The Commercial Appeal from Memphis, Tennessee (2024)

THE COMMERCIAL APPEAL, MEMPHIS, SUNDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 10, 1944 SECTION 5 Takes Bride Mr. and Mrs. Russell Freeman were married Aug. 18 at the First Baptist Church here. The bride is the former Dorothy Gossett, daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. Ira Gossett of Dyer, Tenn. Dorothy Gossett Is August Bride Mr. and Mrs. Ira Gossett of Dyer, announce the marriage of their daughter, Dorothy Gossett, to Russell Freeman of Memphis, son of Mr.

and Mrs. John N. Freeman of Fulton, which was solemnized here Aug. 18 at the First Baptist Church, with the Rev. A.

U. Boone officiating. Mrs. Clifton Gurley was the bride's matron of honor and only attendant. Mr.

Gurley attended Mr. Freeman as best man. The couple are now making their home at 385 Edith. Salon Circle To Open Fall Session Tomorrow Salon Circle will hold its first Fall board meeting at 10:30 tomorrow morning in the Blue Room at the Claridge. Mrs.

Irwin Hollander, president, will conduct the meeting, which will be devoted to a discussion on of the program for the 1944-45 season. Guaranteed Permanents Don Juan MILLION DOLLAR STAYS ON! 4 Beauty Extras 1. DON JUAN STAYS ON when you eat, drink, kiss, as directed. No greasy, 'smeary effect. 2, LIPS LOOK LOVELY without frequent retouching.

Try today 3. NOT DRYING OR SMEARY. Imparts appealing "glamour" look. Creamy smooth- casily applied. 4.

STYLE SHADES. Try Military Red, rich, glowing, admired by beauty editors. 6 other shades. De luxe size $1. Refills 60c.

Junior size 25c. Tax extra. Matching powder and touge. Trial sizes at 10c stores. SPECIALS FOR TUES.

and WED.Ask About Our COLD WAVE PERMANENT STEAM They're OIL Wonderful CROQUIGNOLE $200 BEAUTY SHOP 5 NORTH MAIN -Upstairs to Lower Prices--PHONE 8-9838 Seri Finest Baer Furriers" Proof of Baer's Value Giving Supremacy Finest Quality Genuine Pre-Slumber RUSSIAN MARMINK COATS Federal Included Tax $249 finest, softest, supple quality RusHere are the very Coats Hollander dyed and blended. sian Marmot these garments at the lowest Yet Baer's gives you All other Baer fur garments have price and value. Shop Baer's for the in Memphis. this typical quality best in furs. small deposit reserves your selection.

A Budget terms arranged. South Navy Mothers Plan Party Birthday Of Founder To Be Occasion For Event Wednesday MidSouth Navy, Mothers Club will observe birthday anniversary of the founder, Mrs. Emma Jones of McAllen, Texas, at 8 luncheon at 12:30 Wednesday in the Louis XVI Room at the Peabody. The invocation will be Chaplain C. J.

Novick, Naval Air Technical Training Center. and the benediction by Mrs. Walter Raggett, club chaplain, Mrs. J. D.

Lamar, general chairman, will introduce the club commander, Mrs. W. C. Scarbrough, who will speak on the purchase of bonds to be sent to the national treasurer relief of Navy men war. Mrs.

Clint Mobley Sr. will introduce Lieut. R. M. Reise, N.

A. T. T. C. welfare officer, who will discuss his work at the Navy base, and Lieut.

J. A. Lauder of Naval Hospital at Millington, who will speak on "Rehabilitation." Lieut. A. D.

Berry and Chief J. E. Summers of N. A. T.

T. C. will be guests. Mrs. Clint Mobley Jr.

will. be heard in group of songs with Mrs. M. E. Hinds at the piano and will lead in the group singing of "Anchors Mrs.

J. W. Cauthen has charge of the decoration of the table which will be in the form of an anchor, using the club colors, blue and gold, yellow roses to form the centerpiece and blue and gold tapers burning in crystal holders. Anchors will adorn the yellow and blue place cards. At the head of the table will be a candlelit birthday cake, which will be sent to the Naval Hospital after luncheon.

Guests will be greeted by Mrs. W. E. Napier and Mrs. H.

A. Parker, matrons at arms, assisted by the officers. of Mrs. publicity. L.

E. Roberts has charge Mrs. M. A. Bramblett and Mrs.

S. W. Argubright are in charge of the luncheon reservations. Lucretia Tiffany To Present Report Credit Women's Breakfast Club Meets Tuesday Miss Lucretia Tiffany, second vice president of the Dixie Council of Credit Women, will present a report on the recent convention in Nashville, at the dinner meeting of the local Credit Women's Breakfast Club at 6:30 Tuesday evening at the Gayoso. The prize for excellence awarded to "The Cotton Boll," bulletin published by the local group, will be presented.

"Notes on the Convention" will be presented by Mrs. Ruth Brouse, first vice president of the Tennessee Federation of Credit Women, and member of the local group. A travelog motion picture is a feature arranged for the meeting by Mrs. Evadne James. Mrs.

Manis J. Smith will preside, Group leaders, with Miss Marguerite Pierce as chairman, will serve as hostesses. Ripley Special to The Commercial Appeal RIPLEY, Sept. W. G.

Thompson and Mrs. E. L. Figg entertained for Mrs. Gwinn with dessert bridge Thursday in the home of Mrs.

Thompson. Out-of-town guests were Mrs. Preston Caldwell, Fort Pillow: John F. Crutcher, Henning; Mrs. Harvey Hendricks, Mrs.

Herman Howard, Covington, and Mrs. Butler Oliver, Dyersburg. Billie Harlan will leave Sunday for Belhaven College, Jackson, Martha Lou Wyatt will go Sunday to Brenau College, Gainesville, Martha Nell Morris also goes to Brenau College; Mary Beth Wilford will attend Huntingdon, Montgomery, and Kathrine Montague goes to Vanderbilt, Nashville; Martha Ann Bickers Evelyn Woodard will leave Sunday for Athens College, A Ala. The Tuesday Bridge Club, Mrs. Tollie Cheek and Mrs.

Sammie Beaird were guests of Mrs. W. A. Greenlee Tuesday evening. Bridge was played at two tables.

Lieut. and Mrs. Robert L. Mays entertained with alfresco steak fry in the garden of Mrs. William Tucker III's home on Lake Drive Friday evening.

Miss Mickey McGuire, visitor of Mrs. Hal Winfrey, was a guest. T'hompson-Dupuy Vows Pledged At Marianna Special to The Commercial Appeal MARIANNA, Sept. and Mrs. Lee Irwin Dupuy announce the marriage of their daughter, Mildred Jeanne Dupuy, to Lushen Edward Thompson, a son of Mrs.

Marjorie Thompson of Earle, Aug. 26, at St. Andrew's Episcopal Church in Marianna with the Rev. C. C.

Burke reading the ceremony, Miss Penny Hardaway and Jack Gary were the only attendants. Mrs. Thompson is a graduate of the Marianna High School and Mr. Thompson a graduate of the Earle High School. He is with the United States Engineers at Memphis.

Married Engagement Announced Announcement of the engagement of Miss Martha Kathryn Dunahoo to Dr. Jean Parks Overcash, son of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Guy Overcash of Kannapolis, N. has been announced by her parents, Mr.

and Mrs. Thomas Bolton Dunahoo of Jackson, Tenn. Plans for the wedding in the Fall will be made known later. Miss Martha Kathryn Dunahoo Makes Plans For Wedding Will Become Bride Of Dr. Jean Parks Overcash On Sept.

24 In Jackson Church Ceremony Special to The Commercial Appeal JACKSON, Sept. Martha Kathryn Dunahoo, whose engagement to Dr. Jean Parks Overcash was announced recently by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bolton Dunahoo, is today making known her plans for the nuptials.

The will be solemnized at 4 o'clock on the afternoon of 24 wedding, Lambuth Memorial Methodist Church, with the Rev. Sept. C. H. Rayl officiating.

Miss Dunahoo, who will be given in marriage by her father, has chosen her cousin, Miss Louise' Womack of Booneville, as her maid of honor and only attendant. Kenneth Wyatt of Jackson will attend Dr. Overcash as best man, while James M. Epps and Ben P. Hazelwood will serve as groomsmen.

A program of music will be given with Mrs. Hunter Woods, pianist, and Mrs. Tury Oman, soloist. DeMolay Observes Anniversary The Andrew Jackson Chapter, Order of DeMolay, celebrated the 17th anniversary of its founding with a dance Friday night at the Cadet Club. Miss Carla Maddox, chapter sweetheart, was the honor guest and entertainede members of the chapter dates with an intermission party at her home.

In spite of the rain which forced the planned al fresco party indoors, members of the Country enjoyed a gala Labor Day dinner dance. The party marked the final celebration of the younger set before they scatter to different colleges and schools. Another Labor Day feature was the horse show sponsored by the Jackson Riding Club which took place at the Fairgrounds. Gail Murray, Peggy Powell and May Snowden, who are visiting their Ogontz classmates, Tucky Johnston and Celeste Tarbet, were widely entertained during their stay. Besides luncheons and dinners with Martha Crook, Katherine Bond, Stella White, Patrica Prichard and Ellen Eagle, they were the guests of Mr.

and Mrs. Carl Vineyard at the Country Club Labor Day dinners. On Tuesday the visitors and their hostesses left for Memphis where the house party continued at the home of May Snowden. Rush Parties Scheduled The Sigma Phi Omega Fraternity planned a series of rush parties this week. Opening with a picnic at Rainbow Canyon on Monday and continuing with an open house at the home of Cynthia Little, chapter sweetheart, and a dance at the chapter room on Thursday, the parties closed with a stag dinner at St.

Luke's Parish House on Friday. The boys accepting bids to the chapter will be pledged at the regular Sunday meeting. Hewitt Tomlin Jr. has been visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Hewitt Tomlin, between semesters at Vanderbilt where he is student. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Caldwell and their daughters have returned after spending several months in Michigan. Sorority Plans Party For Gailor Hall Boys Alpha Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi Sorority has planned a wiener roast this afternoon for the boys at Gailor Hall.

The roast will begin at 3 o'clock on the back lawn of the Hall. will enjoy games with memLater in the afternoon the boys bers and prizes will be awarded. Miss Wilma May Hall, sorority president, is in charge. For Photographic Copies and Reproductions See BINGHAM'S STUDIO 111 Madison Ave. 5-1402 BUY WAR BONDS WIll your DIAMOND keep its promise to her? One of the nice things about a diamond is that it doesn't change.

Its brilliance and beauty will remain all through the years just as it is today. That's why it is so important that you choose carefully because her pride and pleasure depend so much on the quality of the diamond you select. If you are planning on buying a diemond, drop in for a talk with us. We'll be glad to give you the facts and help you in every way we can. ILLUSTRATED: No.

21827, brilliant blue-white diamond set in Brodnar engagement ring with two cut diamonds, $465. No. 3997, matching wedding ring with seven diamonds, $135. Prices include Federal Tax. Pay on Brodnax' Deferred Payment Plan GEO.

I. BRO AX, INC. Registered Jeweler. American Gem Society MAIN AT MONROE-MEMPHIS Attend Le Charity Horse Show Fairgrounds Beginning Sept. 13 Garden Club Plans Season Flora Group To Gather At W.

K. Tomes Home On Wednesday Flora Garden Club will hold its first Fall meeting at 11 Wednesday morning at the home of Mrs. Walter K. Tomes, 1510 Vollintine. Mrs.

Charles Warnhoff will be cohostess assisting Mrs. Tomes in serving luncheon at 12:30 following the business session. A Mexican motif will be used in the center decoration of the ble which will be used as an illustration of the talk by Mrs. Edward Toulon. Mexican design will be followed by members in the flower arrangements.

Mrs. J. F. Duthie will conduct the meeting. Plans will be made for participation in the Fall Harvest Festival.

Mrs. H. C. Stroupe and Mrs. S.

J. McNiel have arranged a symposium on "Summer Experiences" in which all the members have been invited to participate. A prize will be awarded to the member relating the most unusual ex ferience. Mis. G.

W. Scheibler, guest speaker, will discuss "Gardening in Bible Times and Today." King's Daughters Plan Meeting And Lunch Friendship Circle of The King's Daughters will meet at 10 tomorrow morning at the home of Mrs. Albert Wolff, 272 Windover Road. Mrs. Eugene Lott will be assisting hostess for the informal luncheon which will follow the business session.

Mrs. D. C. Statler will preside over the meeting, and Mrs. Carol Fourmy will conduct the devotions.

Arnold-Rust Mr. and Mrs. Nevins Arnold of McKenzie, announce the enan gagement of their daughter, Dorothy Rust Lee Arnold, to Lieut. Theron of the Army Air Forces. The wedding will take place Sept.

16, at Maxwell Field, where the bridegroom is taking Student Officer Training. Miss Arnold received her education in the McKenzie schools. Lieutenant Rust also attended the Engagements McKenzie schools, was a student at Draughon's Business College in Nashville, and was senior at Bethel College when he entered the service in April 1943. He is the son of Mrs. W.

M. Rust of McKenzie. LOTTIE'S BEAUTY SHOPPE Cold Featuring New $7.50 At Our New Location 1068 Oakview-Phone 36-4188 TICKETS NOW ON SALE WORDS AND MUSIC, 152 Madison- -Phone 5-3245 All Reserved Seats $1.65, Tax Inc. General Admission 60c, Tax Inc. No Reservations Held After Sept.

12 Le Bonheur Charity HORSE SHOW FAIRGROUNDS Mat. 2 P.M.-Nite 8 P.M. Sun. Sept. 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 3 MATINEES Sat.

5 NIGHTS PERFORMANCES SEE America's Finest Horse Show Featuring The Champions of the Nation The This Space Contributed 1 Co. By Bottling 8990 to 17500 Including Tax CafE Lovelier even than last year's fabulous Tuxedos are these new models holding first place in fashion's limelight. They are broad-shouldered to give you that sleek, slim look--they are in dashing colors, dyed as only the very finest, purest wools can be dyedthey are richly furred with heaps of shimmering, deftly handled furs adorning the collars, front and cuffs. For your very best coat for this year--next year and the next, by all means consider the Furred Cuff- Tuxedo from Landres' outstanding display. Landres 88 SOUTH MAIN STREET QUALITY STORE SINCE 1918.

The Commercial Appeal from Memphis, Tennessee (2024)
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