Division. This must b done in accordance with the normal approval process applicable to expenses at least two days before the cellular telephone is required. The pool telephone must be returned to Mrs Engelbrecht as soon as it no longer is needed.

A nominal rental and call cost will be charged. Contact Division: Human Resources and Financial Planning and Asset Management (with regard to pool telephones/data cards)

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4.9 TRAVELLING AND SUBSISTENCE Policy Number: Finance Committee/SARS 1 March 2012 Scope: The policy contains the rules and regulations of SU and of the Receiver of Revenue regarding travelling and subsistence and is divided as follows:

Internal and international air travel

Vehicle hire

Accommodation allowance and daily allowances

Attendance of SAUVCA meetings or workshops

Travelling expenses of family members

Approval for the travel of division heads Policy: INTERNAL AND INTERNATIONAL AIR TRAVEL An official policy document with regard to the procedures for booking air travel has been ratified by the Executive Committee of the Rector and is available from the Purchasing and Provision Services Division. Bookings for air travel must be requested on computer via the program EAS500P.

All officially approved air travel bookings must be done against account number 1145/1153/1155.

Regardless which cost point is used (university funds, research funds or any other funds administered by SU), the booking procedures contained in the policy document must be used at all times.

In terms of policy, air travel bookings must be made through one of the following travel agents: Indo Jet, Maties Travel Bureau and Neelsie Travel Agency.

Air travel is usually only undertaken in Economy Discount Flight Class. In the case of any deviations from this procedure entailing air travel in business class (J), first class, full economic class etc., the relevant dean/departmental chairperson/executive head/discipline head is expected to obtain prior authorisation from the Senior Director: Finance and Asset Management. Travel agencies are contractually obliged to book travellers on the most economic discount flight class within economy class.

Full credit card insurance is applicable to official journeys if the abovementioned travel agents are used. Request more information from the travel agency with regard to cover.

The agreement with the abovementioned travel agents is such that Voyager Miles (SAA) and BA Executive points may be earned by registered frequent fliers if bookings were made through the official order process.

Prospective travellers are themselves responsible for ascertaining that their Voyager or Frequent Flyer number appears on the purchase requisition, otherwise the points will be lost.

Three written quotations from an official air travel agent (currently Maties Travel Bureau, Neelsie Travel Agency and Indo Jet) must be obtained for overseas flights. For internal flights three written quotation must be obtained from an official air travel agent (currently Maties Travel Bureau, Neelsie Travel Agency and Indo Jet). Refer to the next paragraph if an alternative travel agency are used.

If travellers wish to make use of alternative travel agencies, they have to pay themselves if the air travel agency are not listed on the SU system. Travellers may not pay for themselves at Indo Jet,

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Maties Travel Bureau and Neelsie Travel Agency, an official US order number must be issued. Requests for the reimbursem*nt of costs or order numbers with regard to alternative travel agencies must include the following documentation:

Three quotations of which two quotations must be obtained from one of the following

agencies: Indo Jet, Maties Travel Bureau or Neelsie Travel Agency. If an internet ticket is purchased, quotations for internet reservations must also be obtained via the above mentioned travel agencies.

The quotations must all be on the same day and the insurance must be equal to Diners Phase II travel cover for overseas flights and Diners Phase I travel cover for local flights.

The reimbursem*nt of costs with regard to alternative travel agencies will only be approved if the abovementioned stipulations have been carried out and the alternative travel agent is cheaper. The application must be sent to the Deputy Director: Purchasing and Provision Services.

The travel agencies may not issue air tickets without an official order number.

No personal expenses, e.g. passports, are paid for by the University – these are for the staff member’s own account.

An air travel insurance claim will be in conjunction wit a R500 transaction fee. The transaction fee will only be paid from SU-funds if the cause of the claim occurred during the official part of the journey. If additional air travel insurance is taken out, it shall be for the staff member’s own account.

Discovery Health members will not be permitted to undertake official air travel in order to earn personal Vitality Club points. Bookings may not be made directly through SU or through the travel agency at Discovery Health; they must be done directly by the member himself/herself and paid with his/her personal credit card, which is not acceptable in terms of the University’s policy and procedure.

Tickets purchased via the internet can not be changed, if you cancel the ticket you will loose the full amount of the ticket.

If prospective travellers are not familiar with the arrangements for air travel and waste unnecessary time obtaining quotations, rather contact the Purchasing and Provision Services Division, Deputy Director Tel. 021-808 4500 or Anita Steyn tel. 021-808 4839.


The SU Vehicle Pool is situated in Banghoek Avenue.

Before a member of staff may use his/her own vehicle, he/she should ascertain whether a vehicle is available from the SU Vehicle Pool. If no vehicles are available and the staff member makes use of his/her own vehicle, a completed claim form (available on request from the SU Vehicle Pool and the Financial Services Division) must be sent to the relevant faculty official. The following fixed distances are applicable: Stellenbosch to Tygerberg 75 km; Stellenbosch to Bellville Park Campus 75 km and Stellenbosch to Cape Town International Airport 70 km.

A telephonic booking must be made, after which an interdepartmental requisition (program EAS505P), directed at the Vehicle Pool, must be created. NB: As from 8 April 2002 the way in which Vehicle Pool vehicles are booked will change. A requisition using program EVP213P - Maintenance Vehicle Bookings, will be used to make all bookings. Telephonic bookings will no longer be necessary, as the program will immediately indicate how many vehicles are available for booking and reserve a vehicle automatically.

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The vehicle keys should be picked up during office hours, 08:00 - 12:45 and 13:45 - 16:30.

The driver must display his/her valid driver’s licence when the key is picked up.

The staff or student card must be used in conjunction with the petrol card (issued with the vehicle key) to open the gate of the vehicle park.

If prior approval was not received to make use of own transport, the University may withhold repayment of a claim.

Fines will be payable if the rules of the SU Vehicle Pool (as set out in the logbook) were not complied with.

If the vehicle is used by a staff member to drive to the airport, the vehicle should be returned immediately, as it may not be parked at the airport.

Rules for the use of vehicle pool vehicles

Vehicles from the SU Vehicle Pool may only be used for approved journeys by staff and students of the University, as well as by authorised, official visitors to the University. No person may use these vehicles in his/her private capacity.

Vehicles must be driven and otherwise used in a careful and responsible manner, within the rules and instructions laid down by legislation. Drivers who break the laws of the country will be personally liable for any fines that they receive.

The drivers of vehicles must ensure that the vehicle is parked in the vehicle park after it has been used. Should a vehicle be returned after hours, it still has to be parked in the vehicle park. Only in exceptional cases may a vehicle overnight outside the University’s vehicle park, provided that the Risk and Protection Services Division has granted permission if the officials of the Vehicle Pool are not available. Where such permission has been granted, it is done so on the express condition that the vehicle is parked in a garage that can be locked, or in another secure structure.

It is compulsory to lock the vehicles and to lock the safety lock on the gear shift when leaving the vehicle. In certain circ*mstances it is also compulsory to use a steering wheel lock.

Smoking is not permitted in Vehicle Pool vehicles and in the vehicle park and no pets may be transported in Vehicle Pool vehicles.

The driver of the vehicle must be in possession of a valid driver’s licence that is at least one year old and must be able to display it on request.

The driver of a vehicle must complete the vehicle’s logbook in full.

The driver must ensure that the vehicle contains a jack, a screw-wrench, spare tyre, petrol card (in the key holder) and instructions for “Action to be taken in the case of an accident” (in the glove compartment) before the vehicle may be used.

The driver must ensure that the vehicle contains enough fuel for the journey. If fuel needs to be added, the fuel tank should be filled and paid with the vehicle’s own petrol card. A receipt must be handed in with the logbook and key.

The fuel tank of a vehicle should be at least half full when the vehicle is returned to the Vehicle Pool.

The vehicle’s petrol card may not be offered for payment at a tollgate or parking place.

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As far as is possible, the vehicles should be maintained and returned in a clean and neat condition.

Booking times must be complied with strictly and any cancellations should be made 24 hours before receipt of the car.

All damage to the vehicle that occurs while it was rented out must be reported to the Vehicle Pool within 12 (twelve) hours after it was incurred.

The user (Div/Dept/Society/Residence Committee) is liable for any damage to vehicles while they where being rented up to a maximum of R2 500, being the insurance excess, and the relevant cost point of the user will be debited with such amount.

Failure to comply with the abovementioned rules could lead to the recouping of the additional surcharges listed below from the user (Division/Department/Society/Residence Committee):

o By accepting the key to the vehicle, the user gives his/her express permission that the

relevant surcharge may be recouped on request from his or her salary, student fees account or cost point, whichever is the case.

o The full repair costs with regard to damage that arises from the unauthorised, malicious or

intentional action of the driver. o The full repair costs in the case that damage to a vehicle was not reported to the Vehicle Pool

within 12 hours, as well as in the case that a vehicle is stolen and such vehicle was not locked as required by paragraph 3 above

o When a vehicle is returned more that 30 minutes late without permission R80 (eighty Rand) o When a vehicle is returned containing less than half a tank of fuel R50 (fifty Rand) o When a booked vehicle that is no longer to be used is not cancelled within 24 hours before

taking it into use R40 (forty Rand) o When the inside of a vehicle is dirty and/or untidy R40 (forty Rand) o When the doors and/or gear shift lock were not locked R100 (one hundred Rand)

Vehicle hire companies The hire of vehicles for official use

Account number 1153: Travelling and Subsistence Costs must be used in all cases when hired vehicles are booked for official use.

The following rules are applicable in all cases where vehicles are hired for official use, regardless of the cost point (university funds, research funds or self-generated funds) – so-called “own funds”) against which the expense is incurred:

o The University is contractually committed to hiring vehicles only from the following service


Budget Rent a Car Europcar Hertz

o Tariffs for the hire of vehicles for official use are available on request from the Purchasing and

Provision Services Division.

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o Only vehicles in Economy Class may be hired at Budget Rent a Car classes P, M, B, C, I and N, Hertz classes A, T, B, U, N and C and at Europcar classes A, T, B, C, I, V and E.

Requests with reasons for hiring vehicles in other (more expensive) classes shall only be

considered if it is recommended by the relevant Responsible Centre Head and submitted in good time in writing to the Purchasing and Provision Services Division.

No booking for the hire of a vehicle for official use shall be accepted without an official requisition having been created. The purpose of the journey and the names of the travellers must be provided in all cases. If a vehicle is hired without an official order being issued, the University reserves the right to refuse to remunerate the user for the costs that were incurred.

Hired vehicles for official use within national borders are insured against damage arising from accidents or theft by the University’s comprehensive policy. No additional insurance is necessary, but the department is responsible for the payment of the excess.

The relevant service provider must grant written approval for the use of the hired vehicle outside the country’s borders, in which case the compulsory accident and theft insurance coverage of the service provider must be taken out.

On acceptance of the booking mentioned above, the Purchasing and Provision Services Division issues the corroborative evidence (voucher) to the service provider concerned which must be collected and presented at the latter Division when the hired vehicle is collected/delivered by the service provider. No vouchers will be faxed to Departments. The service provider concerned will only hand over the hired vehicle if the abovementioned voucher is offered in exchange.

The person who will drive the hired vehicle must personally collect the vehicle and display a valid driver’s licence. The service provider concerned is obliged to keep a copy of the driver’s licence on record and to ascertain that the driver complies with the required conditions and qualifies for vehicle hire. All other persons who might possibly also drive the vehicle must register in the same manner to ensure that the insurance coverage remains valid.

The cancellation of an order for a hired vehicle must be sent to the service provider concerned as speedily as possible via the Purchasing and Provision Services Division. If a cancellation is not confirmed in time, the renter will be liable for one day’s rental.

When vehicles are hired overseas, the University will normally only remunerate costs with regard to vehicles in the Economy and Compact classes, after submission of the necessary proof. Claims for remuneration with regard to vehicles in other classes will only be considered on receipt of the necessary written motivation and the recommendation of the relevant dean/chief director.

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SUBSISTENCE ALLOWANCE After a survey of both domestic and foreign hotel rates, the South African Revenue Service adjusted the tax rules with regard to daily allowances. The policy regarding daily expense rates has consequently been amended with effect 1 March 2012. Per Diem requests for international travel may be requested not more than 20 working days prior to departure date and not more than 10 working days prior to departure for

domestic travel. Domestic subsistence allowance and daily allowance Refer to Schedule A for the subsistence and daily allowance. • SU has negotiated substantially reduced corporate accommodation rates that can be

accommodated within the prescribed rates, with various hotel groups. In order to make use of the benefit of these rates, staff members should contact the Purchases Division, who will do the booking on their own or in cooperation with SU-accredited travel agencies.

Foreign subsistence allowance and daily allowance • A daily subsistence allowance (refer to Schedule A) is paid without the submission of any relevant

proof of expenses incurred. • A daily subsistence allowance (see table below) can be paid before departure. In addition, upon

submission of the required proof of actual accommodation expenses, up to the maximum of the calculated allowance can be paid out, based on the ECA survey of daily expense rates* for the relevant country.

• Should the staff member be compelled to stay at a specific hotel where the rates exceed the daily

maximum of the ECA allowance, he or she may submit reasons in writing before departure to the head of the relevant responsibility centre, requesting that he or she be reimbursed for the actual costs incurred at the hotel concerned. In cases where the period spent outside the borders of South Africa exceeds six weeks (42 days), the full allowance will be declared as a taxable amount on the employee’s IRP5. No tax will be deducted by SU, but employees must keep all relevant proof of expenses relating to personal accommodation and incidental expenses (e.g. accommodation and meals) for their own personal tax returns.

• No distinction is made regarding the source of the funds from which the subsistence and travelling

expenses and daily allowance are paid. This means that travel for scientific purposes and grants in this respect – regardless of the source or costing point(s) from which they are funded – must be approved in terms of the official SU policy. This policy equally applies to travels that are undertaken in accordance with the guidelines for the application of allocated publication subsidy funds (SOS funds).

• No additional funds are made available from the budget as a result of the increase in rates. *ECA – Employment Conditions Abroad - Daily Expense Rates for Business Travellers (For enquiries and rates contact the Purchasing and Provision Services Division, tel. 021-808 4839.)

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TRAVELLING EXPENSES OF FAMILY MEMBERS The travelling and subsistence costs of family members accompanying SU staff who undertake an official journey may not be defrayed by SU. These costs must be paid by the staff member concerned. They may not even be paid by SU after the staff member concerned has paid the necessary funds to the University. No expenses with regard to family members accompanying staff members who undertake an official journey may be reflected in the University’s books.

Policy in respect of SAUVCA meetings or workshops Members of the Rector’s management team should make provision in their own budgets for expenses related to the attendance of SAUVCA meetings, subcommittee meetings or workshops. In cases where a staff member is not a member of the Rector’s management team, but has been nominated by the Rector to attend a workshop or a meeting by reason of the staff member’s particular knowledge or skills, the SU central budget (B064) will cover the travelling expenses. In cases where a staff member has been directly invited to attend one of the above-mentioned meetings or events, the budget of his or her own environment will be responsible for the costs. APPROVAL FOR THE TRAVEL OF DIVISION HEADS Below are the rules for approval of travel for department heads: ● Division heads must submit a formal, appropriately motivated application . ● A complete budget must be submitted to the RC head with an indication of the source of funding. ● The approval processes must be dealt with in accordance with the stipulations contained in this

policy. ● An itinerary together with the approval must accompany the request for re-imbursem*nt. ● A substitute must be selected during the head’s absence. ● A short report on the value of the travel must be submitted to RC head upon the return of any

traveller. Contact Division: Purchasing and Provision Services & Financial Services

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SCHEDULE A Domestic subsistence allowance and daily allowance

An amount of --R303 a day (if overnight accommodation is required) will be paid without the submission of any relevant proof of expenditure; if no accommodation has been paid by the SU.


An amount of R93 a day (if overnight accommodation is required) will be paid before departure, and upon submission of the necessary proof of the actual hotel costs and meals, the staff member will be reimbursed up to a maximum of R1 400.

Should the staff member be compelled to stay at a specific hotel where the rates exceed the maximum of R1 400 a day, he or she may submit reasons in writing before departure to the head of the relevant responsibility centre, requesting that he or she be reimbursed for the actual costs incurred at the hotel concerned.


R150 per day can be paid after the trip with submission of the necessary proof of the actual cost of meals, if you do not stay over.

Foreign subsistence allowance and daily allowance Daily Amount for Travel outside the Republic

Country Currency Amount

Albania Euro 97

Algeria Euro 103

Angola US $ 340

Antigua en Barbuda US $ 220

Argentina US $ 91

Armenia US $ 220

Austria Euro 108

Australia Australian $ 188

Azerbaijani US $ 145

Bahamas US $ 191

Bahrain B Dinars 36

Bangladesh US $ 79

Barbados US $ 202

Belarus Euro 76

Belgium Euro 140

Belize US $ 152

Benin Euro 89

Bolivia US $ 64

Bosnia-Herzegovina Euro 78

Botswana Pula 518

Brazil US $ 146

Brunei Darussalam US $ 88

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Bulgaria Euro 92

Burkina Faso Euro 92

Burundi US $ 138

Cambodia US $ 79

Cameroon Euro 206

Canada Canadian $ 157

Cape Verde Islands Euro 65

Central African Republic Euro 94

Chad Euro 121

Chile US $ 103

China US $ 129

Colombia US $ 94

Comoros Euro 128

Cook Islands New Zealand $ 201

Cote D'Ivoire Euro 97

Costa Rica US $ 74

Croatia Euro 116

Cuba US $ 133

Cyprus Euro 114

Czech Republic Euro 90

Democratic Republic of Congo

US $ 288

Denmark Danish Krone 1 469

Djibouti US $ 99

Dominican Republic US $ 99

Ecuador US $ 110

Egypt US $ 118

El Salvador US $ 193

Equatorial Guinea Euro 130

Eritrea US $ 92

Estonia Euro 91

Ethiopia US $ 65

Fiji US $ 78

Finland Euro 154

France Euro 141

Gabon Euro 144

Gambia Euro 105

Georgia US $ 95

Germany Euro 107

Ghana US $ 132

Greece Euro 120

Grenada US $ 151

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Guatemala US $ 83

Guinea Euro 78

Guinea Bissau Euro 59

Guyana US $ 118

Haiti US $ 109

Honduras US $ 186

Hong Kong Hong Kong $ 1 000

Hungary Euro 85

Iceland ISK 23 786

India Indian Rupee 4 791

Indonesia US $ 86

Iran US $ 92

Iraq US $ 125

Ireland Euro 240

Israel US $ 162

Italy Euro 127

Jamaica US $ 151

Japan Yen 17 466

Jordan US $ 172

Kazakhstan US $ 130

Kenya US $ 116

Kiribati Australian $ 233

Korea US $ 154

Kuwait US $ 166

Kyrgyzstan US $ 172

Laos US $ 79

Latvia US $ 147

Lebanon US $ 139

Lesotho Rand 750

Liberia US $ 97

Libya US $ 112

Lithuania Euro 154

Macau Hong Kong $ 1 196

Macedonia Euro 100

Madagascar Euro 107

Madeira Euro 290

Malawi Malawi Kwacha 21 699

Malaysia Ringgit 338

Maldives US $ 202

Mali Euro 182

Malta Euro 132

Marshall Islands US $ 255

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Mauritania Euro 178

Mauritius US $ 106

Mexico US $ 86

Moldova US $ 117

Mongolia US $ 69

Montenegro Euro 119

Morocco Dirhams 1 034

Mozambique US $ 69

Myanmar (Burma) US $ 140

Namibia Rand 779

Nauru Australian $ 278

Nepal US $ 64

Netherlands Euro 112

New Zealand New Zealand $ 174

Nicaragua US $ 288

Niger Euro 99

Nigeria US $ 121

Niue New Zealand $ 252

Norway NOK 1 685

Oman Rials Omani 69

Pakistan Pakistani Rupees 5 775

Palau US $ 252

Palestine US $ 147

Panama US $ 98

Papa New Guinea Kina 285

Paraguay US $ 70

Peru US $ 124

Philippines US $ 119

Poland Euro 95

Portugal Euro 107

Qatar Qatar Riyals 600

Republic of Congo Euro 149

Reunion Euro 164

Romania Euro 76

Russia Euro 167

Rwanda US $ 83

Samoa Tala 325

Sao Tome Euro 86

Saudi Arabia Saudi Riyal 453

Senegal Euro 95

Serbia Euro 81

Seychelles Euro 275

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Sierra Leone US $ 90

Singapore Singapore $ 201

Slovakia Euro 101

Slovenia Euro 85

Solomon Islands Sol Islands $ 912

Spain Euro 111

Sri Lanka US $ 86

St. Kitts & Nevis US $ 227

St. Lucia US $ 215

St. Vincent & The Grenadines

US $ 187

Sudan US $ 121

Suriname US $ 107

Swaziland Rand 818

Sweden Swedish Krona 1 285

Switzerland S Franc 201

Syria US $ 95

Taiwan New Taiwan $ 3 279

Tajikistan US $ 108

Tanzania US $ 96

Thailand Thai Baht 4 179

Togo Euro 78

Tonga Pa'anga 216

Trinidad & Tobago US $ 213

Tunisia Tunisian Dinar 121

Turkey ---Euro 111

Turkmenistan US $ 125

Tuvalu Australian $ 339

Uganda US $ 90

Ukraine Euro 103

United Arab Emirates Dirhams 653

United Kingdom B Pounds 124

Uruguay US $ 109

USA US $ 142

Uzbekistan Euro 117

Vanuatu US $ 161

Venezuela US $ 338

Vietnam US $ 94

Yemen US $ 94

Zambia US $ 119

Zimbabwe US $ 120

Countries not listed US$ 215

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4.10 PERSONAL EXPENSES Policy Number: 039A/06/04 Scope: The policy provides the rules that are applicable with regard to incurring personal expenses from SU cost center. Policy: No personal expenses may be incurred from SU cost center, whether the expense is paid back or not. The incurrence of personal expenses against SU cost center is against the rules of the Receiver of Revenue and amounts to tax evasion. Contact Division: Financial Services

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4.11 THE PURCHASE OF ACADEMIC/JOB RELATED TEXT BOOKS Policy No: Finance Committee 19/11/08 Preamble: The policy contains the SU rules and regulations in respect of the purchase of academic/job related textbooks. Policy: THE PURCHASE OF ACADEMIC/JOB RELATED TEXT BOOKS The purchase of academic/job related textbooks out of SU funds for personal use is permissible in cases where the textbooks are applied during the course of carrying out one’s duties as an SU staff member. The purchase of academic/job related textbooks is subject to the SU Purchasing Policy and Procedure. In cases where a staff member leaves the employ of SU the academic/job related textbooks remains the property of SU. The departmental chairperson/ discipline head/RC head will determine how the academic/job related textbooks will be applied within the relevant discipline/environment. Any selling, donation or destruction of academic/job related textbooks purchased with SU funding must be approved by the relevant departmental chairperson/ discipline head/RC head. Contact Division: Financial Services

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4.12 THE PRESENTATION OF CONFERENCES AND CONGRESSES EXCLUDING SHORT COURSES Policy Number: Finance Committee 19/11/08 Scope: The policy provides SU rules and regulations regarding the presentation of conferences and

congresses excluding short courses. Policy: 1. GENERAL An R cost center must at all times be opened for conferences and congresses. Cost centers may only

be opened for SU conferences and congresses. If a conference or congress is presented, but is not under the name of SU, a motivation with the environmental head‘s permission, must accompany the cost center application. These applications will be addressed to the Deputy Director: Financial Services for consideration.

2. FINANCES 2.1 INCOME 2.1.1 General Entry fees (domestic or foreign) must at all times be paid in against account number 5777

(CONFERENCES/CONGRESS). Invoices are not compulsory for the receipt of entry fees, unless it is requested by the attendee or the department decides to work on an invoice basis. In most instances, registration forms can be used by applicants as documentation for a payment request from his/her side.

Take Note: Departments may not issue invoices except on SU central computer system. If a client

requests an invoice, the normal route for official invoices is to be followed and the invoice issued against the R cost center and account number 5777. Payment of such invoice is then made against the relevant invoice number and not directly against the cost center.

Only delegates that have already paid and/or are able to present proof of payment, may be

allowed to the conference/congress. It is the department’s responsibility to check that all registration fees have been paid in full and is reflected on the cost point before the commencement of the relevant conference/congress.

2.1.2 Methods of payment The following methods of payment must be induced on the registration form to ultimately

ease and administer payments. The relevant department decides which of the options will be placed on the registration form.

Payment Options:

A. Cheque included B. Direct payment into SU bank account / Electronic transfer to SU bank account with

R cost center and name of delegate as reference. C. Credit card payment D. Needs an official invoice – indicates in whose name the invoice must be and

complete application for debtor’s code

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If option B

Account details (for domestic registration fees where an invoice was not issued) University of Stellenbosch Standard Bank Stellenbosch Acc: 07 300 6955 Branch Code: 050610 Ref: R999 R van der Merwe Account details (for foreign registration fees where an invoice was not issued) University of Stellenbosch First National Bank Cape Town Acc: 62107177083 Swift Code: FIRNZAJJ796 Ref: R999 R van der Merwe Then fax or email the payment details to (department’s fax or email)

If option C

Please issue the following information on the Credit card payment form: Credit card number Expiry date of credit card CVC number (last three digits on back of credit card) Amount that must be recovered Signature as confirmation Confirmation of course name

If option D:

When an official invoice is issued (domestic or foreign) the correct bank details appears on the invoice.

2.2 EXPENSES 2.2.1 General The full cost approach is applied in respect of all congress and conference activities of the

University. This means that the total income must cover the total direct and indirect expenses, including the 12% surcharge. All direct expenses for the congress/conference must be recorded against the relevant R cost center and no expenses that does not relate to the conference/congress may be recorded against the relevant R cost center.

2.2.2. Foreign income Please note that there are costs attached to foreign payments. Costs that may arise:

Brokers Commission (in the currency that is used for the transaction) in cases where the foreign bank uses a corresponding bank and then also additional bank charges for the foreign transaction – amount is determined after desired and requested by the client.

Exchange rate profit or loss could also occur and will be recorded as such.

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These costs and/or profit or loss is for the account of the relevant department, i.e. it is posted against the relevant R cost center.

2.3 BUDGET A budget must be drawn up by the conference or congress leader and presented to the

environmental head for approval before commencement of the conference or congress. Any deviation from the budget must be declared to the environmental head. The budget must include the 12% surcharge in the calculation.

2.4 PROFIT/LOSS SHARE Personnel and/or departments may share in the profit after finalization of the

congress/conference, but will also be responsible for any losses suffered according to the profit share formula. The profit/loss sharing formula must be determined before commencement of the conference/congress and must be signed off by the relevant environmental head. Any profit sharing after finalization after conclusion of the conference/congress is subject to SU Financial Policy and Tax Legislation. After the profit/loss sharing the balance of the cost center must be R0 and the cost point must be closed.

3. VAT The University of Stellenbosch is an official educational institution and all deliverables of educational

services is exempt from VAT. In light hereof, all registration fees received for conferences and congresses will be exempt from VAT.

4. SURCHARGE ON GROSS THIRD PARTY STREAM INCOME SU policy already determines for a considerable time that all third party stream income is subject to a

12% surcharge. Seeing as the presentation of congresses and conferences is regarded as a third party stream activity, the 12% surcharge is also applicable to this income.

5. BANK ACCOUNTS No foreign bank accounts may be opened for conferences or congresses that are presented under the

delegation of SU. Take Note It is very important that all personnel involved with the arrangement of a short course ascertain

themselves with the short courses policy and the information displayed on the webpage of the Department Short Courses

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4.13 PRINTER CARTRIDGES Scope: This policy sets out the financial rules and regulations that are applicable to the recycling of printer cartridges. Policy: As part of the University’s commitment to conserving the environment, all printer cartridges shall be recycled and no printer cartridges may be sold. Stellenbosch University (SU) has been participating in the Hewlett-Packard (HP) recycling programme since 2006. The following collection points have been set up within SU:





Division: Purchasing and Provision Services Departments are requested to make use of these collection points as far as is possible. However, departments may also register on HP’s website and manage their recycling themselves. More information about the recycling programme can be obtained at

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5.1 INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS AND UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE LEGISLATION Policy Number: 013A Finance Committee 19/11/08 Scope: The policy includes the rules and regulations of the Receiver of Revenue concerning independent contractors and legislation concerning unemployment insurance. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS In order to determine the status of a person or entity that is contracted to work as an independent contractor, it is important to distinguish between corporate entities, labour brokers and individuals. The status will determine whether employees’ tax must be deducted. This also determines whether the payment is made by the department: Financial Services or Human Resources. Corporate Entities The Receiver strongly discourages the utilisation of corporate entities (for instance close corporations and companies) for reducing or even avoiding employees’ tax. A tendency has developed among employers of bodies to create a corporate entity and to view themselves as independent contractors. The corporate entities invoice the employer and no employees’ tax is recovered. The Receiver has made it obligatory for the employer to recover normal employees’ tax at a rate of 33% and 40% in the case of trusts, or where applicable, according to a directive by the South African Revenue Service. Such an entity will in future, be known as a personal service company/trust. The definition of a personal service company/trust includes:

any corporate entity where a connected person in relation to that entity, renders a service to the client

on behalf of the corporate entity; and

that person would be regarded as an employee of the client if the service was directly delivered by the

person to the client; or

the services are mainly conducted on the premises of the client and the person who renders the

service on behalf of the entity, is under control or supervision of the client with regard to the manner in

which the duties must be conducted and the working hours that must be adhered to; or

where more than 80% of the entity’s income in the year during which services are rendered, are or will

be earned from any one client.

It is important to note that if a service is rendered to the University by a connected person in relation to an entity and the entity receives more than 80% from a client other than the University, the entity would also be treated like a non-independent contractor. When determining whether or not an entity is independent, an oath declaration must be obtained wherein the entity confirms that it does not receive more than 80% from a single client. The definition however, excludes entities that have employed three or more fulltime employees for the year under assessment. These employees must not be connected persons to the entity. The allowable deductions of a personal service entity are limited to certain expenses for taxation purposes. The entity does therefore not only get taxed at a higher rate, but the taxable income also increases, as certain expenses are not deductible for taxation purposes. In an attempt to limit the University’s risk, written contracts should be in place with all independent contractors, where there is envisaged to regularly, that is daily, weekly, monthly or with other regular periods, make use of the contractor’s services.

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Stellenbosch University’s normal cheque requisition is adjusted so that the department/discipline/ executive head (or person that requests the cheque) ensures that the beneficiary is an independent contractor. When such an employment company is to be paid, payment will have to be made via the Human Resources system. Where one or more members/shareholders/beneficiaries of the entity are in the service of Stellenbosch University, that entity is automatically regarded as non-independent. Such a service company will receive its remuneration at the end of the month directly in its bank. It should be noted that personal service entities’ payment requests must be handed in at Human Resources in good time to be processed at the end of the month. This is subject to the same cut-off dates as all other remuneration requisitions. Refer to decision-making guidelines [ADDENDUM PART II], the questionnaire to be completed in order to determine if a contractor is independent and the format of the oath declaration that the contractor has to supply in respect of the 80% rule, which is available from the Department: Financial Services. Labour Brokers If an individual or corporate entity provides the University with persons to conduct certain services, for remuneration and the person is remunerated by that individual or corporate entity, that individual or corporate entity will be classified as a labour broker. If the labour broker possesses an IRP30, payments to the labour broker will not be subject to employees’ tax. If the labour broker does not possess an IRP30, employees’ tax will be deducted against rates provided by SARS that is 33% for companies and close corporations, 40% for trusts and in accordance with the normal statutory tables for individuals. Labour brokers in possession of an IRP30 are should renew it annually and provide the University with a certified copy of their latest certificate. This IRP30 certificate must be filed in the Department: Financial Services. Taxation will be charged against the prescribed rates until the latest IRP30 is provided to the department: Financial Services. It is thus important that the Department: Financial Services receive the latest IRP30 in time to avoid unnecessary deduction of employees’ tax. Refer to decision-making guidelines [ADDENDUM PART III], the questionnaire to be completed in order to determine if a contractor is independent and the format of the oath declaration that the contractor has to supply in respect of the 80% rule, which is available from the Department: Financial Services. Individuals Payments to the following individuals for services rendered, may qualify as salaries, with the consequence that employees tax must be recouped:

any individual where a person that renders a service to a client:

is subject to the control or supervision of the client with regard to the manner in which duties must be performed and the working hours that must be adhered to; and

where the individual makes use of the client’s property, for example the client’s computer, office or equipment to render the service;

any individual that is not a SA resident In an attempt to limit the University’s risk, written contracts should be in place with all independent contractors, where there is envisaged to regularly, that is daily, weekly, monthly or with other regular periods, make use of the contractor’s services. The definition, however excludes the sole proprietorship that employs three or more fulltime employees for the year of assessment and where neither of them are connected persons. If there is uncertainty, the dominant impression test must be conducted. The test is available from the Department: Financial Services. If the individual is not independent, he/she is subject to the following taxation:

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if the individual renders a standard service the individual is taxed according to the statutory tables; or

if the individual does not render a standard service (works less than 22 hours per week) the individual is taxed at 25%; or

if the individual has received a directive from SARS the individual will be taxed according to that directive. The directive is only valid for the taxation year. The individual must provide the client with a new directive in good time to prevent the taxation according to statutory tables.

If such an individual must be paid, payment must be made via the Human Resources system. It should be noted that the individual’s payment request must be handed in at Human Resources in good time to be processed at the end of the month. This is subject to the same cut-off dates as all other remuneration requisitions. Individuals who receive a monthly salary from Stellenbosch University and submit invoices for additional work will henceforth have this income added to their monthly salary. It will be loaded on a separate fringe benefit code and be taxed as for an annual payment.

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As from 1 April 2002, the following legislation with regard to unemployment insurance (henceforth UIF) will be in force:

Who pays UIF?

All persons (including students and pensioners) who work for more than 24 hours a month

Who is excluded from paying UIF?

Employees who work for less that 40 hours a month for a specific employer

Persons from outside the Republic who are in South Africa for a contract, e.g. foreigners

All persons who, according to PAYE legislation, are independent contractors, i.e. persons or firms paid by Financial Services

On which basis is UIF calculated? All remuneration, including the following:

Salaries include all sundry payments to people working for more than 24 hours a month

Fifty per cent of a travel allowance is counted towards UIF

Leave payouts


All allowances, e.g. for entertainment, inconvenience, chairperson, associate dean, non-pension bearing, cellular phone, i.e. any additional allowance that is received

Wages, irrespective of how regularly wages are paid to specific persons, e.g. weekly, in other words, the regularity of the wages paid


Which remuneration is excluded?

Commission received

Fifty per cent of travel allowance

How is UIF calculated?

One per cent of the total remuneration, as set out in point 3 (excluding point 4)

UIF is calculated to a maximum remuneration of R106 032.00 a year, i.e. R88.36 a month.

A further 1% is contributed by the employer. Which information is required when data is recorded for UIF purposes?

Correct identity numbers, as the person will not be able to claim from the UIF if his/her ID number does not correspond to the monthly information that is submitted electronically to the UIF

The number of hours of work that the person has clocked in the relevant month is extremely important in determining whether the person has to pay a UIF contribution.

Contact Division Remuneration

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6.1 RESEARCH COST CENTER (TYPES AND FUNDING) Policy Number: 043A/06/04 Scope: The policy provides information regarding the different types of research cost center and the funding of the research cost center, as well as the income accounts applicable to the research cost center. Policy: GENERAL A distinction can be made between research cost center on the basis of funding. If such a distinction is applied within the University environment, the following categories can be identified, each with its income accounts. RESEARCH CONTRACTS With reference to Good Financial Management and Corporate Governance it is compulsory that a unique cost center be created for each research contract with financial. This has been approved by the Finance Committee of the university. Projects related to the specific research contract can be managed through this cost center. The cost center will be closed as soon as the contract comes to an end. Income accounts applicable to the cost center:

Acc nr Description Identification VAT

5267 Department of Water Affairs and Forestry

DWAF DWAF income VAT is levied

5270 Department of Science and Technology

DST DST income VAT % will be determined

5287 South African Medical Research Council

MRC MRC income VAT is levied

5307 Water Research Commission WRC WRC income VAT is levied

5373 Harry en Doris Crossley Foundation


Donations received from HCF & DCF.


5413 Research contracts Funds received for contract research.

VAT is levied

5413 Protein research foundation PNT PNT income VAT is levied

5540 Wellcome Trust Wellcome Trust income Exempted

5590 European Union Funding EU European Union funding Exempted

5592 Foreign income

Foreign income received for non taxable supplies excluding 5777 (conferences), 5387 (bursaries) and 5373 (donations).


5598 Foreign income Foreign income Exempted

5606 South Africa-Netherlands Research Programme on Alternatives in Development


Funds received from SANPAD. The research program is financed by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


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GENERAL RESEARCH COST CENTER These types of research cost center are very common within the University environment and are funded by various institutions (all institutions excluding the other categories mentioned below). Income accounts applicable to the cost center:

Acc nr Description Identification VAT

5373 Donations Donations received from outside institutions or person.


5387 Bursary income Funds received for payment of bursaries.


5388 Sponsorship income Sponsorship income. VAT is levied

5415 Sales Zero rate Funds obtained from the sale of exempt products (mainly agricultural products).


5592 Foreign income

Foreign income received for non taxable supplies excluding 5777 (conferences), 5387 (bursaries) and 5373 (donations).


5597 Sundry Taxable income Funds obtained for services provided, goods delivered or any other research that is done.

VAT is levied

5598 Foreign income Foreign income Exempted

CONFERENCES, SEMINARS AND WORKSHOPS An R cost point is created when a department presents a workshop, seminar or conference. Income accounts:

Acc nr Description Identification VAT

5388 Sponsorship income Sponsorship income e.g. if an institution sponsors the conference.

VAT is levied

5777 Refresher courses All registration fees. Exempted

NRF Only income from the NRF may be paid in against this cost point. The allocation of funds to the cost point is done by Mr JM Mostert at Financial Services. Income account:

Acc nr Description Identification VAT

5284 NRF income Bursaries Income received from the NRF for bursaries.


5285 NRF income Income received from NRF Exempted

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NRF THRIP Only income from the NRF may be paid in against this cost point. The allocation of funds to the cost point is done by Mr JM Mostert at Financial Services. Income account:

Acc nr Description Identification VAT

5286 NRF THRIP income Income received from NRF THRIP Exempted

C FUNDS (RECTOR’S AWARD FOR EXCELLENCE IN RESEARCH) Each person who receives an award from the Rector for excellence in research is given a C cost point. The award is transferred to the person’s C cost point by Financial Services. No income may be paid in against a C cost point. K FUNDS Each person who receives a grant from the subcommittees A, B or C is given a K cost point. The grant is transferred to the person’s K cost point by Financial Services. No income may be paid in against a K cost point. S FUNDS (SOS PUBLICATION FUNDS) Each department/division that receives a grant from the subcommittees A, B or C is given an S cost point. The grant is transferred to the S cost point of the department/division by Financial Services. No income may be paid in against an S cost point. Contact Division Financial Services

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Policy Number: 025A/06/04 Scope: The policy contains the rules and regulations of the University regarding the application of the Rector’s Award for Excellence in Research. Policy: The recipient of the award must use the cash amount for academic purposes that are linked to research, e.g. the purchase of equipment, the establishment of infrastructure or the attendance/undertaking of academic events/visits, both domestic and overseas. As a rule, the award is used as determined by the guidelines for the Special Support Scheme for Research (SOS Funds). If the recipient wishes to apply the award for academic purposes other than those applicable for SOS funds, this is subject to the approval of the relevant departmental chairperson/executive head/discipline head with notification to the dean. In the case of chairpersons, approval has to be granted by the dean. The following additional information is provided: The amount is placed in a separate cost point under the control of the grantee. The grantee may use the amount at his/her own discretion, as in the case of the award for excelling in teaching, provided that it takes place in accordance with the possibilities for application of SOS funds (see below). The grantee does not need to obtain permission from the departmental chairperson/executive head/discipline head, or from the dean in the case of the chairperson, for the application of the award, except if it is applied for travels (travelling expenses and the associated accommodation and other costs). The only control over the application of the funds therefore comes from the Finance Division, which should control that they are in fact applied for the purpose as set out above. If the amount is to be applied beyond the scope of the application categories of the SOS funds, e.g. for a journey that is not specifically related to research, or for teaching development, the request should be directed via the office of the Senior Director: Research, who has to decide whether the application is in line with the intention of the award. If necessary, the matter should be taken up further with the Vice-Rector: Research. As in the case of all journeys, the application for the utilisation of the funds for journeys must be approved by the dean. The award may not be paid to the individual as a type of extra remuneration or reward for research (even if the intention is that a portion is subtracted as tax). The amount concerned is usually used within two years after the award.

The allocated funds may be used for the following purposes:

Temporary research assistance

Additional publication costs (page fees and reprints)

Running expenses for research (also for projects by postgraduate students)

Purchase of special books or written or electronic sources for the central library or branch libraries (faculty, departmental)

Purchase of computers and material needed for research

Purchase of research apparatus

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Travelling and subsistence costs (or supplementation thereof), subject to the University’s prevailing support norms, for approved domestic and international travel related to research, for the attendance of domestic or overseas subject conferences, symposia, workshops, visits to other laboratories, research visits to colleagues, field work, etc.

Membership fees for societies for scientific subject specialists who promote or stimulate research, for example by regularly presenting scientific conferences

Research fellows

Research activities by retired staff (in all cases in consultation with the departmental chairperson/executive head/discipline head and the dean of the faculty concerned)

Bursaries for postgraduate study and postdoctoral fellowships (in accordance with the rules and procedures that are applicable to bursaries from institute funds or departmental outside funds)

Contact Division: Financial Services

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6.3 SOS PUBLICATION FUNDS Policy Number: 028A/06/04 Scope: The policy contains the rules and regulations of the University with regard to the application and award of SOS publication funds. Policy: 1. Amounts

1.1 Every year, a global amount, calculated against a unit amount (which is also determined annually), is made available from the funds of the Research Committee for each publication unit that qualifies with the Department of Education for a state subsidy. Said amount is credited to the research accounts of departments/institutes/bureaus/centres/units/identifiable groups. The researchers who have contributed to these outputs must have access to these funds. Separate arrangements are in place for people who have produced outputs but who are not in the full-time or part-time employ of the University.

1.2 An amount, as determined by each subcommittee, will be awarded for each credit unit that is earned by both journal articles and books that qualify with the Department of Education for a state subsidy.

2. Local selection

2.1 An ad hoc committee with the right to co-opt people with the relevant expertise, consisting of the Chairperson of the Research Committee, the Senior Director: Research, the Director: Research (Humanities and Social Sciences) and the chairpersons of Subcommittees A, B and C of the Research Committee, or their alternates, will function every year as a selection committee in order to approve books for the subject specialist for:

- Inclusion, where applicable, in the University’s publication data that have to be sent to the Department of Education, and

- The purposes of 1.2 above.

3. Application and control The attached guidelines shall serve as basis for the application of the channelled funds as well as

control over the application thereof.

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GUIDELINES FOR THE APPLICATION OF ALLOCATED PUBLICATION SUBSIDY FUNDS AND THE CONTROL THEREOF 1. The awarded funds must be applied by the relevant department/institute/bureau/centre/unit/ identifiable

group to promote research, but only with written approval from the departmental chairperson/executive head/discipline head or director. (In the case of applications from chairpersons and directors, the relevant dean or control committee chairperson may only grant approval for applications for (i) international travelling expenses and/or (ii) the associated subsistence and other costs. With regard to approval for (i) and (ii), researchers at the level of dean must be granted approval by the Vice-Rector (Research). All other applications from chairpersons and directors are sent direct to the Financial Services Division for disposal.)

2. The allocated funds to which the researcher concerned should have access (see also point 1.1 of the

SOS Rules) may be applied for the following purposes:

2.1 Temporary research assistance.

2.2 Additional publication costs (page fees and reprints).

2.3 Running expenses for research (also for projects by postgraduate students).

2.4 Purchase of special books or printed or electronic sources for the central library or branch

libraries (faculty, departmental).

2.5 Purchase of computers and material needed for research.

2.6 Purchase of research apparatus.

2.7 Travelling and subsistence costs (or supplementation thereof), subject to the University’s

prevailing support norms, for approved domestic and international travel related to research, for

the attendance of domestic or overseas subject conferences, symposia, workshops, visits to

other laboratories, research visits to colleagues, fieldwork, etc.

2.8 Membership fees for societies for scientific subject specialists who promote or stimulate

research, for example by regularly presenting scientific conferences.

2.9 Research fellows.

2.10 Research activities by retired staff (in all cases in consultation with the departmental

chairperson/executive head/discipline head and the dean of the faculty concerned).

2.11 Bursaries for postgraduate study and postdoctoral fellowships (in accordance with the rules and

procedures that are applicable to bursaries from institute funds or departmental outside funds).

3. Funds that have been allocated in a specific year are transferable. Contact Division: Financial Services

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6.4 RESEARCH FINANCES – SUBMISSION OF CLAIMS AND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Policy Number: 036A/06/04 Scope: The policy contains the dates for the submission of claims and financial statements with regard to certain research institutions, as well as who is responsible for submitting the documentation. Policy: Various institutions support research at Stellenbosch University. Examples of these are:

National Research Foundation (NRF)

Water Research Commission (WRC)

Medical Research Council (MRC)

Protein Research Trust (PRT)



Technology and Human Resources for Industry Programme (NRF-THRIP) o The researcher is responsible for the control of his/her allocated funds. Where necessary, a

contract is drawn up between the University and the institution concerned in which the financial policy / claim procedures are set out.

o The financial policy, as set out in this document, is also applicable to research funds. Essential claim dates and/or due dates for financial statements are as follows:


NRF Continuously throughout the year

Submitted by researcher 31/12

WRC Advances are requested throughout the year

Is compiled by Financial Services and audited by PriceWaterhouse Coopers


PRT Advances are requested throughout the year

Compiled by Financial Services Before or on 16/01

NRF-THRIP Continuously throughout the year

Submitted by researcher 31/12

NRF Released once On request -

UNIFRUCO Each term On request 30/09

OUTSPAN Each term On request -

MRC Each term On request 30/06

Contact Division: Financial Services

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6.5 POLICY FOR COSTING AND PRICING OF RESEARCH AND RESEARCH RELATED CONTRACTS Approved by the US Senate: 27 November 2009 Approved by the US Council: 19 April 2010 1. PURPOSE OF THE POLICY

The purpose of the policy is to set a standard full cost calculation basis for the calculation of the costs related to research and research related contracts at SU.

2. BACKGROUND Under the new Act regarding Intellectual Property Rights from Publicly Financed Research and

Development Act, No. 51 of 2008, any research that is undertaken by private funding on a full cost basis, normally will not be subject to the concerned legislation (Refer clause 15.4 of the relevant Act). It is therefore in the interest of SU and its research partners to ensure that the costing of all research and research related contracts takes place on a full cost basis where applicable.

3. POLICY 3.1 Application The policy applies to all projects where SU personnel contractually undertake to render research

and research related services and consultation to external parties. The contract cost must be determined according to the guidelines set out in the policy. If the

contract price is determined at less than the full cost, a request for such deviation from the prescribed policy must be directed to the Manager: Research Contracts, who will consider it in consultation with the Senior Directors Research & Innovation and/or Finance (as applicable) for recommendation to the Dean, where the Dean must provide final approval for deviations from this policy. Any contract where it has been agreed with the client that the client will obtain intellectual property rights, will however not be priced at less than full cost.

3.2 Price estimation of contracts

According to the requirements for the estimation of price according to the full cost approach, all contract prices must be calculated in such a way that all costs relating to the project are taken into account by the contract price. The final price or price estimation of a contract, subject to the applicable minimum requirements regarding the full cost calculation, is left to the discretion of the relevant environment, because the costing model provides for a contract margin which can be determined by the relevant environment itself.

3.3 Full cost calculation

In order to calculate the full cost of an activity/project, the direct cost to the project has to be

identified and determined; the indirect cost to the project must also be calculated and the full cost of the project amounts to the sum of these two categories.

3.3.1 Direct cost

Direct cost is all those costs which can directly be ascribed to the project and can include

the following: - Salary and salary related expenses of personnel involved with the project. The

minimum cost of salaries is specifically instructed to correspond with SU’s accepted basic remuneration levels and any deviation must be recommended by the Dean/Environmental Head.

- Salaries / bursaries for students participating as research assistants - Consumable material / stock - Purchase & maintenance of equipment & components specifically for the project

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- Maintenance of equipment - Computer equipment & software - Administrative cost and professional management costs directly related to the

project - Laboratory cost - Cost for use of specialised equipment (eg The Central Analytical Facilities) - Consultation services that are bought in - Audit fees (eg where the client specifically insist on i.e. annual audited financial

reports) - Travel & Accommodation cost, as well as day fees - Additional insurance not included in SU’s overhead insurance portfolio - Any other expenses which can directly be ascribed to the project and are not listed


3.3.2 Indirect Cost

Indirect or overhead cost is those expenses incurred by SU and is essential to provide the necessary support in order to successfully manage and deliver the specific research project. Indirect cost does not represent a profit margin for SU, but is determined by a percentage levy of the total project cost for i) institutional and faculty administrative and support services and ii) cost of physical space and facilities. The indirect cost that is recovered from research contracts, by levies as referred to above, includes the following: For the income levy: - Overhead administrative and other costs within the Faculty/Environment - Information and Communication Services & Support - Overhead Financial Services - Legal Services - Human Resource Services - Communication and Liaison Services - Library Services - International Office - Overhead Research Support Services - Student Administrative Services - Banking cost - Audit fees (different as prescribed by the client) - Liability insurance - For the space and facilities levy: - Facility Management and Planning Services - Maintenance of buildings - Security Services - Buildings and content insurance - Cost of municipal services - Usage of equipment (does not include the use of i.e. Central Analytical Facilities) The space and facilities levy is determined on the same apportionment basis as the space levy according to SU’s accepted budgeting methodology, taking into account the depreciation of equipment. A set template will be made available by the Divisions Research Development and Finance to assist SU researchers in the calculation of a full cost budget (as prescribed by the relevant Divisions) with a full explanation of costs that should be taken into account for the costing of a research contract on the full cost basis, as well as the calculation of a final contract amount taking into account VAT and any additional cost as determined by the researcher.

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In the event where external parties, according to their own protocol, do not allow SU to impose a levy or where another percentage is being prescribed by external parties, a request for exemption has to be addressed to the Manager: Research Contracts, who will consider it for recommendation to the Senior Directors Research & Innovation and/or Finance, as applicable. In the event where an external party or the National Intellectual Property Management Office (NIMPO

1) requires a certificate that a specific project has been priced on a full cost

basis and / or has been completed, SU will request an external audit report. The relevant environment is at liberty to recover the audit cost from the external party as part of the full cost calculation.


The total cost of all resources used to complete the project, as determined in accordance with the international financial reporting standards (IFRS) and it therefore includes all applicable direct and indirect cost as prescribed.


Direct cost is al those costs which can directly be ascribed to the project. 4.3 INDIRECT COST

Indirect or overhead cost is those expenses incurred by SU and is essential to provide the necessary support in order to successfully manage and deliver the project.


Costing contains the calculation of the Full Cost of a project. 4.5 ESTIMATION OF PRICE

Estimation of price contains the discretionary inclusion or exclusion of profit margins, additional to the Full Cost of a project.

Contact department: Project Accountant Division of Research Development

1 National Intellectual Property Management Office, under the Intellectual Property Rights from Publicly Financed Research and

Development Act, No. 51 of 2008

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Policy Number: 042A/06/04 Scope: The policy contains guidelines regarding the compilation of financial statements. Policy: The financial statement of the institutes and bureaus within the University environment are compiled at the beginning of each year by the relevant officials at Financial Services at the beginning of each year. For the compilation of any other financial statements during the year, the relevant official at Financial Services should be contacted. The official will make the necessary arrangements with the University’s auditors if audited statements are required. See Policy Number 022A/06/04 regarding audit fees for the defrayal of the audit. Contact Division: Financial Services

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8.1 FINANCIAL GUIDELINES WITH REGARD TO PURCHASING AND SELLING LIQUOR IN RESIDENCE CLUBS Policy number: 001A/06/04 Scope: The policy provides the financial guidelines with regard to purchasing and selling liquor in residence clubs. Policy: PURCHASING

All purchases of liquor must be done by means of a stock requisition via the Purchasing and Provision Services Division.

The treasurer of the residence is responsible for keying in the stock requisition.

Stock requisitions are keyed in against account number 2383 (Refreshments – non academic) and store code 7313 (Liquor Store – Purchases).

Stock may be purchased only by means of stock requisitions and may under no circ*mstances be supplemented by cash purchases.

The stock requisition shall be approved by the resident warden (changed to status 2). Financial Services is not authorised to provide such approval for purchases.


All cash must be kept in a cash box which is to be locked away in a safe.

An advance of R250.00 may be kept in the cash box, but this advance is only to be used for the purpose of providing change and may not amount to less than the initial advance.

Only the person responsible in charge of the club may keep the key to the cash box. A duplicate key shall be kept in a sealed envelope by the Financial Planning and Asset Management Division.

No personal advances may be allocated from the cash box.

The person responsible may not supplement the cash advance in the cash box from his/her own pocket.

The cash and receipt book shall be locked in the safe and the key should be carried by the residence treasurer on his/her person.

The treasurer and person responsible shall count the money, after which the treasurer will issue an official receipt for the cash receipts of the day to the person responsible, always in numerical sequence. This money must immediately be deposited by the treasurer at the cost point of the residence and the SU receipt obtained from the cashier must also be handed to the person responsible for safekeeping.

Receipt books are available from the Financial Services Division. A separate official SU receipt book must be kept for liquor sales.

All cash must be deposited each day with the cashiers, accompanied by a completed deposit slip (available from the cashiers). An official University receipt will then be issued. It must be clearly indicated on the receipt that the receipt of cash involved liquor sales. No cash may be allowed to lie around, since the University is not insured against money that is lost.

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All deposits must be made against account number 5597, sundry income taxable. The sale of liquor is subject to the payment of 14% VAT. When determining the selling price of the liquor, 14% VAT should be taken into account.

If a receipt needs to be cancelled, “Cancelled” should be written across the original receipt, which, as in the case of all copies, must be kept in the receipt book.

Full receipt books must be taken to the Financial Services Division.

No duplicates of safe keys may be made. STOCK CONTROL

Each residence must keep an up-to-date sales control form for each event. As soon as all sales for an event have been completed, the sales control form must be reconciled with the cash receipts for the event. This reconciliation should be carried out by the treasurer and the person responsible. Any surpluses or deficits must be declared on the sales control form.

Example of a sales control form:

Item Quantity purchased

Purchase price Selling price Total selling price

Beer 10 R5.00 R8.00 R80.00

Cold drinks 20 R3.00 R5.00 R100.00

Reconciliation: Total sales R180.00 Cash received R180.00

Surplus/(Deficit) R0.00

At the end of each calendar month, the treasurer and the head student or deputy head student must do a complete stock take. The stock list must be signed by the treasurer and the head student or deputy head student. The stock on hand must be reconciled with the sale control forms, stock requisitions, receipt book and the payments made. Any surpluses or deficits must be declared.

The sales control forms, SU receipts issued by cashiers, receipt book and stocktaking form must be submitted to Financial Services on the last Thursday of each month.

Cash and stock counts may be made at any time by the external auditors and/or the Finance Division. Contact Division: Financial Services

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8.2 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT OF e-CAMPUS PROJECTS Policy Number: 008A/06/04 Scope: The policy provides the financial rules and regulations applicable to e-Campus cost center. Policy: RULES FOR ALL e-CAMPUS COST CENTER

Financial rules, as set out in the documents “Principles of Financial Management” are applicable to all e-Campus cost center.

No overspending is permitted.

No transfers between cost center are permitted.

No post that cannot be afforded from operating costs after the completion of the project may be created.

Contracts may not be concluded before the budget for the project has received final approval from the Project Council, and then not for longer than provided for by the allocated budget for the project.


Faculty cost center are also subject to the general rules for e-Campus cost center.

Entertainment costs may not be recouped from faculty cost center.

All payments have to be approved by the Dean or his/her deputy. ALL OTHER e-CAMPUS COST CENTER

Entertainment costs may not exceed 5% of the project’s budget.

Spending must correspond to the items indicated in the budget. The project manager is responsible for ensuring that this correspondence is evident.


NB: No exception to Rule 1 (under Rules for all e-Campus cost center) is permitted.

The project manager directs the request, with motivation, to the relevant steering committee (obtain form from Projectus Office).

If approved by the steering committee, the project manager sends the request, motivation and recommendation of the steering committee to the Projectus officer ([emailprotected]).

The Projectus Office submits the request to the owner of the e-Campus Initiative (Dr B Pool).

The Projectus Office sends the response to the request to the project manager.

If the request meets with approval, the Projectus Office sends the request to Financial Services by e-mail. Details concerning the amount and cost center in question will be indicated in the e-mail message.

NB! Project managers or owners may not contact Financial Services direct. Contact Division: Projectus Office

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8.3 MEMBERSHIP OF PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS FOR MEMBERS OF THE RECTOR’S MANAGEMENT TEAM Policy Number: 037A/06/04 Scope: The policy contains the rules and regulations of SU with regard to the payment of the membership fees of professional associations for members of the Rector’s Management Team. Policy: Membership of professional associations for members of the Rector’s Management Team is payable from the budget of the relevant responsibility centre, provided that it is in the interests of the relevant portfolio and as such as been approved by the Executive Director: Finance. Contact Division: Financial Services

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8.4 LIAISON WITH BANKING INSTITUTIONS Policy Number: 047A/06/04 Scope: The policy contains the rules of SU regarding liaison with banking institutions. Policy: The Financial Planning and Asset Management Division must be informed of all matters regarding contracts, agreements, discussions, complaints, etc. relating to the respective banking institutions. Financial Planning and Asset Management will decide whether the issue at hand can be dealt with by Financial Planning and Asset Management or by the relevant division. Contact Division: Financial Planning and Asset Management

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8.5 RENTING OF SPORTS FACILITIES TO OUTSIDE GROUPS Policy Number: 050A/06/04 Scope: The policy contains the procedure relating to the renting of sports facilities to outside groups. Policy: Current procedure: The income from renting facilities to outside groups is currently distributed as follows: a) The hockey, netball and athletics clubs receive the full amount, since they have themselves paid for the

upgrading of their respective facilities.

b) The fees for the clubhouses (excluding the Stal and PSO clubhouses), rugby, cricket and soccer clubs are distributed in such a manner that 50% is given to the relevant club and the other 50% goes to a central fund that can be used by the Maties Sport for the maintenance of facilities, which may include the purchase of equipment to be used by the Maties Sport.

The rental tariff for the use of floodlights is as follows: Athletics and rugby: a) For category a and b lights: R500.00 an evening. b) For category c lights: R750.00 an evening. c) For the so-called TV lights, if all the lights are switched on: R1 000.00 an evening. d) Hockey: Practices R125.00 an hour, matches R200.00 an hour. e) Netball: Practices and or matches R100.00 a court an hour. f) Tennis: R3.00, R5.00 and R10.00 a court an hour in the respective categories (a, b, c). The abovementioned income is distributed as follows: 50% to cost point SBDR5, Maties Sport rental fees – other. The other 50% goes to the club on whose fields the sports event takes place.

Proposed procedure: 1. That the levy and distribution of rental income is handled by the Maties Sport.

2. In cases where sports facilities are rented to outside groups, and where the use of floodlights (hall lights

for indoors) is at issue, an hourly tariff will be levied for the use of such lights.

3. The hourly tariff (for the use of floodlights/hall lights) as determined above will be applied for the electricity costs and for the establishment of a replacement reserve fund for the replacement/ maintenance/repair of the floodlight installations.

4. The hourly tariff referred to in 2 above will be calculated separately with regard to each facility or part thereof and will be reviewed by the Maintenance and Operations Division as needed.

5. The proposed procedure for the levy of the mentioned tariff is as follows:

i. The SU Maties Sport is responsible for providing a monthly report to the person responsible for utilities (subsequently referred to as the person responsible) at the Financial Planning and Asset Management Division in which the renting to outside groups is set out for the month.

ii. This report should contain the following information: the date and time per facility; the type of lights used; and the cost point from which the levy can be recouped, e.g.

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Facility Date Time Lighting Cost point

Coetzenburg Athletics Stadium 24/02/03 19:00 to 21:00

Phase 1, 2 and 3 SSAK0

iii. The responsible person will record the levy each month.

Contact Division: Maties Sport

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9. PURCHASING AND TENDER POLICY AND PROCEDURE Policy number: Finance Committee 24/04/2009 Rectors Management Committee 07/06/2011 Scope: The policy contains financial guidelines and procedures with regard to purchasing

of goods and services and tenders. CONTENTS



4.1 Policy (Determining Responsibility) 4.2 Procedure at commencement of tendering 4.3 Regulations of the Tender Committee 4.4 Procedure on Receipt of Tenders 4.5 Procedure at the Opening of the Tender Box and Tenders 4.6 Evaluation of Tenders that need not to be submitted to the Tender Committee 4.7 Evaluation of Tenders to be submitted to the Tender Committee 4.8 Timing and Return Dates for Tenders – Shortest possible options 4.9 Recommendations, Decisions, Confirmations and Notification 4.10 Samples 4.11 Negotiations with the Tenderer 4.12 Sole Tenderers 4.13 Communicating with Tenderers 4.14 Procedure following the Approval of Tenders 4.15 Urgent Tasks 4.16 Amendment or Extension of accepted Tenders after approval 4.17 List of approved Suppliers 4.18 Minimum Information in the Tender Register 4.19 Sole Tender Documents 4.20 Repeated Purchases 4.21 Availability of Documents 4.22 Accounting Responsibilities related to Projects 4.23 Alteration to Tender Documents, Abbreviated Tender documents and Applications 4.24 Responsibilities related to Tender process 4.25 Tender procedure and allocating of tenders with regard to Capital and Maintenance projects

(Facility Management) 4.26 Appointment procedures with regard to consultants on projects by Facilities Management:

Planning and Development and Maintenance 4.27 Compilation of contract tender lists for individual projects


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6.1 Bookings for Air Travel 6.2 Car Rental Bookings 6.3 General Printing 6.4 Photocopiers 6.5 Computers and Printers 6.6 Furniture and Equipment


8.1 Staff 8.2 Inventory count 8.3 Purchasing of goods 8.4 SU Suppliers List

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A. POLICY FOR CENTRALISED PURCHASING MANAGEMENT The management strategy of Stellenbosch University (SU) entails the decentralisation of decision making and capacities as much as possible within a centralised management and coordinating structure. The purchasing function of Stellenbosch University is, however, managed by a centralised Purchasing and Provision Services division and provisioning and its control is computerised. The policy and system require that all purchases be channelled to the central office for purchasing to be coordinated and administered. An official university order, as issued or confirmed by computer by an authorised buyer on behalf of the Executive Director Operations and Finance, is therefore the only means by which the University can be bound to a purchase, service or lease transaction. Stellenbosch University is a corporate body and can therefore be bound by contractual rights and obligations. The University Council has decided that the following officials, in terms of delegated authority and responsibility, may to sign contracts on its behalf: The Rector Prof. HR Botman The Executive Director: Operations and Finance Prof. L van Huyssteen The Chief Director: Finance Mr. HAJ Lombard No other staff member, department, division, bureau or institute is thus authorised to enter into a contract on behalf of SU with the exception of research contracts. The following signing powers apply when research contracts have to be signed: Contract value ≤R150 000 Chairperson/head of department or in case of an institute/bureau/centre,

the director. Such signing powers and authority are only applicable when expressly delegated by the relevant Dean.

Contract value ≤R500 000 Dean Contract value >R500 000 Vice-Rector (Research) The complete policy for signing research contracts is available from the Division for Research Development. The division should be contacted before any contracts are signed. All prospective contracts also have to be referred to the Legal Department and the Purchasing and Provision Services division and Provisioning (henceforth the Purchasing and Provision Services division) for approval before being signed. A centralised purchasing division ensures that buyers negotiate the right goods and services in cooperation with client’s at the most advantageous prices and conditions for all departments and divisions of the US. This makes it possible for staff in departments and divisions to concentrate on their own core tasks. B. SUMMARY OF PURCHASING POLICY The official Purchasing Policy of Stellenbosch University applies to all purchasing of goods and services from funds managed SU or held in trust, from all suppliers on the University’s preferred service provider’s base.

All requests for goods and services at SU have to be made by means of an official SU order. No goods or services may be delivered by preferred service providers if they are not in possession of

an official SU order. No goods or services may be purchased and paid for by means of a personal credit card or cheque to

be claimed from SU at a later date. SU reserves the right to refuse repayment for any personally incurred expenses for goods and services

required for official SU purposes. The Purchasing and Tender policy and Procedures depends heavily on the Rules in respect of

Delegated Authority and Responsibility.

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1. BBBEE The purchasing and tender policy will be developed and implemented to meet the requirements set out

in legislation.

1.1 Policy

• It will be a fair, equitable, impartial, transparent and competitive, cost-effective process that will offer an opportunity in an ethical manner to all service providers, representative of all communities, without discrimination on the basis of race, gender or physical disability, to do business with SU.

• There will be no compromise regarding quality, standards, services and prices.


R 0 - R 999 At least one verbal quotation R 1 000 - R 5 000 At least one written quotation R 5 001 - R 50 000 At least two written quotations R 50001 - R 75 000 At least three written quotations R 75001 - R150 000 At least three written quotations (sealed) R150 001 and above Tenders

PLEASE NOTE: Printing and graphic work Departments/divisions are expected to procure at least one quotation from SUN MeDIA (see below for

complete policy) in accordance with purchasing deadlines. PLEASE NOTE: The purchase of academic text books in excess of R150 000.00 does not have to

be placed on tender. Three sealed quotations must be obtained and forwarded to the buyer involved at the Department of Purchasing and Provision Services.

Non-recurring specialist consultancy services:

R 0 - R 999 At least one verbal quotation R 1 000 - R 50 000 At least one written quotation R 50 001 - R150 000 At least two written quotation R150 001 - and above Tenders

Capital goods (office furniture and equipment):

R 2 000 - R 25 000 At least two written quotations R 25 001 - R 75 000 At least three written quotations R 75 001 - R150 000 At least three written quotations (sealed) R 150 001 - R500 000 At least three selective tenders from the approved suppliers list R 500 001 - R2 000 000 At least four selective tenders from the approved suppliers list R2 000 001 and above Open tenders

Building and Construction work, Landscaping, Lesser Capital Work & Immovable equipment:

R 0 - R 2 000 At least one verbal quotation R 2 001 - R 10 000 At least one written quotation R 10 001 - R 50 000 At least two written quotations R 50 001 - R150 000 At least three written quotations R150 001 - R500 000 At least three selective tenders/three written quotations (sealed)

from the approved suppliers list. R 500 001 - R2 000 000 At least four selective tenders from the approved suppliers list. R 2 000 001 and above At least five selective tenders from the approved suppliers list.

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Please note that the above thresholds are applicable to the total value of an order and not to the individual item value of an order. Below is a detailed explanation of the applicable quotation and tender procedures.

SU Vehicles Quotations must be obtained from all local/preferred suppliers as well as from at least two other

suppliers. Orders must be placed with the local/preferred supplier, providing that the price is not more than 2% more than the cheapest quotation received. Where the price variance exceeds 2% the cheapest quotation must be accepted. A minimum of three quotations must be obtained at all times and are obtained by the Purchasing and Provision Services division and Provision Services in collaboration with the Division for Transport Services. Preferred suppliers are appointed by a committee consisting of the Senior Director: Finance and Asset Management, the Director: Commercial Services, the Deputy Director: Purchasing and Provision Services and the Manager: Transport Services, by applying predetermined evaluation criteria. This evaluation will take place at the end of every year.

Private purchases on the SU car scheme or in own name Personnel may seek the assistance of the Division for Transport Services with the obtaining of

quotations. Obtaining of quotations in this regard is not compulsory.


3.1 Sealed quotations and tenders are obtained by means of a standard quotation or a standard tender document that is available from the Purchasing and Provision Services division. This document makes provision for specific conditions for support, installation, guarantees, maintenance, etc., and has to be produced on request from the auditors, amongst others, and made available for control purposes. All sealed quotations or tender documents are returned to the Purchasing and Provision Services division, where they are filed and entered into a document flow register.

3.2 Quotations have to be acquired as necessary, according to purchasing deadlines. 3.3 A sealed quotation is a written quotation received in a sealed envelope from a service

provider. The sealed quotation must be forwarded to the Purchasing and Provision Services division and must not be opened by the department/division concerned. Written quotations are procured by either the department itself or the Purchasing and Provision Services division on request by the department concerned. The sealed quotations are opened and checked by the Purchasing and Provision Services division and submitted to the department in question. The department, in conjunction with the Purchasing and Provision Services division, decides on a suitable quotation. At this point a requisition is entered onto the SU system. All quotations must be entered onto the system.

3.4 Sealed quotations for goods and services must be obtained from suppliers on the preferred

providers’ list. 3.5 The person who requires the goods or services is free to obtain quotations; the Purchasing and

Provision Services division will not be bound to such quotations and will be free to obtain further quotations as may be necessary.

3.6 Written quotations are procured by either the department itself or by the Purchasing and

Provision Services division on request by the department concerned, before a requisition is entered onto the SU system. The requisition should provide relevant detail regarding the required goods and services, e.g. quantities, specifications, etc. The Purchasing and Provision Services division checks and approves the requisition if it satisfies all the requirements of the purchases policy and if the product meets all pricing and quality standards.

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3.7 Quotations must provide a detailed explanation of the specific job, goods or service to be provided, as well as the type of material, surfaces and trade names of goods that have to be used or provided.

3.8 The Purchasing and Provision Services division will decide on a successful supplier in

consultation with the department, division, project leader or person that requires the goods or services. Should a dispute arise, the quotation will be allocated in consultation with the Senior Director: Finance and Asset Management. Departments or divisions should provide details and specifications for goods or services to the Purchasing and Provision Services division in good time for budgetary or ordering purposes, so that there is sufficient time to do the necessary product and market research, locally and/or overseas.

Minimum periods for this process are as follows:

Local quotations At least two weeks

Overseas quotations At least four weeks

Local/overseas tenders At least six weeks

Local Capital Project tenders (Facility Management) At least 10 working days

(Physical emergency services are excluded) 3.9 Departments or divisions should not directly contact local or foreign agents out of hand if a costly

purchase or lease transaction is planned, and may definitely not finalise any purchase before an official purchasing number has been issued. The Purchasing and Provision Services division has access to manufacturers (local and overseas) who supply direct to SU and of whom departments and divisions may be unaware. If agents and representatives become involved before the manufacturers have been approached directly, the possibility arises that negotiations may be disturbed and impeded to SU’s detriment.

3.10 Quotations must be signed by suppliers. Stamped signatures on quotations and tenders are not

acceptable. 3.11 When transactions involve amounts of between R75 001 and R150 000, the original quotations

have to be sent to the Purchasing and Provision Services division for evaluation before payment can be made.

3.12 All quotations, it written or oral, must be entered into the purchases system. 3.13 There might be instances where it is not possible or necessary to procure the required number of

quotations, e.g. publicity items from sole and limited service providers and third parties, or standardised items that might jeopardise guarantees. In cases such as the above, and with the prior approval of the Senior Director: Finance and Asset Management, the number of quotations so sourced may be limited. Departments will have to give a detailed motivation for deviating from policy. The department concerned must file and store their motivation as well as the approval given.

3.14 All relevant documentation received by Purchasing, including invoices, guarantees and additional

quotations, will be returned to the department concerned for filing and safekeeping. Such documentation should be made available to the Purchasing and Provision Services division on request.

3.15 All quotations should be sourced at the same time and all quotations older than one month are

no longer valid and must be replaced with new quotations. The dates on which quotations were received must be entered onto the purchasing system and purchasers will check whether the dates are correct or not. All quotations obtained by a department must be entered on the US computerised system. An attempt must be made to spread purchases evenly amongst suppliers in instances where quotations or tenders are equal in value.

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If more than one quotation have been obtained, but have expired as a result of the period of validity having been exceeded, the lowest bidder shall be approached to confirm whether the price would be valid for a further period. If the validity of the price is confirmed, the process of placing an official order may continue; if not, the process shall be repeated – i.e., new prices have to be obtained from all bidders.

4. TENDER POLICY AND PROCEDURE 4.1 Determining responsibility

4.1.1 All tenders and sealed quotations are centrally administered and procured on the standard SU tender document that describes specific terms and conditions of SU Tender purchases, by the Purchasing and Provision Services division and Provisioning Services (henceforth Purchasing and Provision Services division)

4.1.2 Tenders from preferred service providers will be procured according to purchasing

deadlines and the minimum lead period for tenders as defined in the purchasing policy and procedure.

4.1.3 All tender documents are returned to the Purchasing and Provision Services division,

where they will be filed and entered into a document flow register. 4.1.4 The Purchasing and Provision Services division is responsible for purchasing all goods

and services, locally as well as internationally. 4.1.5 The purchasing function is specification-driven.

4.2 Procedure at commencement of tendering 4.2.1 Departments and divisions, professional teams, project leaders and other persons who

may be involved in the process must plan their activities in such a way that sufficient time will be available for the Purchasing and Provision Services division to conduct negotiations to the best advantage of SU in terms of this document. Before any tender process is commenced, the Purchasing and Provision Services division must receive written approval indicating that all expenses that may possibly be incurred have been approved in principle.

4.2.2 A detailed document must at all times be set out in writing to indicate quantities,

specifications and other information such as drawings, measurements, etc. of goods and services for which tenders are requested. Details of samples or prototypes that are to be submitted by the tenderer must also be explained. This document will be known as the specifications document. The title "Addendum A" must appear at the top of the first page. The project leader or person who is authorised to request the goods or services to be purchased bears the responsibility for this.

The specifications document must be approved and signed by the person who has the

capacity to authorise the expenditure. The specifications document may only be compiled by a tenderer or prospective tenderer in exceptional cases, with the agreement of the Tender Committee. If necessary, a consultant or his/her associate may compile the specifications document, but this person may only tender or be involved with the tender in exceptional cases and with the approval of the Tender Committee.

The specifications document must contain sufficient details of the specific goods or

services desired, especially in the case of repair work, maintenance and computer and research equipment. Specification documents may not give preference to certain brands or providers. The tender process cannot be initiated if full specifications are not submitted in writing.

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The detailed specifications document must be handed in for the Purchasing personnel

to be able to initiate the correct tender procedures. A target date for the delivery of goods must also be indicated, if possible.

The specifications document must be handed in at the office of the Buyer. 4.2.3 The date for the receipt of the specifications document at the office of the Buyer must

be entered in the tender register. The nature of the eventual contract must be determined, e.g. year contract, service contract, repairs, maintenance, etc., and must be entered as such in the tender register.

4.2.4 The Purchasing and Provision Services division allocates a tender number and

description to the tender and enters these details into the tender register. Tender numbers must commence from number one (1) each year. Each subsequent number must begin with one figure more than the previous tender. This is followed by a forward slash (/), followed by the year (e.g. 13/2000).

4.2.5 The Purchasing and Provision Services division will determine the starting date for the

tender and enter this date in the tender register. The earliest starting date will be the third day after the receipt of the specifications document, with weekends, university holidays and public holidays being left out of reckoning.

In cases where tenders are opened in public and general or public advertising has to

take place, the earliest starting date will be the beginning of the sixth day after receipt of the specifications document. Should it not be possible to advertise this date sufficiently, the time may be extended after receipt of the specification document and the decision concerning the date for starting will lie with the Buyer.

4.2.6 The Purchasing and Provision Services division will determine the closing date for the

tender in conjunction with the project leader and enter it in the tender register. The earliest closing date will be the end of the fourth day after the starting date for tenders, with weekends, university holidays and public holidays being left out of reckoning. In the case of printed work, the closing date will be the end of the second day after the starting day for tenders, while weekends, university and public holidays will be left out of reckoning.

4.2.7 The Purchasing and Provision Services division will determine the date from which

tenders are binding for acceptance and enter this date in the tender register. The tender should be binding for acceptance for at least two calendar weeks following the date for the acceptance of tenders. (Reason: Should the successful tenderer, for whatever reason, be unable to perform or deliver, or should there be a delay in the process, for whatever reason, it is possible that the second-best candidate will be selected as the successful tenderer without necessarily having to restart the tender process.)

The Purchasing and Provision Services division will determine the tender acceptance

date and enter this date in the tender register. The earliest date that can be indicated as the date for the acceptance of a tender is die beginning of the fourth day following the closing date for tenders, while weekends, university holidays and public holidays will be left out of reckoning.

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The following information must be included in the tender document distributed to

tenderers by the Purchasing and Provision Services division: Tender number Description of the goods/services applicable to the tender The starting date for the tender The closing date and closing time for the tender The date until which the tender should be binding with regard to acceptance The acceptance date for the tender Proposed delivery date Specifications document 4.2.10 The relevant buyers must consult the list of approved suppliers to identify a list of

suitable potential suppliers who could be invited to tender. At least four potential tenderers must be procured for each tender to a value of above R500 000, unless fewer than four potential tenderers have been identified in the market.

Should there be too few or no approved suppliers who could deliver the relevant goods

and/or services, the buyer in question, together with the project leader or head of the division, should decide on a manner of advertising to open up the tender process, should there be a possibility of more than one potential supplier. A list of potential suppliers, listed under the tender number, should be compiled and submitted to the Tender Committee for approval.

4.2.11 The buyer in question must then contact by telephone or e-mail the potential suppliers

that have been identified in order to ascertain whether they wish to tender and wish to collect tender documents.

The name of the person with whom contact is made must be noted down on the list,

described under 4.2.10. The fax number of the potential supplier must also be entered on the list should he/she is interested in tendering (number available from the application forms in the case of suppliers on the list of approved suppliers). The invitation to tender must then be confirmed by fax or e-mail and the copies must be filed together with the list as stipulated in 4.2.10.

4.2.12 A record of each tender has to be kept in the tender register with regard to: the names of potential suppliers who have collected tender documents or abbreviated

tender documents; and the name and signature of each person who has collected a tender document or

abbreviated a tender document. 4.2.13 The abbreviated tender documents have to be made available in the case of suppliers

on the list of approved suppliers who have accepted the invitation to tender. Complete tender documents have to be made available in the case of suppliers whose names do not appear on the list of approved suppliers but have accepted the invitation to tender.

A copy of the specifications document, as mentioned in 4.2.2, must be attached to the

tender documents as Addendum A, in both instances.

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4.3. Regulations of the Tender Committee

Name and Objective The committee is known as the Tender Committee of Stellenbosch University. The Tender Committee must see to it that the best possible conditions are negotiated for the University in the selection of all tenders that serve before the Tender Committee. Composition With a view to tenders for purchasing goods and services valued from R150 001, renting or use of assets, tenders for the sale, renting or utilisation of assets, and tenders for requests for information and requests for proposals, the Tender Committee comprises: Tender committees are constituted by the RC head in conjunction with the Senior Director: Finance and Asset Management, on condition that the composition thereof may be submitted to the Rector’s Management Team (RMT) for approval at the discretion of the RC head. The RC head decides, in consultation with the Dean of Students, whether a particular tender is of such importance to students that it warrants the inclusion of a representative of the Student Council to serve on the Tender Committee. Alternatively a proper way of consulting with the student community should be determined before the Tender Committee commences its activities. The RC head in conjunction with the Senior Director: Finance and Asset Management identifies the chairperson of the Tender Committee. Such chairperson might be the RC head (in the case of big tenders that are of unusual institutional importance) or a staff member who has no interest in the outcome and who does not work in the Purchasing and Provision Services division. Tender Committees are constituted on different levels of senior management, depending on the nature of the transaction and the risk to SU’s reputation. The Finance Committee from time to time sets the amounts that determine seniority. The RMT member or the Dean in conjunction with the RMT member responsible for coordinating risk management is responsible for requesting a more senior Tender Committee should reputation risk warrant such. In instances where a tender represents no risk to SU’s reputation e.g. the purchase of equipment or apparatus, then the tender committee is determined by the department that is doing the purchase. The tender committee must be approved by the Senior Director: Finance and Asset Management. The Purchasing and Provision Services division fulfils a technical advisory and a compliance function with regard to every tender committee, but no staff member of the Division Purchasing serves as a member of any tender committee. A tender process of superior quality requires proper training for both tender committee members as well as other role players in the tender process. Contravention of policy, procedures and management practices are deemed serious and may include immediate dismissal in terms of SU staff policy. The Senior Director: Finance and Asset Management appoints a person to scrutinise tender specifications and to advise the Tender Committee on the tender process and risks involved in tenders. The Tender Committee appoints a person as its secretary.

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Duties and Responsibilities The duties and responsibilities of the Tender Committee include the following:

The activities of the Tender Committee are conducted in accordance with the procedures set out in the policy document titled “Purchasing policy, tender procedures and related matters”

The activities and recommendations of the Tender Committee are confidential and may not be made public by members of the Tender Committee, except when the information is officially made public by the Tender Committee.

The Tender Committee can, at its own discretion and depending on the nature of a tender, invite other knowledgeable Stellenbosch University personnel, or consultants, to advise the Tender Committee.

The Tender Committee is not obliged to recommend selection of the lowest or any tender. The Tender Committee may only deviate from the approved tender policy and procedure

of the University when there are valid reasons for deviation, and the chairperson must report such deviation to the RMS for ratification and implementation of the decision.

The Tender Committee sees to it that an equitable and transparent tender process is followed.

Evaluation Criteria The following is applicable when the Tender Committee determines evaluation criteria:

Before the tender process commences, there is agreement about a scorecard that indicates the factors that must be measured as well as the weight of such factors.

Evaluation criteria should be clear and systematic. When determining the evaluation criteria, the RC head determines if, and to what extent,

the tender process and the resultant transaction affect other environments and sees to it that the evaluation criteria takes this into account.

The scorecard is used in the evaluation of the written tender and the tenderer’s oral submission (if applicable).

The evaluation criteria are made public at the time the tender invitation goes out. 4.4. Procedure on receipt of tenders

4.4.1 Tenders can be received by mail or be delivered to the office of the Buyer. Tenders

must be placed in the tender box, taking into account the following procedures:

4.4.2 The tender box must be open daily from 08:00 to 16:00 on weekdays, except university holidays and public holidays.

4.4.3 The tender box must be placed in the immediate vicinity of the office of the Buyer or in

another appropriate position, in such a manner that adequate, continuous security will be possible.

4.4.4 The tender box must be constructed of suitable material to ensure the security of the

tenders. The tender box must be fitted with locks or other security devices and must remain locked except when it is opened for tenders to be opened.

4.4.5 If the tender box is physically taken to another location for tenders to be removed from

the tender box, a notice of reasonable size and prominence must be placed in the place of the tender box to give clear indications concerning alternative methods of handing in tenders to prospective tenderers. Tenders handed in during this time must be scrupulously recorded and persons who deliver tenders should sign a document as proof of handing in the tenders.

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4.4.6 At times when the tender box is opened, new tenders must be accepted across the counter by a person selected by the Buyer.

4.4.7 The responsible person selected according to 4.4.6 must give a verbal report to the

Buyer concerning any tenders that may have been handed in during the opening of the tender box, as soon as the tender box has again been made available for the handing in of tenders. Such tenders must be deposited in the tender box without delay.

4.4.8 If the tender box is to be opened at its usual location, the tenders are placed in an

appropriate container that can be locked before being taken to the Buyer. 4.4.9 No tender that is handed in late may be considered in the tendering process. (This may

only be considered in exceptional cases, with the approval of the Senior Director: Finance and Asset Management.)

4.4.10 When tenders are received by mail, its date of receipt at the office of the Deputy

Director: Purchasing and Provisioning Services must be entered in the tender register and the tender must be deposited in the tender box without delay.

4.4.11 When tenders are delivered, the date of delivery and the name of the person delivering

it must be entered in the tender register and the person who delivered the tender must sign the tender register. The receiver must then place the tender in the tender box in the presence of the person who delivered it.

4.5 Procedure at the opening of the tender box and tenders 4.5.1 The opening of the tender box, opening of sealed envelopes and entry of tenders that do

not require the involvement of the Tender Committee must take place in the presence of the Tender Committee.

Any tenderer or authorised representative of a tenderer may be present during the opening

process. The Purchasing and Provision Services division will supply tenderers with the necessary details in this regard in good time.

Any member of the Tender Committee may also be present during this process. On

opening the tenders, the date indicating the day of the tender’s removal from the tender box must be written on the front page of the tender documents or the abbreviated tender documents.

4.5.2 Tenders that are removed from the tender box must be recorded in a tender register.

Allowance must be made for the signatures of all persons that have to be present at the opening, to serve as proof of the completeness of the opening process and the correctness of the procedure that is followed.

4.5.3 Tenders must be scheduled as far as possible from the least costly to the most costly

tender. 4.5.4 The original tenders, as well as the tender prices, must be filed and must remain locked

away in the safe of the Purchasing and Provision Services division, except during the evaluation of the tenders.

4.6. Evaluation of tenders that need not be submitted to the Tender Committee 4.6.1 All the tenders that are received for a project (except as set out below), must be handed to

the project leader or the head of the division by the buyers on the second morning following the day of the date for the closing of tenders, at the latest, together with a written indication of the scheduling of tenders from the least costly to the most costly. The tenders, copies thereof or scheduling documents may under no circ*mstances be made available to persons or parties who are already engaged in the particular service or are similarly contracted.

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In the case of capital tenders, tenders must be scheduled and handed to the project leader

by the beginning of the eleventh day after the closing date of the tender. In both cases, weekends, university holidays and public holidays must be left out of reckoning.

4.6.2 All the tenders that have been received for a specific project must be further evaluated on

the basis of the evaluation criteria for tenders. The Purchasing and Provision Services division administers the purchasing process, while

the recommendation is made as set out in section 4.2 of this document. A written summary of the evaluation of all the tenders must be prepared and handed to the

person responsible for making the recommendation, on the last morning of the fourth day following the closing of the tenders (excluding weekends, university holidays and public holidays).

The project leader or the head of the division must propose a recommendation in writing,

to be handed in together with the written summary of the tenders. The project leader, head of the division or committee that makes the final recommendation

with regard to the acceptance of a specific tender must evaluate the tenders on the basis of the evaluation criteria for tenders, the price and the proposed written recommendation of the project leader, head of the division or committee.

The final recommendation for the approval of a tender must be made in writing and sent

for a decision, confirmation and notification in accordance with the regulations of the SU Council and the purchasing deadlines.

4.6.3 Tenders for expenses within the budget (names of tenderers, amount of allocated tender)

for amounts between R50 000 and R250 000 must be made public for notification to the Tender Committee at the first subsequent meeting of the Tender Committee.

4.7. Evaluation of tenders to be submitted to the Tender Committee 4.7.1 The Buyer must, in consultation with and on behalf of the Senior Director: Finance and

Asset Management, arrange a meeting of the Tender Committee in good time, so that the committee can have an opportunity to evaluate the tenders and make a recommendation. See 4.3 for determining evaluation criteria.

4.7.2 All the tenders that are received for a project must be handed to the chairperson of the

Tender Committee by the Buyer on the morning of the second day after the date for the closing of tenders, at the latest, together with a written indication of the scheduling of tenders from the least costly to the most costly.

4.7.3 All the tenders that are received for a specific project must then be further evaluated in

accordance with the evaluation criteria for tenders. The Tender Committee must make a recommendation in accordance with the regulations

of the Tender Committee. The final recommendation for the approval of a tender must be made in writing and sent for a decision, confirmation and notification in accordance with the regulations of the SU Council and the purchasing cut-off points.

4.7.4 The Tender Committee must, in all instances, decide whether a specific separate contract,

over and above the tender document or abbreviated tender document, must be concluded 4.7.5 The Tender Committee must at all times apply the tender policy and procedures of SU.

The activities and decisions of the Tender Committee must be regarded as confidential and may not be made public by members of the Tender Committee, except when such information is made public officially by the Tender Committee.

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4.7.6 If members of the Tender Committee are in any way related to a tenderer or have any vested interest in a tender, this relationship or vested interest must be made known and entered in the minutes at the commencement of the meeting of the Tender Committee. Such a member of the Tender Committee is allowed to attend the meeting at which a decision on a specific tender is to be made, but is not allowed to vote and will not be considered in the decision with regard to the allocation of the tender, unless the other members of the Tender Committee decide otherwise. The non-disclosure of relationships/interests and receipt of gifts is deemed very serious and may lead to disciplinary action against staff and/or the annulment of a tender process and/or suspension of a supplier’s contract. Each tender document contains a clear exposition of the considerations which might lead to an annulment of the tender process, and the way in which it will be done. Donations to US or US staff will not affect the evaluation and awarding of tenders.

4.8. Timing and return dates for tenders: Shortest possible options 4.8.1 If it is possible to speed up the process, the involved buyers will allow the process run as

fast as possible. In all instances, though, the timing schedule as described below and return dates for tenders will apply as the shortest possible time for the Purchasing and Provision Services division

4.8.2 In the case of tenders on the abbreviated tender basis, whether submitted to the Tender

Committee or not, the following timing schedule and return dates will come into operation if day 1 is the day on which the specifications document is received: Day 1 - Receipt of specifications document Beginning of day 4 - Creation of tender End of day 15 - Closing date for tender Beginning of day 20 - Handing over to evaluator Beginning of day 25 - Date of acceptance End of day 27 - Inform unsuccessful tenderers Beginning of day 33 - Place order

NB: The above dates exclude weekends, university holidays and public holidays.

4.8.3 In the case of tenders that are to be opened in public, whether submitted to the Tender

Committee or not, the following timing schedule and return dates will apply, if day 1 is the day on which the specifications documents are received:

Day 1 - Receipt of specifications document Beginning of day 7 - Creation of tenders End of day 17 - Closing date for tenders Beginning of day 22 - Handing over to evaluator Beginning of day 27 - Date of acceptance End of day 29 - Inform unsuccessful tenderers Beginning of day 35 - Place order

The two exceptions with regard to printed work and Natural Sciences are also applicable in this instance.

NB: The above-mentioned dates exclude weekends, university holidays and public holidays.

4.9. Recommendations, decisions, confirmations and notifications 4.9.1 The procedures to be followed for recommendations, decisions, confirmations and

notification pertaining to tenders must be in accordance with the document dealing with purchasing deadlines that incorporate the procedures prescribed by the SU Council.

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4.10. Samples 4.10.1 If the specifications document requires tenderers to provide samples, the samples must

be delivered to the office of the Buyer between 08:00 en 16:00 on weekdays, excluding university holidays and public holidays.

4.10.2 The Purchasing and Provision Services division must issue a sample receipt form to

the person delivering the samples when the samples are received. The receipt form must be made out in duplicate and the copy should be filed by the Purchasing and Provision Services division.

The sample receipt form should contain the following information:

Tender number Description of the sample Date of handing in Signature of the person who delivered the sample Last date on which the sample can be collected in the case of unsuccessful tenderers. This must be entered in the tender register to confirm that the tenderer has handed in the samples as required.

4.10.3 Samples handed in by unsuccessful tenderers can be collected from the office of the

Buyer between 08:00 and 16:00 on weekdays, excluding university holidays and public holidays, on presentation of the sample receipt form, which must then be filed against the copy. The person who receives the sample in return has to sign the sample receipt form as proof of having received it in return.

4.10.4 Samples must be locked away for safekeeping. If the sample is handed to an evaluator,

project leader or body for testing, the sample receipt form has to be endorsed with the relevant details and the person who receives it has to sign the endorsem*nt.

4.10.5 If samples have to be sent away for testing, the tenderer must be contacted in advance

by telephone for permission to do such testing, as the tenderer has to bear the cost of the testing.

4.10.6 This telephonic request must be confirmed by fax, by e-mail or in writing by the tenderer

before the testing can proceed and such confirmation must be filed. 4.10.7 The final date on which unsuccessful tenderers can collect samples before such

samples are to be auctioned for the account of SU will be 60 days subsequent to the date of the acceptance of the tender. The Purchasing and Provision Services division from time to time compiles a written description of samples that have not been collected by the prescribed date, or cannot be utilised in some other way by SU, and hands this to the relevant division or person responsible for auctions at SU.

4.11. Negotiations with the tenderer 4.11.1 Coordinating relations between the users and the supplier is an important part of the

function of buyers. Prices have to be procured and compared in accordance with purchasing policy and procedures. Recommendations with regard to suppliers are made in cooperation with users in departments and divisions.

4.11.2 Negotiations with tenderers should be limited to requests for additional information

should it become evident during the evaluation process that valuable information is needed to be able to compare tenders with one another, or that information is needed with regard to any other matter that may be to the advantage of SU. Negotiation about the price that is tendered generally is NOT permissible. Negotiations may lead to additions and amendments to original documents.

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The nature, reason and outcome of any negotiations with tenderers must be included in written form with the tender documents that are given to the persons who will be responsible for making the recommendations. Essential amendments pertaining to tenders must be submitted at the first subsequent meeting of the Tender Committee.

Continuing negotiations may take place between SU and suppliers on the list of

approved suppliers, as two-way communication is seen as a feature of the partnership. 4.12. Sole tenderers 4.12.1 Should there be only one tenderer, this must be clearly indicated on the front of the

tender document when the tender is handed to the persons who have to make the recommendation.

4.13. Communicating with tenderers 4.13.1 Unsuccessful tenderers must be informed by the relevant purchaser within two days of

the decision and confirmation (if necessary) of a tender being allocated. The tender register must be updated with the necessary information as soon as unsuccessful tenderers have been informed in writing that they have not been successful.

4.13.2 All communication with tenders before and after the tender must be done by the

Purchasing and Provision Services division. 4.14. Procedure following the approval of tenders 4.14.1 A tender acceptance form must be made out with regard to successful tenderers and

sent to the successful tenderer. 4.14.2 The buyer who is involved must submit the order or any such documents. No orders

may be placed before a tender is awarded. 4.14.3 The contract between the two parties must be finalised and signed, if necessary, as

specified by the Tender Committee. In certain instances, the contracts first have to be concluded before orders can be placed. The Tender Committee should give clear instructions in this regard.

4.15. Urgent tasks 4.15.1 Urgent tasks or services that cannot take place in accordance with normal procedures

because of the urgency of such tasks should be avoided, if possible. In view of the brevity of the period in which tenders should be allocated, it should be

possible to accommodate all tenders in the above process. Departmental chairpersons, heads of divisions, professional teams, project leaders and

other involved persons must consider the procedures and time limits indicated in this document when they are involved in planning.

4.15.2 Requests for urgent tasks that cannot be accommodated in the tender process must be

accompanied by a motivation from the person who authorises incurring the expense. This documentation must be handed in at the office of the Buyer. The request and accompanying motivation must be referred to the Senior Director: Finance and Asset Management. The Senior Director: Finance and Asset Management must evaluate the matter to decide whether the task really is urgent and should be accommodated outside the tender process. All urgent work must be submitted to the RMS.

4.15.3 All urgent tasks that have not followed normal tender procedures must be submitted to

the RMS for their notice and for further investigation, if necessary.

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4.15.4 Abbreviated tender documents must be completed by the supplier within three (3) days of approval.

4.15.5 Emergency/after-hours maintenance tasks that cannot be carried out via the normal

purchasing procedure because of their urgency shall be handled as follows:

A written order shall be issued to the service provider. Should the total of this order exceed the amount of R500 000, it shall be approved in advance (telephonically) by the relevant head of division or, should he be unavailable, by the Chief Director: Facilities Management.

The written order shall be confirmed by an electronic order within two working days.

The head of division shall approve the placement of the electronic order, regardless of the amount concerned.

4.16. Amend or extension of accepted tenders after approval 4.16.1 Reasons in writing must be compiled by the project leader, department or divisional

head concerned and be approved by the Tender Committee before the work may be continued.

In the case of quotations and other purchases that do not involve amendments and

extensions that increase the cost of the whole transaction beyond R100 000, reasons in writing must also be compiled by the project leader, department or divisional head concerned, and the above process will then be applicable.

4.17. List of approved suppliers 4.17.1 A list of approved suppliers must be kept up to date. 4.17.2 The document entitled "Application by prospective supplier to be placed on the list of

approved suppliers" must be sent to identify suppliers. A record must be kept of all application documents that are sent out. These documents must be received back as soon as possible and considered in accordance with evaluation criteria to determine whether the applicant could be added to the list of approved suppliers.

4.17.3 The Purchasing and Provision Services division must continually be involved with

market and product research to detect other suitable suppliers. Invitations to these prospective suppliers must be directed to them telephonically and be followed up by fax or e-mail. These applicants must also be evaluated according to the evaluation criteria.

4.17.4 An effort must be made to have at least five suppliers on the list of approved suppliers

for each product group or service. 4.17.5 All the suppliers on the list of approved suppliers must be contacted by letter once

annually so that information included in the application and might have changed can be updated. Should such a request for updating be directed to suppliers after the suppliers’ year end, the process could be facilitated if the latest financial statements were to be placed on the records of the Purchasing and Provision Services division.

4.17.6 If applicants do not meet with success, there generally is no need to supply reasons for

their non-inclusion on the list. 4.18. Minimum information in the tender register The tender/tender submission and tender commencing register should contain the following


The purchaser responsible for procuring the tenders Date of receipt of specification document and the person responsible for such


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SU staff members and suppliers who are present at the commencement of the tender must be recorded in the tender commencement register.

Type of contract e.g. year contract, service contract. Tender number Description of tender and specified evaluation criteria Date of creation Closing date and closing time Date to which tenders must be bound Tender acceptance date Tender document received by …………..(name of person) Signature of person who received the tender document Date on which tender was received If delivered, the name and signature of the person who delivered it Tenderers must write their name, date and time of submission in the tender submission

register Date on which tender is taken from the tender box and opened Signatures of persons involved in opening the tender box Samples received Yes/No Dispatch written notice indicating that tenderer was unsuccessful Written notice sent out that tenderer was successful Person requesting Description of goods or services Record of tenderers invited to tender and collection schedule Record of submissions by tenderers and schedule Tender opening committee and attendance schedule Members of the tender evaluation committee Authorisation of tender Requisition and order number Declaration certificate for all parties regarding conflict of interest Minutes and decisions of tender meeting All tender applications must be accompanied by a valid tax clearance certificate. In

case of a closed tender process, record must be kept of all preference providers that were invited, as well as proof of invitation, for example emails. If a decision is taken against inviting a specific provider, it must be recorded, together with the reason for not inviting the provider. Those providers who refuse the invitation must also be recorded and proof thereof, such as an email, must be filed.

4.19. Sole tender documents 4.19.1 In the case of urgent tasks or sole tenderers, the suppliers have to complete the

document undertaken, in order to place the minimum information concerning suppliers on record and to bind the supplier to the conditions of the tender.

4.20. Repeated purchases 4.20.1 In the case of a repeated purchasing transaction of below R250 000, tenders do not

have to be called for if the requirements listed below are met. A repeated purchasing transaction is defined as a transaction which is contracted within

six (6) months of the previous purchasing transaction. The products and services for which repeated purchases are made must be of exactly the same kind and specifications as the original transaction.

A repeated purchasing transaction may be undertaken after consultation with the

Senior Director: Finance and Asset Management if the Purchasing and Provision Services division considers it to be to SU’s advantage.

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4.21. Availability of documents 4.21.1 All the documents that are referred to in these procedures are available from the

Department: Purchasing and Provision Services. 4.22. Accounting responsibilities related to projects 4.22.1 Expenses and costs that accrue against one project cannot be justified against another

project. No journal may be posted to transfer expenditure or costs of one project to another, except in the case of original posting errors.

4.22.2 Amounts approved in budgets for specific projects cannot be transferred to other

projects without prior approval from the RMS. 4.23. Alteration to tender documents, abbreviated tender documents and applications 4.23.1 Any person found to alter the tender documents, abbreviated tender documents or

application forms without prior approval of the Senior Director: Finance and Asset Management will be subject to disciplinary action in terms of the Disciplinary Code of SU.

4.24 Responsibilities in the tender process In the tender process liabilities apply with regard to the following responsibilities:

The Rector’s Management Team or the delegated management member or body – responsible for the approval of the Tender Committee and any requirements that the tender process must satisfy.

Members of the Tender Committee – responsible for consideration of tender applications that is free from personal interest and which includes the approval of tender specifications, the determination and application of evaluation criteria, the determination of the nature and method of communication with tenderers including the type of information that must be conveyed (before and after the tender process) and awarding of the tenders.

The Division for Purchases and Provisioning Services – responsible for compliance with the tender policy (which includes the random sourcing and handling of tenders and quotations) as well as the disclosure and management of risks with regard to product delivery, deadlines and price stipulations.

The user division – responsible for technical specifications and quality control, as well as the disclosure and management of related risks.

4.25 Tender procedure and awarding of tenders with regard to Capital and maintenance

projects (Facilities management) The tender procedure and awarding of tenders with regard to Capital Projects shall be handled

as follows (project budgets and contract documentation already approved by both the Division: Finance and the Division: Legal Services):

The project manager or SU agent shall attend to the tender/contract documentation.

The project manager shall determine the tender period as well as the cut-off date and time for tenders, and shall inform the relevant buyer in the Division: Purchasing and Provision Services/SU agent of these particulars.

The buyer or SU agent1)

shall open the tender box on the day that tenders close, and shall read out the prices.

The buyer or SU agent shall hand over the tender documents to the project manager.

The project manager shall examine the documentation and prepare a tender report, to be submitted to the Manager: Property Projects/Manager: Maintenance Projects, regarding the acceptability and validity of the tenders.

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The Manager: Property Projects/Manager: Maintenance Projects shall make a recommendation regarding the acceptance of a tender to the Director: Planning and Development/Head: Maintenance.

Final approval of tender recommendations shall take place in terms of the approved delegation of responsibilities and decision-making powers with regard to Facilities Management.


NOTE ‘SU agent’ refers to professional consultants (architects, quantity surveyors, engineers, etc.) appointed specifically to handle projects or parts of projects on behalf of Facilities Management. The Division: Purchasing and Provision Services shall be involved at all times to ensure that the processes meet the requirements of the Purchasing Policy.

4.26 Appointment procedures with regard to consultants on projects by Facilities Management:

Planning and Development and Development and Maintenance Consultants shall be appointed on a rotational basis from an approved list of consultants after

consideration and recommendation by a committee of which the composition is set out below. The annual compilation of the approved list of consultants shall take place in cooperation with the Division: Purchasing and Provision Services.

The committees that appoint the consultants shall be compiled as follows for the various


Planning and Development

Director: Planning and Development

Manager: Facilities Planning

Manager: Property Projects

Manager: Building Design

Project Planner


Head: Maintenance

Manager: Maintenance Projects

Maintenance Manager

Technical Manager

Project Manager

At least three (3) of the abovementioned committee members shall be present when the recommendation is submitted.

In the recommendation and appointment of consultants the following criteria shall be considered

over and above the rotation system:

Whether the consultant is on the approved panel.

Whether the consultant has specific expertise and experience of the required service.

Whether the consultant has done work of satisfactory quality in the past.

Whether the consultant has specific prior knowledge of the facility where the service has to be provided.

Whether the consultant’s follow-up service is good.

The consultant’s BBBEE status.

Whether the consultant is a local entrepreneur.

Final approval of appointments, on a project basis, shall take place in terms of the approved delegation of responsibilities and decision-making powers with regard to Facilities Management. Professional fees shall be calculated in accordance with and up to a maximum of the latest applicable regulations as published in the Government Gazette.

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At the end of each calendar year, a complete report on the appointment of consultants shall be

made to the Executive Director: Operations and Finance, which report shall include the consultants who were appointed and how the work was divided among the consultants.

4.27 Compilation of contract tender lists for individual Tender lists (contractors) for individual projects shall be compiled by the project team from the

approved list of service providers/contractors. The compilation of the approved list of service providers/contractors shall take place in cooperation with the Division: Purchasing and Provision Services.

The project team consists of:

Manager: Property Projects

Project Manager

Facilities Manager

Chief Agent/Consultant (where appointed) Criteria for the compilation of tender lists:

Whether the contractors are on the approved list of service providers.

Whether the contractors have specific expertise and experience of the service required.

The contractors’ history with regard to similar work of satisfactory quality.

The scope and nature of the required service versus the contractors’ capacity and available resources and work load.

Stipulations of the SU Purchasing Policy with regard to the acquisition of services.

The contractors’ BBBEE status.

Final approval of the appointments, on a project basis, shall take place in accordance with the approved delegation of responsibilities and decision-making powers with regard to Facilities Management.

At the end of each calendar year, a complete report on the appointment of contractors shall be

made to the Executive Director: Operations and Finance, which report shall include the contractors who were appointed and how the work was divided among the contractors.

5. GENERAL PURCHASING 5.1 Items with a purchasing price of less than R1 000 To limit the cost of ordering to the minimum, purchases of consumable items (besides contract

items like gasses, car rental, courier services, chemicals, glassware, etc.) of which the cost to order is less than R1 000 per order, may be organised by the department/division and paid for from the petty cash (maximum of R250 per item) of the particular department/division, or by cheque requisition. Departments/divisions that do not have a petty cash facility can apply for this from the Division for Financial Services.

5.2 Capital goods (asset items) 5.2.1 A budget is drawn up for all capital items (as identified by the Purchasing and Provision

Services division in cooperation with the Division for Funds and Asset Management), irrespective of the cost point from which it is paid for. This rule applies to the purchasing of all capital items from all funds that are managed administratively by SU. No capital or asset item may therefore be purchased out of hand without a budget number.

5.2.2 Specific standards are continually set and developed by the Purchasing and Provision

Services division, Physical Infrastructure, IT, etc. in cooperation with relevant clients to ensure that specifications and standards of products are continuously improved.

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5.2.3 An attempt is being made to standardise the following capital goods: Computer equipment Office furniture and equipment Audiovisual equipment Photocopying, fax and telephone answering machines Other specialised and/or research equipment

5.3 Consumable goods and services 5.3.1 Departments or divisions direct requests for the purchasing of goods and services

from external suppliers, via computer per Requisition for purchasing, to the Purchasing and Provision Services division.

5.3.2 Departments or divisions direct applications for the acquisition of stock items, via

computer per Requisition for supplies, to the relevant supply store and furnish the relevant commodity number(s) of the desired item(s).

5.3.3 Departments or divisions are responsible for proper completion of all the relevant

computer fields of a requisition, as well as other details that are required to ensure that a complete and correct record of the transaction is taken up into the SU bookkeeping system.

5.3.4 The fields requesting quotation details, in particular, must be completed fully

at all times. 5.3.5 Each requisition for purchasing is referred to a particular buyer who, among other

things, determines the availability of the product and the final purchasing price before the necessary order is placed.

5.3.6 An official SU order form will be posted, faxed or sent by e-mail to the relevant supplier

by the Purchasing and Provision Services division only on request from the department or division. Otherwise departments or divisions are expected to provide their own order numbers to suppliers by telephone.

5.3.7 Departments or divisions that obtain order numbers via the computer and then provide it

telephonically to suppliers must themselves arrange timely delivery of the goods to the right location and must also follow up with suppliers if goods are not delivered or are delivered incorrectly.

5.3.8 An attempt is being made to purchase consumable goods, services and supplies used

regularly by departments or divisions by means of term or annual contracts. These contracts are negotiated by the SU buyers. Informal Western Cape regional agreements and national agreements are also entered into by PURCO SA.

(The aim of such agreements is to negotiate, in the case of high volumes, better service

delivery, prices and quality on a collective basis. This is applied particularly with regard to high frequency consumable articles. Participating organisations are bound to purchase pre-negotiated items from the contracted supplier.)

Coordination and contract management of these agreements are handled centrally by the Purchasing and Provision Services division.

In cases where tenders are accepted, SU is contractually bound to purchase the goods and services from the appointed supplier for the period of the contract. If there is any deviation from this contract, SU becomes guilty of breach of contract and is liable for the accompanying consequences.

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Note: Departments and divisions are requested to first contact the Purchasing and

Provision Services division for the purchasing of standardised capital goods and the above goods and services before requesting quotations and prices. This will prevent much frustration, duplication of work and wasting of precious time.

NB: No order may be cancelled without the knowledge of the relevant buyer who placed

the order.

6. CONTRACTS AND STANDARDISED GOODS These specific policy submissions must be read in conjunction with the General Policy for Purchasing

and Procedures. 6.1 Bookings for air travel 6.1.1 Account number 1145/1153/1155, Travel and accommodation costs, must be utilised

for official air travel bookings in all instances. 6.1.2. The following rules apply in all instances when air trips for official purposes are

undertaken, irrespective of the cost point (University funds, research funds or funds that have been generated personally – so-called own funds) against which the expense is incurred. An official university order must be issued to accredited SU travel agents for

all approved official travel by air. SU reserves the right to refuse compensation for any official air travel

booking – and the accompanying expenditure incurred by the user – that is made without an official SU order being issued. If travellers wish to make use of alternative travel agencies, they have to pay

themselves if the air travel agency are not listed on die SU system. Travellers may not pay for themselves at Indo Jet, Maties Travel Bureau and Neelsie Travel Agency, an official US order number must be issued. Requests for the reimbursem*nt of costs or order numbers with regard to alternative travel agencies must include the following documentation:

Three quotations of which two quotations must be from one of the

following: Indo Jet, Maties Travel Bureau or Neelsie Travel Agency. If an internet ticket is purchased, quotations for internet reservations must also be obtained via the above mentioned travel agencies.

The quotations must all be on the same day and the insurance must be equal to Diners Phase II travel cover for overseas flights and Diners Phase I travel cover for local flights.

The reimbursem*nt of costs with regard to alternative travel agencies will only be approved if the abovementioned stipulations have been carried out and the alternative travel agent is cheaper. The application must be sent to the Director Purchasing and Provision Services. The travel agencies (Maties Travel Bureau, Neelsie Travel Agency and Indo

Jet) may not issue air tickets without an official order number.

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138 An air travel insurance claim will be in conjunction with a R500 transaction

fee. The transaction fee will only be paid from SU-funds if the cause of the claim occurred during the official part of the journey. If additional air travel insurance is taken out, it shall be for the staff member’s own account. Following a process of tendering, the University is contractually bound to

make air travel bookings with the following accredited air travel agents: Maties Travel Bureau Neelsie Travel Agency Indo Jet The agreement with the above-mentioned air travel agencies is such that Voyager points (SAA) and Frequent Flyer points (BA) can be earned by registered frequent travellers if bookings are made through the official ordering process. It remains the traveller’s responsibility, however, to ensure that the registration number is entered on the Requisition for purchasing a booking, or he/she will forfeit this benefit. Air travel is normally undertaken in the Economy Discount Flight Class

only. Where there is a deviation from this procedure and air travel is undertaken in business class (J), first class, full economic class etc., the relevant dean/departmental chairperson/discipline head or executive head is expected to obtain the required advance authorisation from the Senior Director: Finance and Asset Management.

Air travel agencies are contractually bound to book travellers in the

Economy Discount Flight Class within the Economy Class. Three written quotations from an official air travel agent (currently Maties

Travel Bureau, Neelsie Travel Agency and Indo Jet) must be obtained for overseas flights. For internal flights three written quotations must be obtained from an official air travel agent (currently Maties Travel Bureau, Neelsie Travel Agency and Indo Jet). Refer to paragraph if an alternative travel agency are used. All payments for official air travel bookings will be made with the SU

corporate travel credit card (Diners Club International) that has been launched at the official air travel agencies. On payment, travellers will immediately receive the obligatory air travel cover.

Phase 1 for internal flights Phase 2 for overseas flights

(Travellers should always be given an information brochure by the

official air travel agencies so that they may familiarise themselves with the conditions, exclusions and cover of Phase 1 and 2 insurance cover.) The following information is required on the requisition for purchasing:

Purpose for which the air trip is being undertaken Names and number of travellers Fully planned flight programme and airline(s) to be utilised Fund(s) and cost point(s) from which they are costed

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139 Discovery Health members are not allowed to undertake official air trips to earn personal Vitality Club points. Bookings may not be made directly by SU or by a travel agent at Discovery Health; this has to be booked directly by the member and paid for with his/her personal credit card, a procedure which is not acceptable in terms of SU policy and procedure.

Personal expenses such as passport costs are for the account of the staff member. Tickets purchased via the internet can not be changed, if you cancel the ticket you will loose the full amount of the ticket.

6.1.2 Procedure for users with regard to local flights When official bookings are made, the best discount rates available in the economy class must be

insisted upon. This applies to SAA as well as to BA. If this is not insisted upon, travel agents are inclined to make the booking in the full economy class. Full economy class between main centres currently is significantly more expensive than discounted flights.

Various options for discounted flights are available in the economy class, provided that proper

planning is done and the booking is made early. If these discounted flights are to be utilised, bookings have to be made as early as possible, as specific conditions of payment, as well as costs are involved should changes and upgrading occur.

Example: S-class tickets have to be paid five days before the flight is due, and T-class tickets

must be paid for within 24 hours of the booking. Up to 25% of the cost of a ticket can be forfeited should there be a cancellation or a change/upgrade.

6.1.3 The following information is required on the requisition for purchasing before the order and flight

booking can be confirmed: In the quotation column on screen 1 of the requisition for purchasing:

a. Air travel agent and consultant In the details column on screen 2 of the requisition for purchasing: b. Name of traveller(s) c. Date and time of departure d. Airline, flight number and class for outbound journey e. Route (point of departure and point of arrival) of outbound journey f. Date and time of return g. Airline, flight number and class for return journey h. Route (point of departure and point of arrival) of return journey For example:

Item 1: Prof L. Blom; Leave 23/09/96 at 08:30 KPS/JHB op SA427 (Y) Back: 23/09/96 at17:30 JHB/KPS; MN327 (L)

Item 2: Transaction fees

Item 3: (Only Overseas) Diners Phase II insurance This information enables the Purchasing and Provision Services division to check whether the

correct tariff is being paid and/or whether the booking has been made in the most economical class. No air travel booking can be confirmed without the above information; it could cause a delay that could result in the loss of discounts on the part of the University and possibly in missing a flight.

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Should a change be made to a confirmed booking, the Purchasing and Provision Services division must be informed so that the necessary changes or a cancellation can be made.

6.1.4 Procedure for users with regard to overseas flights All relevant information as indicated in point 6.1.3 of internal flights is applicable. Three written quotations from an official air travel agent (currently Maties Travel Bureau,

Neelsie Travel Agency and Indo Jet) must be obtained for overseas flights and provided in the quotation column of the Requisition for Purchasing. Refer to paragraph if an alternative travel agency are used.

Important: Information must please be sent to the Purchasing and Provision Services division in good

time so that it can be checked and processed in time. 6.1.5 Duties of the Purchasing and Provision Services Division

To avoid delay, the Purchasing and Provision Services division will immediately send by e-mail the confirming order for purchasing for the relevant air trip to the air travel agency.

The Purchasing and Provision Services division will see to it that the unique reference numbers for the different airlines, according to which credit rands are earned, are included in the official order.

The Purchasing and Provision Services division will put the required reference numbers on the official order to authorise the corporate credit card payment. Constant and careful updating of the register of reference must be done.

The Purchasing and Provision Services division must continuously check that discounts and credit rands are made available to the University and that a record is kept for subsequent application/allocation of it by the rectorate.

6.1.6 Duties of the division for Financial The Division for Financial Services refers invoices on which the invoiced amount differs

from the amount on the order to the Purchasing and Provision Services division, for checking and further handling.

If prospective travellers are not acquainted with arrangements for air travel the

Purchasing and Provision Services division, (tel. 021-808 4839) should be contacted.

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6.2 Car rental bookings Hiring of vehicles for official use 6.2.1 Account number 1153, Travel and accommodation costs, must always be utilised for

the booking of vehicles for hire for official use. 6.2.2 The following rules are applicable in all instances when vehicles are hired for official use,

irrespective of the cost point (University funds, research funds or funds that are self-generated – so-called own funds) against which the expense is incurred: The University is contractually bound to hire vehicles from the following

Service providers only:

Budget Rent a Car SA Europcar Hertz Tariffs for the hiring of vehicles for official use are available on request from the Purchasing and Provision Services division. Only vehicles in Economy Class may be hired at Budget classes P, M, B, C, I

and N, Hertz classes A, T, B, U, N and C and at Imperial classes A, T, B, C, I, V and E.

Motivated requests for hiring vehicles in other (more expensive) classes shall

only be considered if it is recommended by the relevant Responsible Centre head and submitted in good time in writing to the Division of Purchasing and Provision Services. A booking for the hiring of a vehicle will not be accepted without an official

requisition having been created for this purpose. The purpose of the journey and the names of the travellers must be provided at all times.

The University reserves the right to refuse to compensate the user for the cost

incurred, should a vehicle be hired without the issue of an official order for that purpose. Vehicles hired for official use within the borders of the country are insured

against damage resulting from accidents and theft under the University’s comprehensive policy. No additional insurance is required. The relevant service provider must give permission in writing for the use of

the hired vehicle beyond the borders of the country, in which instance the service provider’s obligatory accident and theft cover will have to be taken out. On acceptance of the booking referred to in 2.4 above, the Purchasing and

Provision Services division will issue the confirming voucher of the relevant service provider that has to be collected from the Purchasing and Provision Services division. The voucher must be presented when the hired vehicle is fetched from/delivered to the service provider. The relevant service provider will only hand over the hired vehicle if the above-mentioned confirmatory voucher is presented. The person who will be driving the hired vehicle must receive the vehicle in

person and present a valid driver’s licence. The relevant service provider is obliged to keep a copy of the driver’s licence on record and to ensure that the

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driver meets the required conditions and is qualified to hire a vehicle. All other persons who may possibly also drive the vehicle have to be registered similarly to ensure that insurance cover remains valid. Cancellation of an order for a hired vehicle must be sent to the relevant

service provider via the Purchasing and Provision Services division as soon as possible. If a cancellation is not confirmed in time, the hirer will be held responsible for one day’s hire. When vehicles are hired in a foreign country, the University, on submission of

the necessary proof, will normally only refund costs incurred with regard to vehicles in the Economy and Compact classes. Claims for compensation with regard to vehicles in other classes will only be considered on receipt of the necessary motivation in writing and on recommendation from the relevant dean, directed to the Deputy Director: Purchasing and Provisioning Services. Enquiries can be directed to the Purchasing and Provision Services division

(Tel. 021-808 4500).

6.3 Printing SU has at its disposal the services of a professional in-house printing house that can handle

and/or manage the complete scope and discipline of general printing (including graphic design, layout and binding).

Departments/divisions are expected to obtain one quote according to procurement thresholds

from SUN MeDIA Stellenbosch for all printing, binding and graphic design of products or items of which SUN MeDIA are not the sole supplier. E-mail: [emailprotected], tel.: (021) 808 2401 / tel. (021) 808 2762.

SUN MeDIA Stellenbosch has been appointed as the sole supplier of the following corporate

stationary and printed items with the logo of the US and/or the SU shield:


Business cards*

Complimentary cards*


Note books

Certificates for accredited short courses; service certificates or any certificate with the US logo on.

Multipurpose corporate cards


Official Corporate Reports and Publications as described in the agreement between SU and SUN MeDIA Stellenbosch.

* This is relevant to all corporate, faculty and level 3-stationary, also where the US emblem the

endorsed identity is. PLEASE NOTE SUN MeDIA shall develop new designs, as required, in consultation with the Division:

Communication and Liaison (a subdivision Stellenbosch University Advancement) within the guidelines of the approved Corporate Identity Guide, and shall handle the printing of existing and new stationery.

As in the case of any other SU supplier, SUN MeDIA Stellenbosch shall compete with regard to

price, quality and service provision regarding any other products. 6.3.1 Successful quotations by SUN MeDIA Stellenbosch shall be dealt with by means of a

purchase requisition or interdepartmental requisition.


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If a business is appointed to do graphic work, a purchase order shall be issued and completed for this purpose (the graphic work, in all formats, then becomes SU property), and the graphic design work and page layout must comply with SU’s corporate image requirements and standards (CI Guide). A separate request for the corresponding printing shall then be issued. The graphic work shall be provided on a disc to calculate a quote for printing, for which SUN MeDIA Stellenbosch also shall be considered if the products or items are not part of the SUN MeDIA sole supplier list.

6.3.3 Copyright protection of third-party material: During the reproduction of study material, SU is

exposed to the risk of copyright infringement if care is not taken in the process. Innovus Technology Transfer (Pty) Ltd is responsible for all copyright matters at SU (

6.3.4 SU has a blanket licensing agreement with DALRO and staff is expected to report the use

of third-party content in study material at For copyright use above the legally permissible quantities, transactional copyright permission must be applied for.

6.3.5 Enquiries Please direct all enquiries to:

Purchasing and Provision Services, tel.: (021) 808 4506

Ms Carol Kat, SU’s Copyright Officer, tel.: (021) 808 2922

Ms Janetta van der Merwe of CHEC.

STELLENBOSCH UNIVERSITY Guidelines Enquiries/Reporting


Direct reporting Enquiries

Carol Kat Copyright Officer Stellenbosch University Tel.: (021) 808 2992 E-mail: [emailprotected]

Janetta van der Merwe Project Director: Copyright CHEC Tel.: 021 659 7100/12 Fax: 021 659 7117 E-mail: [emailprotected]



Natalie de Wet Client Service Representative: SUN MeDIA Stellenbosch Tel.: (021) 808 3917 Fax: (021) 808 2626

Email: [emailprotected]

Justa Niemand Chief Executive Officer SUN MeDIA Stellenbosch Tel.: (021) 808 2610 Fax: 086 620 6780 E-mail: [emailprotected]

6.4 Photocopiers Policy with regard to obtaining copying machines

All photocopiers are obtained subject to a hire contract. Departmental copiers may not be used for more than 20 copies per master. Reasons must b given for requests for accessories like document feeders and sorters,

which will only be supplied under exceptional circ*mstances. No copier with a greater capacity than 55 copies per minute will be placed in departments

other than Sunprint. Deviation from the policy must be approved by the RCM head of the environment that

applies for it and the Senior Director Finance and Asset Management.




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Procedure with regard to hiring of photocopiers Application by the Department The department applies, or is requested by Commercial Services (CS), to have a copier replaced

and provides the following information:

Name of department Contact person Telephone number Room in which the copier will be located Serial number of current machine to be replaced, or The estimated number of copies per month that will be made, if it is to be the first machine Phone number if the old machine is connected to a card reader Any further requirements for the new copying machine, e.g. document feeder, sorter, fax

and printing facilities Suppliers – Shortlist At the end of each year, the Division for CS, in cooperation with the Purchasing and Provision

Services division, shortlists at least three preferred service providers for the next year. The shortlist is based on price/product and levels of service in the preceding term. Short listed suppliers will be informed in writing of the procedure that will apply in the next year. Any supplier entering the market during a particular period will be evaluated on, among other things the placement of demonstration models, and will come into consideration for addition to the list of suppliers in the next term. If SU is able to benefit from immediate addition, this will be considered.

Submission of processed quotations to the department

The latest prices (updated at least monthly) from the preferred service providers are used to evaluate prices and draw comparisons. Each new price per supplier will be numbered and indicated as such in the price comparisons. A standard notice will, however, be sent to suppliers each month for their confirmation of their latest prices.

Send price comparisons to the department for submission, discussion and selection by those who are involved. Calculations are done on the average monthly volumes of the existing unit over a period of at least 12 successive months. The department obtains the approval of the dean or department head.

Should prices change to the extent that the choice of service provider will be affected before approval is granted, the cost has to be recalculated and resubmitted to the relevant environment.

The department provides confirmation of the approval in writing to CS. If they do not choose the least costly option, the Head: RCM, with the department head, will have to give his or her approval with reasons.

Ordering and Delivering of the copying machine

CS creates a memo for the installation of the new copying machine and directs this to the successful provider. (This document is used as the official SU “order”.)

The Director: Commercial Services gives approval for this “order” before it is despatched. The department informs CS as soon as the copying machine is delivered. The department informs CS of the serial number of the new copying machine to. The department provides the last meter reading of the old copying machine (if applicable). The department informs TAS if an existing card reader has to be disconnected and

connected to a new machine. The provider supplies the new hire contract to CS. A copy of the signed delivery note must accompany the contract.

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CS checks the contract, makes a copy to attach to the complete record of all relevant correspondence with regard to the issue, which has to be filed with CS, and sends the original contract to the Division for Legal Services for signing and finalisation.


A control sheet (as per attached example) to be checked by the Director: Commercial Services, which lists all processes chronologically, will be provided with each order as part of internal control.

All documentation is retained for the longest period of five years or for however long the copier remains on campus.

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Control sheet

Date of request/application _________________________ Serial numbers and dates of price lists _________________________ Date of calculations _________________________ Date of sending of calculations _________________________ Date of approval by applicant _________________________ Approval: date _________________________ Director: Commercial Services _________________________ Date of order _________________________ Date of delivery _________________________ Date of despatch of contract _________________________

6.5 Computers and printers An attempt is being made to standardise computers and printers at SU. Policy

A budget should be drawn up for all computers and printers and these should be requested per requisition for purchasing.

IT does continuous market and product research to keep track of technological developments. IT will determine and submit specifications to the Purchasing and Provision Services division for the purchasing of standardised computers and printers that will satisfy SU expectations and needs.

IT will provide technical support, maintain, deliver and set up the operation of the standardised computers and printers for users.

Standardised computers with a three-year supplier’s guarantee on components, as well as a three-year on-site guarantee for repairs on the NBD (next business day) principle will be purchased.

Upgrading of any standardised computer will be subject to obtaining the required components from the preferred provider who delivered the original computer, to meet the requirements of the three-year maintenance guarantee.

Details of standardised computers and printers will be published on the SU intranet and will be kept up to date for purposes of information and budgeting.

Prices will be updated and adjusted continuously by the Purchasing and Provision Services division.

A service level agreement will also be required from all preferred service providers selected for the provision of computers and printers.

Any deviation or request for a non-standard computer will be subject to motivation by the dean /department head, directed to the Senior Director: IT and his/her approval thereof.

The preferred provider for the supply of these non-standard computers will be selected by the Purchasing and Provision Services division.

Obsolete and outdated computers will be identified by IT and written off. Procedure

Identify and assemble a standard computer that satisfies your specific requirements and needs from components and configurations on the IT web page.

Give a clear indication of your choice of service provider and trade name. Create a budget with the specific configuration code of the computer as identified by you. Create a Requisition for Purchasing with the configuration code directed to the Purchasing

and Provision Services division. The Purchasing and Provision Services division will refer the Requisition for purchasing to

IT for internal approval and insertion of the details of the order on the IT HEAT system. After this, it will be referred to the Purchasing and Provision Services division for finalisation.

The computer will be delivered to IT for product evaluation.

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IT will execute the setup, attach the asset label, and make arrangements for delivering the computer directly to the applicant and for setting it up for use.

6.6 Furniture and equipment An attempt is being made to standardise general office furniture and equipment. Policy

A budget has to be drawn up for all office equipment and furniture and this also has to be requested by means of a Requisition for Purchasing.

The Purchasing and Provision Services division will determine specifications for standard office furniture and equipment in cooperation with the SU Division for Maintenance.

Examples of standardised office furniture and chairs can be viewed at the Purchasing and Provision Services division.

Service providers will visit each site from which a request for office furniture is made and will make a submission for the furniture that is required, within the standardised guidelines for office furniture (available at the Purchasing and Provision Services division).

Office furniture with an oak finish is supplied and is purpose-made for the particular environment; this therefore is not an off-the-shelf item and at least four weeks must be allowed for manufacture and delivery.

Office chairs (for the desk, visitors, operator and typist) are upholstered purpose-made steel frame chairs that require approximately three weeks for delivery.

In case of a deviation from the standardised office furniture and equipment, prior application, with reasons by the relevant dean or head, must be submitted to the Deputy Director: Purchasing and Provisioning Services.

Enquiries can be directed to the Division of Purchasing and Provision Services, tel. (021) 808 4506.

7. DELIVERY AND PAYMENT WITH REGARD TO GOODS AND SERVICES 7.1 No goods (capital or current) and services, excluding consumable articles with a unit value of

less than R1 000; may be obtained and/or paid for without an official SU order. 7.2 With the exception of some capital goods, all acquired goods and services are delivered directly

to the department or division, namely to the point of delivery indicated on the order form. 7.3 It is the duty of the department or division to check whether the delivered goods and services are

delivered correctly according to the quantity, price and quality indicated on the order form, and that the invoice is certified accordingly for payment. If a deviation is not acceptable, the department or division is responsible for the necessary return and crediting before the invoice is certified for payment.

7.4 Departments or divisions electronically (by computer) confirm the receipt of goods and then send

the invoice to the creditor’s section of the Division for Financial Services for payment. This procedure must be followed promptly and without delay by departments or divisions to avoid delay of payments, loss of discounts and disturbed relations between providers and the University.

7.5 No payment is made on receipt of a delivery note or a monthly statement. Only an invoice

certified by the official concerned is accepted as proof for payment. 7.6 A difference in price between the delivery invoice and an official order from the University with

regard to capital goods is not acceptable. These amounts usually involve fixed, quoted tender prices and there should not be any deviation or variation. Deviations or variations must first be cleared with the relevant buyer and confirmed before invoices can be certified for payment by the department or division concerned.

7.7 Replacement of capital goods and/or repairs to a capital item must not be undertaken before the

guarantee and/or maintenance contract has been discussed and cleared with the relevant buyer.

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Any department, division or person in the service of SU that does not comply with these procedures and this policy will be subjected to disciplinary action in terms of the SU’s Disciplinary Code.

8. GENERAL 8.1 Staff At the start of each year all staff members in the Purchasing and Provision Services division and

Provisioning Services will sign a confidentiality agreement regarding information about clients, as well as a declaration regarding conflict of interest. Such documents will be filed by the Purchasing and Provision Services division and Provisioning Services.

8.2 Inventory control

Inventory control counts must be done each month. Inventory control sheets must be completed in ink. Open spaces on inventory control sheets must be cancelled. Inventory control sheets must be initialled or signed by the individual doing the inventory

control. An independent review of, and congruence with, inventory records on the system must be

indicated by the signature of the person who did the independent review. The comparison of the physical inventory control with the inventory as indicated on the

system must be done by a person independent of the person who did the physical inventory count.

The person who compares the physical inventory count with the inventory as indicated on the system must draw up and sign a formal reconciliation and inventory count variance report.

The formal reconciliation and inventory count variance report must be submitted to the Deputy Director: Purchasing and Provisioning Services for control and approval.

Any deviation between the physical inventory count and the inventory on the system must be declared in the reconciliation and inventory count variance report.

If the Deputy Director: Purchasing and Provisioning Services is satisfied with the reasons for any surplus or deficit, the report will be sent through to the Senior Director Finance and Asset Management for approval.

If the Senior Director: Finance and Asset Management approves it, any deficit or surplus will be recorded.

The Division for Finance does an independent audit at the end of the year to establish whether the inventory count is congruent with the inventory on the system and to ensure that all surpluses and deficits are declared and recorded.

The Purchasing and Provision Services division will file all documentation.

8.3 Purchasing of goods

The person in charge of purchases of goods enters the order. The person’s line manager approves the order. The person in control of goods purchases enters the goods received onto the system

unless the goods received deviate from the goods ordered. In the latter case, the person’s line manager needs to handle goods received.

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8.4 SU Suppliers list All prospective suppliers must complete the official application form. The form must be returned

to the Department of Purchasing and Provision Services and all supporting documents requested in the application form must be annexed to the form. The application form will be examined and evaluated by the buyer, using Stellenbosch University’s (SU) evaluation criteria for new suppliers. When the buyer has satisfied him/herself that the application form complies with the evaluation criteria, the form will be presented to the Deputy Director: the Department of Purchasing and Provision Services for his/her approval. The application form including all supporting documents i.e. Kredit Inform report, approval report from the buyer and the HoD approval report, is sent to the Department of Financial Services. SU is under no obligation to place any supplier on the SU suppliers list.

All international requisitions/suppliers must be approved by the Department of Purchasing and

Provision Services. Any department/division or person in the employ of SU who fails to abide by these procedures and this policy will be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with the SU Disciplinary code.

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10. Organisational Codes: Policy on centres, bureaus and institutes (CBIs) Administrative procedures with regard to the ORGANISATIONAL UNIT (OU) structure Policy on centres, bureaus and institutes (CBIs) Approved by Senate on 27 November 2009 Approved by Council on 30 November 2009 1. DEFINITIONS

1.1. The collective name for academic organisational units that are not academic departments is “CBI” (Centre/Bureau/Institute).

1.2. A CBI is linked to a department, a faculty or institutionally to the University. 1.3. Terminology

1.3.1. A specific CBI is usually known as a centre, bureau or institute. 1.3.2. A CBI is free to choose which one of the three terms is used. The terms do not indicate

different kinds of CBIs. 1.3.3. A unit is not regarded as a discrete CBI. It can be situated within a department, but also be a

sub-section of a CBI. A unit may have an own cost center, but not an own OU code.


The motivation to establish a CBI usually includes the following: 2.1.1. An explanation of the ways in which the activities of the CBI are linked to a focus area or

specialisation in a department and/or subject field; 2.1.2. An explanation of why the CBI needs its own separate identity; 2.1.3. An indication of the interdisciplinary nature of the activities (in the case of a CBI type 2); 2.1.4. An indication of the viability and sustainability of the envisaged CBI.

2.2. CBI categories and features:

2.2.1. CBI (type 1) linked to an academic department a. A CBI (type 1) does not offer teaching programmes under its own auspices. A CBI (type

1) could be involved in teaching programmes, but supervision of the programmes is managed by the department to which the CBI is linked.

b. Staff of a CBI (type 1) is staff members of the department to which it is linked. c. The activities of a CBI (type 1) could include research, consultation, community

interaction and the presentation of short courses. d. A CBI (type 1) must have its own OU code, on the understanding that the time of FE

staff, publications and community interaction are shared by the department and the CBI. The information is kept and reported differentially (in the Fact Book) in order to enable performance evaluation of the CBIs. When departments are evaluated, the CBI is evaluated as part of the department and included in the calculation of the core statistics.

2.2.2 CBI (type 2) linked to a faculty a. A CBI (type 2) may be established if the activities of the CBI are interdisciplinary /

transdisciplinary in nature. b. The scope of the activities of a CBI (type 2) can include research, consultation,

community interaction and the presentation of short courses. c. A CBI (type 2) may present programmes under its own auspices, which leads to official

SU qualifications, on condition that i. there is already satisfactory evidence of the viability and sustainability of the CBI over

the longer term before the Senate gives permission for the CBI to present programmes which leads to official SU qualifications

ii. only postgraduate programmes can be presented under the auspices of a CBI (type 2);

d. A CBI (type 2) must have its own OU code;

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e. A CBI (type 2) functions in all respects like an academic department, including staffing, finances, reporting within a faculty, ways in which the CBI keeps and reports information, and external evaluation.

2.3. CBI regulations

2.3.1. All CBIs must draw up their own set of rules which make provision for: a. an explanation of the reasons for, and aims of, the CBI; b. a governing body and an outline of its composition, appointment and duties; c. a management committee and an outline of its composition, appointment and duties; d. a director and an outline of the appointment, powers and duties of the director.

2.3.2. The CBI rules may make provision for an executive committee for the specific CBI. This is a sub-committee of the management committee.

2.3.3. The rules of the CBI are submitted to the APC (after they have been accepted by the faculty board) for recommendation to the Senate.

2.3.4. A CBI is formally constituted once the Council approves the rules of the CBI at the recommendation of the Senate.

2.4. Trademark

2.4.1. The trademark of the CBI must satisfy the requirements of the University’s corporate policy. 2.4.2. All material for liaison outside the University and all publicity material must satisfy the

requirements of the University’s corporate policy (letterheads, business cards, advertisem*nts, websites, etc.).

2.5. Finances 2.5.1. The following provisions apply to a CBI (type 1):

a. The CBI budget forms part of the department’s and/or the faculty’s budgetary and reporting processes;

b. The governing body must agree on an annual budget or business plan with the departmental chair and/or the dean;

c. The governing body reports annually on actual income and expenditure in relation to the budget.

2.5.2 For a CBI (type 2) the normal provisions for academic departments apply. 2.5.3 All financial transactions of CBIs (type 1 and type 2) are subject to the University’s financial

policy (regardless of the source of the funds). 2.6 Human resources

2.6.1 A CBI (type 1) should follow 2.2.1 (b) above. 2.6.2 The University’s current arrangements regarding human resource management are

applicable (including recruitment, appointments, performance evaluation). 2.6.3 The director of a CBI must be an employee of the University (permanent full-time or

permanent part-time). 2.6.4 Permission to do outside work is subject to the current University policy in this regard.

2.7 Contracts 2.7.1 Any contracts to be concluded where there may be a potential conflict of interest between the

CBI and the party with whom the contract is concluded must be declared to the governing body in advance.

2.7.2 When contracts are concluded by CBI’s, all standing SU procedures with regards to contracts, specifically also the stipulations of the SU financial policy, must be complied with.

a. The policy regarding Contract Research Management applies to research and research related contracts.

b. All other contracts must be cleared by the SU Division of Legal Services before submitting it for approval to the authorised line manager or committee.

2.8 CBI register 2.8.1 A central register is kept of CBIs and their regulations. 2.8.2 The register and rules are made available on the staff portal. 2.8.3 The University’s full and updated list of CBIs is published annually in the Fact Book. The

information is also available on the University’s OU structure, updated on a regular basis. 2.8.4 Departments are responsible for updating the information on the department’s CBIs (type 1)

in Part I of the Calendar. 2.8.5 CBIs (type 2) are responsible for updating the information on the CBI in Part I of the Calendar.

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Administrative procedures with regard to the ORGANISATIONAL UNIT (OU) structure Definition: All business units of the University are organised hierarchically into Organisational Units. Each Organisational Unit (OU) is allocated a 4-figure code, along with a short description of the OU. The OU structure also forms the basis for reporting channels within the University. Specifications: The policy contains guidelines regarding the maintenance of the Organisational Unit structure of the University. Contents: 1. Incorporating an environment into the University’s structure 2. Maintenance of the structure 2.1 Mergers 2.2 Mergers: Transfer of accompanying transactions 2.3 Movement of environments between faculties 2.4 Dissolution: Accommodation of subjects and modules when an environment is dissolved 2.5 Cross-cutting environments 2.6 Official dates regarding unbundling, mergers and shifts 3. Format of the structure 4. Outside entities 5. Maintenance of the structure 1. Incorporating an environment into the University’s structure All officially approved environments must be incorporated into the OU structure of the

University. New environments must be approved by the Rector’s Management Team or the US Council before they can be incorporated into the OU structure.

Institutes, centres, bureaus and units must have a valid set of rules as approved by the US

Council. The OU structure will be circulated annually to deans and the responsible heads of centres, which must ensure that all environments are incorporated into the structure. If an environment is dormant, this must be indicated as such so that the OU may be closed.

2. Maintenance of the structure 2.1 Mergers

When official approval has been granted for two environments to merge within the structure of the University, a new OU is created for the merged environments for use from 1 January of the following year. The existing OUs are closed once all the accompanying transactions have been finalised by all the environments concerned.

2.2 Mergers: Transfer of accompanying transactions A checklist has been compiled according to which the environments must process

accompanying transactions. (Refer to the attached checklist). The transfer of related transactions must be done by the environment heads, faculty managers and faculty secretaries concerned to finalise the information for the respective environments that are merging within two months.

2.3 Movement of environments between faculties When official approval has been given for an academic environment to shift from one

faculty to another, the faculty manager / faculty secretary must give an indication to the Student Records division which undergraduate modules and main postgraduate study fields / sub-modules must shift and whereto. It is very important that undergraduate

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modules and the main postgraduate study fields / sub-modules be shifted to the correct environment, so that the accompanying student fees transactions and registrations may be correctly transferred. An official date for the shift must be determined and communicated by the Senate /US Council.

2.4 Dissolution: Accommodation of undergraduate modules and main postgraduate

study fields / sub-modules of academic environments that are dissolved If an academic environment is officially dissolved and undergraduate modules and main

postgraduate study fields / sub-modules are linked to the environment concerned, a new academic OU may be created, directly linked to the dean’s division, to accommodate the particular undergraduate modules and main postgraduate study fields / sub-modules concerned. Undergraduate modules and / or main postgraduate study fields / sub-modules can be linked only to an academic department. An official date of dissolution must be determined and communicated by the Senate /US Council.

2.5 Cross-cutting environments across faculty or Responsibility Centre (RC)’s boundaries

No structures can accommodate cross-cutting environments across faculty or RC

boundaries. For example, Geology, Geography and Environmental Studies, which report respectively to the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences and the Faculty of Natural Sciences. At present there are 2 OU codes within the structures, viz. Geology (OU0704), which reports to the Faculty of Natural Sciences, and Geography and Environmental Studies (OU0580), which reports to the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. The status quo within the OU structure is thus maintained.

2.6 Closing date When environments merge, dissolve or shift, an official date must be determined and

communicated by the Rector’s Management Team or Faculty Board / Senate / US Council. The environment concerned is maintained until all transactions have been finalised according to the checklist, after which the environment is closed according to a system date. The system date is thus the date on which the OU is closed on the system after the checklist has been completed. This date may thus differ from the official closing date of the environment.

3. Format of the structure All business units of the University are organised hierarchically into Organisational Units. The

number of levels within the structure is purely needs driven. For example, the Faculty of Engineering has 3 levels, viz. the Faculty to which departments are attached and then the centres/institutes. The Faculty of Health Sciences has 4 levels, viz. the Faculty to which a department with an executive head is attached, then disciplines/divisions with a discipline head, and then the centres/units.

4. Outside entities Outside entities (e.g. WAT, USD-ED, and ASNAPP) report to the respective operational head.

The status quo is thus maintained. 5. Maintenance of the structures The Senior Director: Finances and Asset Management maintains the OU code structure and

proposes changes after consultation with the affected environments, e.g. Human Resources, Finances, Faculties, etc. OU structure adjustments are evaluated by the Finances committee and then recommended to the Rector’s Management Team. All changes must be supported with a documented motivation.

Contact Division Financial and Management Systems

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OU CHECKLIST for use during merger or dissolution of an Organisational Unit

Division responsible Aspect Action Person responsible Date of finalisation

Faculty Central Computer System All users of the Central Computer System must be made inactive if they leave US employment or are transferred to the new environment, if a merger takes place. Contact division: Financial and Management Systems

Faculty Manager/ Environment Head

Cost center: FFB184P (CC summary) FFB280P (CC summary per OU)

All active cost centers of the environment must close or be transferred to the new environment. If the cost center is closed, the balance of the cost center must be zero. The balance of the cost center must be transferred to another cost center. Refer to the financial policy regarding the closing of cost centers. Contact division: Financial and Management Systems

Faculty Manager/ Environment Head

Duties: EAS656P (Duty summary)

All outstanding obligations must be followed up and finalised. Contact division: Financial and Management Systems

Faculty Manager/ Environment Head

Outstanding debtors: FDB610B (Outstanding debt per OU)

All outstanding debtors must be finalised. Contact division: Debtors

Faculty Manager/ Environment Head

Asset register: EBR001P (Assets per venue)

Inform Funds Management which venues are no longer the responsibility of the environment so that they can be made inactive. Create new venues, if necessary. Contact division: Funds Management

Faculty Manager/ Environment Head

Undergraduate modules and main postgraduate study fields / sub-modules

Inform Student Records if undergraduate modules and main postgraduate study fields / sub-modules must be shifted.

Faculty Manager/ Environment Head

Finances Central Computer System Make log-on codes on the Central Computer System inactive or shift them

to the new environment. Financial and Management System

Cost centers Close all cost centers or shift them to the new environment. Financial and Management System

Outstanding debtors Check that all outstanding debtors have been finalised. Financial and Management System

Asset register Make “OU code, building, venue, responsible person combinations” inactive and create new combinations, if necessary.

Fund Management

Student Records Shift undergraduate modules and main postgraduate study fields / sub-

modules, if necessary.

Human Resources Shift appointments and close posts, if necessary.

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11. Policy on the naming of buildings, venues and other facilities/premises As approved at the Council meeting of 13 September 2010 1. INTRODUCTION

The naming of university property in honour of people, companies, foundations etc. that have significantly contributed to the university, the country, humanity or a field of study, whether in monetary terms or otherwise, is a worldwide phenomenon. Some names are given spontaneously, as is frequently the case with student accommodation. The nature and range of facilities that can be named are widely divergent and include buildings, lecture halls, seminar rooms, laboratories, council chambers, foyers, sport grounds, streets, pavilions and entrances. A policy should not be needlessly limiting and prescriptive. It is impossible to make provision for all possible cases and contexts – particularly those that lie in the future. The names of buildings, venues and other facilities/premises can only be changed or named after someone if the guidelines in this policy are followed.


This policy makes provision for:

a set of general guidelines that can serve as a broad framework for decision making regarding the granting of naming rights;

community participation where buildings, venues and other facilities/premises will be named after someone (where possible and appropriate);

the recognition that names of buildings, venues and other facilities/premises could be reviewed in exceptional circ*mstances, such as on the strength of planned moves, refurbishment and upgrading of facilities to house other departments in terms of the Basis Master Plan;

obtaining expert input; and

the appointment of a Committee for the Naming of Buildings, Venues and Other Facilities/Premises to advise the Rector’s Management Team (RMT).


3.1 Stellenbosch University (SU) is part of a larger community. In particular, naming a building, after someone should be deemed an act that impact on the community at large.

3.2 Naming buildings, venues and other facilities/premises after someone should always be

done with the assumption that the name will be timeless, as far as possible. This implies that after a reasonable period of say 10 years all names will still have meaning and that the decision will still be meaningful and justifiable.

3.3 Transformation initiatives should not be restricted by the policy. 3.4 Buildings should as far as possible have descriptive or functional names in order to

facilitate directions, e.g. Natural Sciences Building. 3.5 Naming buildings, venues and other facilities/premises after persons, entails a particular

risk and should be handled circ*mspectly. 3.6 Naming buildings, venues and other facilities/premises after companies or commercial

products should also be handled circ*mspectly so that its use does not create reputation or image risks for SU.

3.7 If the building is named after a person, company or product, the name of the building

typically will consist of a primary portion (named after someone) and an accompanying secondary portion (indicating utilisation of the facility).

3.8 If a proposal is made to name a building after a specific person, that person’s life, work

and/or activities had to have been such that they emphasise the core values of SU.

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3.9 Buildings, venues and other facilities/premises may be named after companies, businesses or products if their activities and/or history are not in conflict with the core values and vision of SU. When buildings or facilities are named after businesses, the context in which the names of the businesses are used in public must be taken into account. If, for example, the name of a business after which a building or facility has been named changes, the name of the building or facility does not change unless it is decided so by the RMT.

3.10 Every request or proposal for naming must be evaluated on merit and not only on the

grounds of the financial contribution had meeting had a specific predetermined need. 3.11 When donors make donations/sponsorships to SU, naming the building or facility after the

relevant donor will only be considered if the donation/sponsorship:

3.11.1 in the case of a new building or facility, contributes to at least 50% of the cost of the erection of the building or facility. Naming a new building or facility after a donor/sponsor in cases where a large part of the costs are subsidised by government will be handled per specific case, but the size of the donor/sponsor’s contribution will still be a deciding factor; and

3.11.2 in the case of the extension or major refurbishment of a building or facility,

equals at least 50% of the cost of the relevant refurbishment. When determining the level of the contribution to justify naming the building or facility after someone, it should be kept in mind that extension and/or refurbishment usually cost less than erecting a new facility.

3.12 The names of buildings, venues and other facilities/premises can only be changed if the

operational procedure that arises from the policy is followed. 3.13 Naming means following a complete consultation route. 3.14 If there is a need to change the wording of an existing plaque in the foyer of a building or

to put up a new plaque, the relevant wording should be limited as far as possible to the history and/or use of the building and not contain wording that may be offensive to any person/group. The wording may also not be of such a nature as to amount to blatant promotion or marketing.

3.15 The explicit condition is that SU reserves the right to reconsider at any time the names of

any SU buildings, venues and other facilities/premises, and that, after 10 years from the date of naming a specific building, the name of that building should be reconsidered.

3.16 Names are displayed in Afrikaans, English and isiXhosa, as far as practically possible. 3.17 A complete operational procedure must be developed, and be approved by the RMT, for

the application of the Policy. 3.18 A knowledgeable committee is appointed by the RMT to advise them on naming. This

committee has the right of co-optation of specialists, as needed and on a case by case basis, such as historians, lawyers and representatives from the broader community.

3.19 The power of disposal for the naming of venues, foyers, lecture halls, seminar rooms,

sport grounds, etc be delegated to the Rector, but that power of disposal for naming of buildings be delegated to the Executive Committee of Council.

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Scope: This policy sets out the process that has to be followed in order to obtain approval for setting up a legal entity or a trust in which Stellenbosch University (SU) has an interest or in which SU is involved in any way, as well as guidelines for the information that must be provided in order for the request to be considered. Policy: Process: All requests for setting up a legal entity or a trust in which SU has an interest or in which SU is involved in any way shall be addressed to the Director: Financial Planning and Asset Management, in the format as prescribed below. The request shall then be submitted to the Finance Committee for consideration and recommendation to the Rector’s Management Team (RMT). Format and information: All applications shall be in a format that typically would cover the following elements: 1. The name of the legal entity/trust concerned and the reason for choosing this name. 2. A short executive summary that explains the following:

The motivation for setting up the legal entity/trust.

The way in which this legal entity/trust will promote the five-point vision statement and strategic priorities and objectives of the University.

The person(s) responsible for the financial bookkeeping of the legal entity/trust.

The reasons why the specific type of entity is preferred. 3. A thorough viability study that focuses on:

market realities

relevant technology (if necessary)

financial viability (which must be supported, by way of addenda, with statements of projected income streams and expenditure)

4. A business plan with measurable objectives, and allocated responsibilities/ accountabilities that clearly

indicate how the proposed legal entity/trust will be managed. 5. An indication of the key risks to which the legal entity/trust concerned will be exposed, with the

accompanying responsibility for governance in terms of which these risks will be addressed. 6. Regarding policy:

The Financial Policy, the policies of the Division: Human Resources, the Research Policy, the Policy on Intellectual Property and any other appropriate SU policies shall be complied with.

SU’s policies shall be applicable to the legal entity/trust.

The Finance Committee shall decide whether the request will be recommended to the RMT for final approval. No legal entity/trust in which SU has an interest or in which SU is involved may be established without the RMT’s approval. Contact division: Financial Services

FINANCIAL POLICY Approved US Council: 04 May 2009 Updated: 2012/10/10

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